868,638 research outputs found

    NASA System-Level Design, Analysis and Simulation Tools Research on NextGen

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    A review of the research accomplished in 2009 in the System-Level Design, Analysis and Simulation Tools (SLDAST) of the NASA's Airspace Systems Program is presented. This research thrust focuses on the integrated system-level assessment of component level innovations, concepts and technologies of the Next Generation Air Traffic System (NextGen) under research in the ASP program to enable the development of revolutionary improvements and modernization of the National Airspace System. The review includes the accomplishments on baseline research and the advancements on design studies and system-level assessment, including the cluster analysis as an annualization standard of the air traffic in the U.S. National Airspace, and the ACES-Air MIDAS integration for human-in-the-loop analyzes within the NAS air traffic simulation

    Path programmable logic: A structured design method for digital and/or mixed analog integrated circuits

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    The design of Integrated Circuits has evolved past the black art practiced by a few semiconductor companies to a world wide community of users. This was basically accomplished by the development of computer aided design tools which were made available to this community. As the tools matured into different components of the design task they were accepted into the community at large. However, the next step in this evolution is being ignored by the large tool vendors hindering the continuation of this process. With system level definition and simulation through the logic specification well understood, why is the physical generation so blatantly ignored. This portion of the development is still treated as an isolated task with information being passed from the designer to the layout function. Some form of result given back but it severely lacks full definition of what has transpired. The level of integration in I.C.'s for tomorrow, whether through new processes or applications will require higher speeds, increased transistor density, and non-digital performance which can only be achieved through attention to the physical implementation

    Cellular model system to dissect the isoform-selectivity of Akt inhibitors

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    The protein kinase Akt plays a pivotal role in cellular processes. However, its isoforms’ distinct functions have not been resolved to date, mainly due to the lack of suitable biochemical and cellular tools. Against this background, we present the development of an isoform-dependent Ba/F3 model system to translate biochemical results on isoform specificity to the cellular level. Our cellular model system complemented by protein X-ray crystallography and structure-based ligand design results in covalent-allosteric Akt inhibitors with unique selectivity profiles. In a first proof-of-concept, the developed molecules allow studies on isoform-selective effects of Akt inhibition in cancer cells. Thus, this study will pave the way to resolve isoform-selective roles in health and disease and foster the development of next-generation therapeutics with superior on-target properties

    Complex responses to movement-based disease control: when livestock trading helps

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    Livestock disease controls are often linked to movements between farms, for example, via quarantine and pre- or post-movement testing. Designing effective controls, therefore, benefits from accurate assessment of herd-to-herd transmission. Household models of human infections make use of R*, the number of groups infected by an initial infected group, which is a metapopulation level analogue of the basic reproduction number R0 that provides a better characterization of disease spread in a metapopulation. However, existing approaches to calculate R* do not account for individual movements between locations which means we lack suitable tools for livestock systems. We address this gap using next-generation matrix approaches to capture movements explicitly and introduce novel tools to calculate R* in any populations coupled by individual movements. We show that depletion of infectives in the source group, which hastens its recovery, is a phenomenon with important implications for design and efficacy of movement-based controls. Underpinning our results is the observation that R* peaks at intermediate livestock movement rates. Consequently, under movement-based controls, infection could be controlled at high movement rates but persist at intermediate rates. Thus, once control schemes are present in a livestock system, a reduction in movements can counterintuitively lead to increased disease prevalence. We illustrate our results using four important livestock diseases (bovine viral diarrhoea, bovine herpes virus, Johne's disease and Escherichia coli O157) that each persist across different movement rate ranges with the consequence that a change in livestock movements could help control one disease, but exacerbate another

    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) of System-on-Package (SOP)

