15 research outputs found

    Scheduling unit-length jobs with machine eligibility restrictions

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    Department of Logistics2006-2007 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Tree Contractions and Evolutionary Trees

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    An evolutionary tree is a rooted tree where each internal vertex has at least two children and where the leaves are labeled with distinct symbols representing species. Evolutionary trees are useful for modeling the evolutionary history of species. An agreement subtree of two evolutionary trees is an evolutionary tree which is also a topological subtree of the two given trees. We give an algorithm to determine the largest possible number of leaves in any agreement subtree of two trees T_1 and T_2 with n leaves each. If the maximum degree d of these trees is bounded by a constant, the time complexity is O(n log^2(n)) and is within a log(n) factor of optimal. For general d, this algorithm runs in O(n d^2 log(d) log^2(n)) time or alternatively in O(n d sqrt(d) log^3(n)) time

    On covering by translates of a set

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    In this paper we study the minimal number of translates of an arbitrary subset SS of a group GG needed to cover the group, and related notions of the efficiency of such coverings. We focus mainly on finite subsets in discrete groups, reviewing the classical results in this area, and generalizing them to a much broader context. For example, we show that while the worst-case efficiency when SS has kk elements is of order 1/logk1/\log k, for kk fixed and nn large, almost every kk-subset of any given nn-element group covers GG with close to optimal efficiency.Comment: 41 pages; minor corrections; to appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We consider the core algorithmic problems related to verification of systems with respect to three classical quantitative properties, namely, the mean-payoff property, the ratio property, and the minimum initial credit for energy property. The algorithmic problem given a graph and a quantitative property asks to compute the optimal value (the infimum value over all traces) from every node of the graph. We consider graphs with constant treewidth, and it is well-known that the control-flow graphs of most programs have constant treewidth. Let nn denote the number of nodes of a graph, mm the number of edges (for constant treewidth graphs m=O(n)m=O(n)) and WW the largest absolute value of the weights. Our main theoretical results are as follows. First, for constant treewidth graphs we present an algorithm that approximates the mean-payoff value within a multiplicative factor of ϵ\epsilon in time O(nlog(n/ϵ))O(n \cdot \log (n/\epsilon)) and linear space, as compared to the classical algorithms that require quadratic time. Second, for the ratio property we present an algorithm that for constant treewidth graphs works in time O(nlog(ab))=O(nlog(nW))O(n \cdot \log (|a\cdot b|))=O(n\cdot\log (n\cdot W)), when the output is ab\frac{a}{b}, as compared to the previously best known algorithm with running time O(n2log(nW))O(n^2 \cdot \log (n\cdot W)). Third, for the minimum initial credit problem we show that (i)~for general graphs the problem can be solved in O(n2m)O(n^2\cdot m) time and the associated decision problem can be solved in O(nm)O(n\cdot m) time, improving the previous known O(n3mlog(nW))O(n^3\cdot m\cdot \log (n\cdot W)) and O(n2m)O(n^2 \cdot m) bounds, respectively; and (ii)~for constant treewidth graphs we present an algorithm that requires O(nlogn)O(n\cdot \log n) time, improving the previous known O(n4log(nW))O(n^4 \cdot \log (n \cdot W)) bound. We have implemented some of our algorithms and show that they present a significant speedup on standard benchmarks

    Algorithms for Dense Graphs and Networks on the Random Access Computer

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