7 research outputs found

    Massively Parallel Sort-Merge Joins in Main Memory Multi-Core Database Systems

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    Two emerging hardware trends will dominate the database system technology in the near future: increasing main memory capacities of several TB per server and massively parallel multi-core processing. Many algorithmic and control techniques in current database technology were devised for disk-based systems where I/O dominated the performance. In this work we take a new look at the well-known sort-merge join which, so far, has not been in the focus of research in scalable massively parallel multi-core data processing as it was deemed inferior to hash joins. We devise a suite of new massively parallel sort-merge (MPSM) join algorithms that are based on partial partition-based sorting. Contrary to classical sort-merge joins, our MPSM algorithms do not rely on a hard to parallelize final merge step to create one complete sort order. Rather they work on the independently created runs in parallel. This way our MPSM algorithms are NUMA-affine as all the sorting is carried out on local memory partitions. An extensive experimental evaluation on a modern 32-core machine with one TB of main memory proves the competitive performance of MPSM on large main memory databases with billions of objects. It scales (almost) linearly in the number of employed cores and clearly outperforms competing hash join proposals - in particular it outperforms the "cutting-edge" Vectorwise parallel query engine by a factor of four.Comment: VLDB201

    SonicJoin: fast, robust and worst-case optimal

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    The establishment of the AGM bound on the size of intermediate results of natural join queries has led to the development of several so-called worst-case join algorithms. These algorithms provably produce intermediate results that are (asymptotically) no larger than the final result of the join. The most notable ones are the Recursive Join, its successor, the Generic Join and the Leapfrog-Trie-Join. While algorithmically efficient, however, all of these algorithms require the availability of index structures that allow tuple lookups using the prefix of a key. Key-prefix-lookups in relational database systems are commonly supported by tree-based index structures since hash-based indices only support full-key lookups. In this paper, we study a wide variety of main-memory-oriented index structures that support key-prefix-lookups with a specific focus on supporting the Generic Join. Based on that study, we develop a novel, best-of-breed index structure called Sonic that combines the fast build and point lookup properties of hashtables with the prefix-lookups capabilities of trees and tries. To evaluate the performance of a variety of indices for worst-case optimal joins in a modern code-generating DBMS, we leveraged flexible, compile-time metaprogramming features to build a framework that creates highly efficient code, interweaving (at a microarchitectural level) a generic join implementation with any appropriate index structure. We demonstrate experimentally that in that framework, Sonic outperforms the fastest existing approaches by up to 2.5 times when supporting the Generic Join algorithm

    Distributed Duplicate Removal

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    Ziel der verteilten Duplikaterkennung ist die Identifikation von Elementen, welche mehrfach in einer großen, über mehrere Rechenknoten verteilten Datenmenge vorkommen. Sanders et al. [48] präsentieren einen verteilten Algorithmus, welcher dieses Problem in einer besonders kommunikationseffizienten Art und Weise löst. In einer Vorverarbeitungsphase werden mit Hilfe eines verteilten, platz-effizienten Bloom Filters zunächst möglichst viele distinkte Elemente als solche identifiziert und somit die Gesamtmenge der noch zu betrachtenden Elemente stark reduziert. Da hierbei jedoch auch falsch positive Ergebnisse auftreten, müssen alle als potentiell nicht distinkt erkannten Elemente in einer zweiten Phase noch einmal überprüft werden. Hierzu wird ein klassischer Hash-basierter Algorithmus zur verteilten Duplikaterkennung angewendet. Die vorliegende Arbeit ergänzt die theoretische Analyse durch eine praktische Evaluation. Wir erarbeiten hierzu eine effiziente Implementierung für Shared-Nothing Systeme. Besonders rechenintensive Schritte des Algorithmus werden zusätzlich durch Shared-Memory-Programmierung innerhalb eines Knotens parallelisiert. Die Ergebnisse unserer experimentellen Untersuchung untermauern die durch die Theorie vorhergesagten Vorteile des Algorithmus. Unsere Implementierung ist signifikant schneller als der am besten geeignete klassische Ansatz solange die Eingabedaten zu weniger als 50% aus Duplikaten bestehen. Wird der Algorithmus auf Datensätzen ausgeführt, die zu weniger als 10% aus Duplikaten bestehen, so ist das gesamte Kommunikationsvolumen zudem mehr als eine Größenordnung kleiner als das des klassischen Konkurrenten