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    Electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues are expected to be crucial for next-generation system-on-package (SOP) integrated high-performance digital LSIs and for radio frequency (RF) and analog circuits. Ordinarily in SOPs, high-performance digital LSIs are sources of EMI, while RF and analog circuits are affected by EMI (victims). This paper describes the following aspects of EMI in SOPs: 1) die/package-level EMI; 2) substrate-level EMI; 3) electromagnetic modeling and simulation; and 4) near electromagnetic field measurement. First, LSI designs are discussed with regard to radiated emission. The signal-return path loop and switching current in the power/ground line are inherent sources of EMI. The EMI of substrate, which work as coupling paths or unwanted antennas, is described. Maintaining the return current path is an important aspect of substrate design for suppressing EMI and for maintaining signal integrity (SI). In addition, isolating and suppressing the resonance of the DC power bus in a substrate is another important design aspect for EMI and for power integrity (PI). Various electromagnetic simulation methodologies are introduced as indispensable design tools for achieving high-performance SOPs without EMI problems. Measurement techniques for near electric and magnetic fields are explained, as they are necessary to confirm the appropriateness of designs and to investigate the causes of EMI problems. This paper is expected to be useful in the design and development of SOPs that take EMI into consideration

    Propulsion integration of hypersonic air-breathing vehicles utilizing a top-down design methodology

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    In recent years, a focus of aerospace engineering design has been the development of advanced design methodologies and frameworks to account for increasingly complex and integrated vehicles. Techniques such as parametric modeling, global vehicle analyses, and interdisciplinary data sharing have been employed in an attempt to improve the design process. The purpose of this study is to introduce a new approach to integrated vehicle design known as the top-down design methodology. In the top-down design methodology, the main idea is to relate design changes on the vehicle system and sub-system level to a set of over-arching performance and customer requirements. Rather than focusing on the performance of an individual system, the system is analyzed in terms of the net effect it has on the overall vehicle and other vehicle systems. This detailed level of analysis can only be accomplished through the use of high fidelity computational tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The utility of the top-down design methodology is investigated through its application to the conceptual and preliminary design of a long-range hypersonic air-breathing vehicle for a hypothetical next generation hypersonic vehicle (NHRV) program. System-level design is demonstrated through the development of the nozzle section of the propulsion system. From this demonstration of the methodology, conclusions are made about the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of using the methodology

    Team Expo: A State-of-the-Art JSC Advanced Design Team

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    In concert with the NASA-wide Intelligent Synthesis Environment Program, the Exploration Office at the Johnson Space Center has assembled an Advanced Design Team. The purpose of this team is two-fold. The first is to identify, use, and develop software applications, tools, and design processes that streamline and enhance a collaborative engineering environment. The second is to use this collaborative engineering environment to produce conceptual, system-level-of-detail designs in a relatively short turnaround time, using a standing team of systems and integration experts. This includes running rapid trade studies on varying mission architectures, as well as producing vehicle and/or subsystem designs. The standing core team is made up of experts from all of the relevant engineering divisions (e.g. Power, Thermal, Structures, etc.) as well as representatives from Risk and Safety, Mission Operations, and Crew Life Sciences among others. The Team works together during 2- hour sessions in the same specially enhanced room to ensure real-time integration/identification of cross-disciplinary issues and solutions. All subsystem designs are collectively reviewed and approved during these same sessions. In addition there is an Information sub-team that captures and formats all data and makes it accessible for use by the following day. The result is Team Expo: an Advanced Design Team that is leading the change from a philosophy of "over the fence" design to one of collaborative engineering that pushes the envelope to achieve the next-generation analysis and design environment


