43,523 research outputs found

    Learning sparse representations of depth

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    This paper introduces a new method for learning and inferring sparse representations of depth (disparity) maps. The proposed algorithm relaxes the usual assumption of the stationary noise model in sparse coding. This enables learning from data corrupted with spatially varying noise or uncertainty, typically obtained by laser range scanners or structured light depth cameras. Sparse representations are learned from the Middlebury database disparity maps and then exploited in a two-layer graphical model for inferring depth from stereo, by including a sparsity prior on the learned features. Since they capture higher-order dependencies in the depth structure, these priors can complement smoothness priors commonly used in depth inference based on Markov Random Field (MRF) models. Inference on the proposed graph is achieved using an alternating iterative optimization technique, where the first layer is solved using an existing MRF-based stereo matching algorithm, then held fixed as the second layer is solved using the proposed non-stationary sparse coding algorithm. This leads to a general method for improving solutions of state of the art MRF-based depth estimation algorithms. Our experimental results first show that depth inference using learned representations leads to state of the art denoising of depth maps obtained from laser range scanners and a time of flight camera. Furthermore, we show that adding sparse priors improves the results of two depth estimation methods: the classical graph cut algorithm by Boykov et al. and the more recent algorithm of Woodford et al.Comment: 12 page

    Robust pedestrian detection and tracking in crowded scenes

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    In this paper, a robust computer vision approach to detecting and tracking pedestrians in unconstrained crowded scenes is presented. Pedestrian detection is performed via a 3D clustering process within a region-growing framework. The clustering process avoids using hard thresholds by using bio-metrically inspired constraints and a number of plan view statistics. Pedestrian tracking is achieved by formulating the track matching process as a weighted bipartite graph and using a Weighted Maximum Cardinality Matching scheme. The approach is evaluated using both indoor and outdoor sequences, captured using a variety of different camera placements and orientations, that feature significant challenges in terms of the number of pedestrians present, their interactions and scene lighting conditions. The evaluation is performed against a manually generated groundtruth for all sequences. Results point to the extremely accurate performance of the proposed approach in all cases

    Improved Depth Map Estimation from Stereo Images based on Hybrid Method

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    In this paper, a stereo matching algorithm based on image segments is presented. We propose the hybrid segmentation algorithm that is based on a combination of the Belief Propagation and Mean Shift algorithms with aim to refine the disparity and depth map by using a stereo pair of images. This algorithm utilizes image filtering and modified SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) stereo matching method. Firstly, a color based segmentation method is applied for segmenting the left image of the input stereo pair (reference image) into regions. The aim of the segmentation is to simplify representation of the image into the form that is easier to analyze and is able to locate objects in images. Secondly, results of the segmentation are used as an input of the local window-based matching method to determine the disparity estimate of each image pixel. The obtained experimental results demonstrate that the final depth map can be obtained by application of segment disparities to the original images. Experimental results with the stereo testing images show that our proposed Hybrid algorithm HSAD gives a good performance