    Smooth Scan: Statistics-Oblivious Access Paths

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    Query optimizers depend heavily on statistics representing column distributions to create efficient query plans. In many cases, though, statistics are outdated or non-existent, and the process of refreshing statistics is very expensive, especially for ad-hoc workloads on ever bigger data. This results in suboptimal plans that severely hurt performance. The main problem is that any decision, once made by the optimizer, is fixed throughout the execution of a query. In particular, each logical operator translates into a fixed choice of a physical operator at run-time. In this paper we advocate for continuous adaptation and morphing of physical operators throughout their lifetime, by adjusting their behavior in accordance with the statistical properties of the data. We demonstrate the benefits of the new paradigm by designing and implementing an adaptive access path operator called Smooth Scan, which morphs continuously within the space of traditional index access and full table scan. Smooth Scan behaves similarly to an index scan for low selectivity; if selectivity increases, however, Smooth Scan progressively morphs its behavior toward a sequential scan. As a result, a system with Smooth Scan requires no optimization decisions up front nor does it need accurate statistics to provide good performance. We implement Smooth Scan in PostgreSQL and, using both synthetic benchmarks as well as TPC-H, we show that it achieves robust performance while at the same time being statistics-oblivious

    Smooth Scan: Robust Query Execution with a Statistics-oblivious Access Operator

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    Query optimizers depend heavily on statistics representing column distributions to create efficient query plans. In many cases, though, statistics are outdated or non-existent, and the process of refreshing statistics is very expensive, especially for ad-hoc workloads on ever bigger data. This results in suboptimal plans that severely hurt performance. The main problem is that any decision, once made by the optimizer, is fixed throughout the execution of a query. In particular, each logical operator translates into a fixed choice of a physical operator at run-time. In this paper we advocate for continuous adaptation and morphing of physical operators throughout their lifetime, by adjusting their behavior in accordance with the statistical properties of the data. We demonstrate the benefits of the new paradigm by designing and implementing an adaptive access path operator called Smooth Scan, which morphs continuously within the space of traditional index access and full table scan. Smooth Scan behaves similarly to an index scan for low selectivity; if selectivity increases, however, Smooth Scan progressively morphs its behavior toward a sequential scan. As a result, a system with Smooth Scan requires no access path decisions up front nor does it need accurate statistics to provide good performance. We implement Smooth Scan in PostgreSQL and, using both synthetic benchmarks as well as TPC-H, we show that it achieves robust performance while at the same time being statistics-oblivious

    Toward timely, predictable and cost-effective data analytics

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    Modern industrial, government, and academic organizations are collecting massive amounts of data at an unprecedented scale and pace. The ability to perform timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing of such large data sets in order to extract deep insights is now a key ingredient for success. Traditional database systems (DBMS) are, however, not the first choice for servicing these modern applications, despite 40 years of database research. This is due to the fact that modern applications exhibit different behavior from the one assumed by DBMS: a) timely data exploration as a new trend is characterized by ad-hoc queries and a short user interaction period, leaving little time for DBMS to do good performance tuning, b) accurate statistics representing relevant summary information about distributions of ever increasing data are frequently missing, resulting in suboptimal plan decisions and consequently poor and unpredictable query execution performance, and c) cloud service providers - a major winner in the data analytics game due to the low cost of (shared) storage - have shifted the control over data storage from DBMS to the cloud providers, making it harder for DBMS to optimize data access. This thesis demonstrates that database systems can still provide timely, predictable and cost-effective analytical processing, if they use an agile and adaptive approach. In particular, DBMS need to adapt at three levels (to workload, data and hardware characteristics) in order to stabilize and optimize performance and cost when faced with requirements posed by modern data analytics applications. Workload-driven data ingestion is introduced with NoDB as a means to enable efficient data exploration and reduce the data-to-insight time (i.e., the time to load the data and tune the system) by doing these steps lazily and incrementally as a side-effect of posed queries as opposed to mandatory first steps. Data-driven runtime access path decision making introduced with Smooth Scan alleviates suboptimal query execution, postponing the decision on access paths from query optimization, where statistics are heavily exploited, to query execution, where the system can obtain more details about data distributions. Smooth Scan uses access path morphing from one physical alternative to another to fit the observed data distributions, which removes the need for a priori access path decisions and substantially improves the predictability of DBMS. Hardware-driven query execution introduced with Skipper enables the usage of cold storage devices (CSD) as a cost-effective solution for storing the ever increasing customer data. Skipper uses an out-of-order CSD-driven query execution model based on multi-way joins coupled with efficient cache and I/O scheduling policies to hide the non-uniform access latencies of CSD. This thesis advocates runtime adaptivity as a key to dealing with raising uncertainty about workload characteristics that modern data analytics applications exhibit. Overall, the techniques introduced in this thesis through the three levels of adaptivity (workload, data and hardware-driven adaptivity) increase the usability of database systems and the user satisfaction in the case of big data exploration, making low-cost data analytics reality