5 research outputs found

    A wide-spectrum approach to modelling and analysis of organisation for machine-assisted decision-making

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    This paper describes a modeling approach that helps to represent necessary aspects of complex socio-technical systems, such as organization, in an integrated form and provides a simulation technique for analyzing these organi-sations. An actor-based language is introduced and compared to a conventional simulation approach (Stock-and-Flow) by simulating aspects of a software ser-vices company

    A wide-spectrum approach to modelling and analysis of organisation for machine-assisted decision-making

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    This paper describes a modeling approach that helps to represent necessary aspects of complex socio-technical systems, such as organization, in an integrated form and provides a simulation technique for analyzing these organisations. An actor-based language is introduced and compared to a conventional simulation approach (Stock-and-Flow) by simulating aspects of a software services company

    Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making

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    This paper takes a practitioner's perspective on the problem of organisational decision-making. Industry practice follows a refinement based iterative method for organizational decision-making. However, existing enterprise modelling tools are not complete with respect to the needs of organizational decision-making. As a result, today, a decision maker is forced to use a chain of non-interoperable tools supporting paradigmatically diverse modelling languages with the onus of their co-ordinated use lying entirely on the decision maker. This paper argues the case for a model-based approach to overcome this accidental complexity. A bridge meta-model, specifying relationships across models created by individual tools, ensures integration and a method, describing what should be done when and how, and ensures better tool integration. Validation of the proposed solution using a case study is presented with current limitations and possible means of overcoming them outlined

    Next generation enterprise modelling: the role of organizational theory and multi-agent systems

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    This position paper proposes that the current enterprise modeling approaches are overly reliant on the know how or tacit knowledge of enterprise architects for addressing organizational challenges such as business-IT alignment. Furthermore, current modeling languages only encourage linear thinking. By drawing upon existing research on (computational) organization theory and multi-agent systems, we propose implementation requirements for a next generation enterprise modeling language that supports agent based simulation

    Next generation enterprise modelling: the role of organizational theory and multi-agent systems

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    This position paper proposes that the current enterprise modeling approaches are overly reliant on the know how or tacit knowledge of enterprise architects for addressing organizational challenges such as business-IT alignment. Furthermore, current modeling languages only encourage linear thinking. By drawing upon existing research on (computational) organization theory and multi-agent systems, we propose implementation requirements for a next generation enterprise modeling language that supports agent based simulation