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    The objective of modeling, verification, and synthesis of hierarchical hybrid mission control for underwater vehicle is to (i) propose a hierarchical architecture for mission control for an autonomous system, (ii) develop extended hybrid state machine models for the mission control, (iii) use these models to verify for logical correctness, (iv) check the feasibility of a simulation software to model the mission executed by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) (v) perform synthesis of high-level mission coordinators for coordinating lower-level mission controllers in accordance with the given mission, and (vi) suggest further design changes for improvement. The dissertation describes a hierarchical architecture in which mission level controllers based on hybrid systems theory have been, and are being developed using a hybrid systems design tool that allows graphical design, iterative redesign, and code generation for rapid deployment onto the target platform. The goal is to support current and future autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) programs to meet evolving requirements and capabilities. While the tool facilitates rapid redesign and deployment, it is crucial to include safety and performance verification into each step of the (re)design process. To this end, the modeling of the hierarchical hybrid mission controller is formalized to facilitate the use of available tools and newly developed methods for formal verification of safety and performance specifications. A hierarchical hybrid architecture for mission control of autonomous systems with application to AUVs is proposed and a theoretical framework for the models that make up the architecture is outlined. An underwater vehicle like any other autonomous system is a hybrid system, as the dynamics of the vehicle as well as its vehicle level control is continuous whereas the mission level control is discrete, making the overall system a hybrid system i.e., one possessing both continuous and discrete states. The hybrid state machine models of the mission controller modules is derived from their implementation done using TEJA, a software for representing hybrid systems with support for auto code generation. The verification of their logical correctness properties has been done using UPPAAL, a software tool for verification of timed automata a special kind of hybrid system. A Teja to Uppaal converter, called dem2xml, has been created at Applied Reserarch Lab that converts a hybrid (timed) autonomous system description in Teja to an Uppaal system description. Verification work involved developing abstract models for the lower level vehicle controllers with which the mission controller modules interact and follow a hierarchical approach: Assuming the correctness of level-zero or vehicle controllers, we establish the correctness of level-one mission controller modules, and then the correctness of level-two modules, etc. The goal of verification is to show that any valid meaning for a mission formalized in our research verifies the safe and correct execution of actions. Simulation of the sequence of actions executed for each of the operations give a better view of the combined working of the mission coordinators and the low level controllers. So we next looked into the feasibility of simulating the operations executed during a mission. A Perl program has been developed to convert the UPPAAL files in .xml format to OpenGL graphic files. The graphic files simulate the steps involved in the execution of a sequence of operations executed by an AUV. The highest level coordinators send mission orders to be executed by the lower level controllers. So a more generalized design of the highest level controllers would help to incorporate the execution of a variety of missions for a vast field of applications. Initially, we consider manually synthesized mission coordinator modules. Later we design automated synthesis of coordinators. This method synthesizes mission coordinators which coordinate the lower level controllers for the execution of the missions ordered and can be used for any autonomous system

    Next generation automotive embedded systems-on-chip and their applications

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    It is a well known fact in the automotive industry that critical and costly delays in the development cycle of powertrain1 controllers are unavoidable due to the complex nature of the systems-on-chip used in them. The primary goal of this portfolio is to show the development of new methodologies for the fast and efficient implementation of next generation powertrain applications and the associated automotive qualified systems-on-chip. A general guideline for rapid automotive applications development, promoting the integration of state-of-the-art tools and techniques necessary, is presented. The methods developed in this portfolio demonstrate a new and better approach to co-design of automotive systems that also raises the level of design abstraction.An integrated business plan for the development of a camless engine controller platform is presented. The plan provides details for the marketing plan, management and financial data.A comprehensive real-time system level development methodology for the implementation of an electromagnetic actuator based camless internal combustion engine is developed. The proposed development platform enables developers to complete complex software and hardware development before moving to silicon, significantly shortening the development cycle and improving confidence in the design.A novel high performance internal combustion engine knock processing strategy using the next generation automotive system-on-chip, particularly highlighting the capabilities of the first-of-its-kind single-instruction-multiple-data micro-architecture is presented. A patent application has been filed for the methodology and the details of the invention are also presented.Enhancements required for the performance optimisation of several resource properties such as memory accesses, energy consumption and execution time of embedded powertrain applications running on the developed system-on-chip and its next generation of devices is proposed. The approach used allows the replacement of various software segments by hardware units to speed up processing.1 Powertrain: A name applied to the group of components used to transmit engine power to the driving wheels. It can consist of engine, clutch, transmission, universal joints, drive shaft, differential gear, and axle shafts
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