15 research outputs found


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Finite subtraction games in more than one dimension

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    We study two-player impartial vector subtraction games (on tuples of nonnegative integers) with finite rulesets, and solve all two-move games. Through multiple computer visualizations of outcomes of two-dimensional rulesets, we observe that they tend to partition the game board into periodic mosaics on very few regions/segments, which can depend on the number of moves in a ruleset. For example, we have found a five-move ruleset with an outcome segmentation into six semi-infinite slices. We prove that games in two dimensions are row/column eventually periodic. Several regularity conjectures are provided. Through visualizations of some rulesets, we pose open problems on the generic hardness of games in two dimensions.Comment: 38 page

    When are translations of P-positions of Wythoff's game P-positions?

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    We study the problem whether there exist variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game whose \P-positions, except for a finite number, are obtained from those of {\sc Wythoff}'s game by adding a constant kk to each \P-position. We solve this question by introducing a class \{\W_k\}_{k \geq 0} of variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game in which, for any fixed k0k \geq 0, the \P-positions of \W_k form the set {(i,i)0i<k}{(ϕn+k,ϕ2n+k)n0}\{(i,i) | 0 \leq i < k\}\cup \{(\lfloor \phi n \rfloor + k, \lfloor \phi^2 n \rfloor + k) | n\ge 0\}, where ϕ\phi is the golden ratio. We then analyze a class \{\T_k\}_{k \geq 0} of variants of {\sc Wythoff}'s game whose members share the same \P-positions set {(0,0)}{(ϕn+1,ϕ2n+1)n0}\{(0,0)\}\cup \{(\lfloor \phi n \rfloor + 1, \lfloor \phi^2 n \rfloor + 1) | n \geq 0 \}. We establish several results for the Sprague-Grundy function of these two families. On the way we exhibit a family of games with different rule sets that share the same set of \P-positions

    How far can Nim in disguise be stretched?

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    A move in the game of nim consists of taking any positive number of tokens from a single pile. Suppose we add the class of moves of taking a nonnegative number of tokens jointly from all the piles. We give a complete answer to the question which moves in the class can be adjoined without changing the winning strategy of nim. The results apply to other combinatorial games with unbounded Sprague-Grundy function values. We formulate two weakened conditions of the notion of nim-sum 0 for proving the results.Comment: To appear in J. Combinatorial Theory (A