50 research outputs found

    KLEIN: A New Family of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Resource-efficient cryptographic primitives become fundamental for realizing both security and efficiency in embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a major role as a building block for security protocols. In this paper, we describe a new family of lightweight block ciphers named KLEIN, which is designed for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and RFID tags. Compared to the related proposals, KLEIN has advantage in the software performance on legacy sensor platforms, while in the same time its hardware implementation can also be compact

    Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on Round-Reduced Crypton-256

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    The meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack has prove to be efficient in analyzing the AES block cipher. Its efficiency has been increasing with the introduction of various techniques such as differential enumeration, key-dependent sieve, super-box etc. The recent MITM attack given by Li and Jin has successfully mounted to 10-round AES-256. Crypton is an AES-like block cipher. In this paper, we apply the MITM method to the cryptanalysis of Crypton-256. Following Li and Jin\u27s idea, we give the first 6-round distinguisher for Crypton. Based on the distinguisher as well as the properties of Crypton\u27s simple key schedule, we successfully launch MITM attacks on Crypton-256 reduced to 9 and 10 rounds. For 9-round Crypton-256, our MITM attack can recover the 256-bit key with a time complexity 2173.052^{173.05}, a memory complexity 2241.172^{241.17}. For the 10-round version, we give two MITM attacks. The basic attack requires a time complexity 2240.012^{240.01} and memory complexity 2241.592^{241.59}. The time/memory complexity of the advanced MITM attack on 10-round Crypton is 2245.05/2209.592^{245.05}/2^{209.59}. Our MITM attacks share the same data complexity 21132^{113} and their error rates are negligible

    Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers Using Almost-Impossible Differentials

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    In this paper, inspired from the notion of impossible differentials, we present a model to use differentials that are less probable than a random permutation. We introduce such a distinguisher for 2 rounds of Crypton, and present an attack on 6 rounds of this predecessor AES candidate. As a special case of this idea, we embed parts of the additional rounds around the impossible differential into the distinguisher to make a probabilistic distinguisher with more rounds. We show that with this change, the data complexity is increased but the time complexity may be reduced or increased. Then we discuss that this change in the impossible differential cryptanalysis is commodious and rational when the data complexity is low and time complexity is marginal

    A General Proof Framework for Recent AES Distinguishers

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    In this paper, a new framework is developed for proving and adapting the recently proposed multiple-of-8 property and mixture-differential distinguishers. The above properties are formulated as immediate consequences of an equivalence relation on the input pairs, under which the difference at the output of the round function is invariant. This approach provides a further understanding of these newly developed distinguishers. For example, it clearly shows that the branch number of the linear layer does not influence the validity of the property, on the contrary of what was previously believed. We further provide an extension of the mixture-differential distinguishers and multiple-of-8 property to any SPN and to a larger class of subspaces. These adapted properties can then be exhibited in a systematic way for other ciphers than the AES. We illustrate this with the examples of Midori, Klein, LED and Skinny

    Dial C for Cipher

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    We introduce C, a practical provably secure block cipher with a slow key schedule. C is based on the same structure as AES but uses independent random substitution boxes instead of a fixed one. Its key schedule is based on the Blum-Blum-Shub pseudo-random generator, which allows us to prove that all obtained security results are still valid when taking into account the dependencies between the round keys. C is provably secure against several general classes of attacks. Strong evidence is given that it resists an even wider variety of attacks. We also propose a variant of C with simpler substitution boxes which is suitable for most applications, and for which security proofs still hold

    Multi-operation data encryption mechanism using dynamic data blocking and randomized substitution

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    Existing cryptosystems deal with static design features such as fixed sized data blocks, static substitution and apply identical set of known encryption operations in each encryption round. Fixed sized blocks associate several issues such as ineffective permutations, padding issues, deterministic brute force strength and known-length of bits which support the cracker in formulating of modern cryptanalysis. Existing static substitution policies are either not optimally fit for dynamic sized data blocks or contain known S-box transformation and fixed lookup tables. Moreover, static substitution does not directly correlate with secret key due to which it has not been shown safer especially for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES). Presently, entire cryptosystems encrypt each data block with identical set of known operations in each iteration, thereby lacked to offer dynamic selection of encryption operation. These discussed, static design features are fully known to the cracker, therefore caused the practical cracking of DES and undesirable security pitfalls against AES as witnessed in earlier studies. Various studies have reported the mathematical cryptanalysis of AES up to full of its 14 rounds. Thus, this situation completely demands the proposal of dynamic design features in symmetric cryptosystems. Firstly, as a substitute to fixed sized data blocks, the Dynamic Data Blocking Mechanism (DDBM) has been proposed to provide the facility of dynamic sized data blocks. Secondly, as an alternative of static substitution approach, a Randomized Substitution Mechanism (RSM) has been proposed which can randomly modify session-keys and plaintext blocks. Finally, Multi-operation Data Encryption Mechanism (MoDEM) has been proposed to tackle the issue of static and identical set of known encryption operations on each data block in each round. With MoDEM, the encryption operation can dynamically be selected against the desired data block from the list of multiple operations bundled with several sub-operations. The methods or operations such as exclusive-OR, 8-bit permutation, random substitution, cyclic-shift and logical operations are used. Results show that DDBM can provide dynamic sized data blocks comparatively to existing approaches. Both RSM and MoDEM fulfill dynamicity and randomness properties as tested and validated under recommended statistical analysis with standard tool. The proposed method not only contains randomness and avalanche properties but it also has passed recommended statistical tests within five encryption rounds (significant than existing). Moreover, mathematical testing shows that common security attacks are not applicable on MoDEM and brute force attack is significantly resistive

    Lightweight Cryptography for Passive RFID Tags

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    Survey and Benchmark of Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cryptographic algorithms play an important role in the security architecture of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher is essential, due to the facts that these networks are meant to operate without human intervention for a long period of time with little energy supply, and that available storage is scarce on these sensor nodes. However, to our knowledge, no systematic work has been done in this area so far.We construct an evaluation framework in which we first identify the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs, based on existing literature and authoritative recommendations. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we not only consider the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficiency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we select the most suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Skipjack, MISTY1, and Rijndael, depending on the combination of available memory and required security (energy efficiency being implicit). In terms of operation mode, we recommend Output Feedback Mode for pairwise links but Cipher Block Chaining for group communications