46 research outputs found

    Techniques for unequal error protection.

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    Ho Man-Shing.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-66).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Acknowledgement --- p.iAbstract --- p.iiList of Abbreviation --- p.iiiChapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Digital Communication System --- p.3Chapter 1.2 --- Thesis Organization --- p.4Chapter 2. --- Error-Correcting Codes --- p.6Chapter 2.1 --- Convolutional Codes --- p.7Chapter 2.1.1 --- Generator Polynomials --- p.8Chapter 2.1.2 --- Generator Matrix --- p.9Chapter 2.1.3 --- Circuit Diagram --- p.10Chapter 2.1.4 --- State-transition Diagram --- p.11Chapter 2.1.4 --- Trellis Diagram --- p.12Chapter 2.1.5 --- Distance property --- p.13Chapter 2.2 --- Rate-Compatible Punctured Convolutional Codes --- p.14Chapter 2.3 --- Trellis-Coded Modulation --- p.17Chapter 2.3.1 --- General Model of TCM --- p.18Chapter 2.3.2 --- Trellis Representation --- p.20Chapter 2.3.3 --- Set Partitioning --- p.21Chapter 2.3.4 --- Code Modulation --- p.23Chapter 2.4 --- Decoding Algorithm --- p.25Chapter 2.4.1 --- Viterbi Algorithm --- p.27Chapter 2.4.2 --- List Viterbi Algorithm --- p.30Chapter 3. --- Unequal-Error-Protection for Embedded Image Coder --- p.33Chapter 3.1 --- SPIHT Coder --- p.35Chapter 3.1.1 --- Progressive Image Transmission --- p.36Chapter 3.1.2 --- Set Partitioning Sorting Algorithm --- p.37Chapter 3.1.3 --- Spatial Orientation Trees --- p.38Chapter 3.2 --- System Description --- p.39Chapter 3.3 --- Code Allocation --- p.41Chapter 3.4 --- System Complexity --- p.42Chapter 3.5 --- Simulation Result --- p.43Chapter 4. --- Unequal-Error-Protection Provided by Trellis-Coded Modulation --- p.51Chapter 4.1 --- System Description --- p.52Chapter 4.2 --- Unequal Constellation --- p.53Chapter 4.3 --- Free Distance --- p.55Chapter 4.4 --- Simulation Results --- p.59Chapter 5. --- Conclusion --- p.63Bibliography --- p.6

    Technical advances in digital audio radio broadcasting

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    Multimedia streaming over wireless channels

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    The improvements in mobile communication systems have accelerated the development of new multimedia streaming techniques to increase the quality of streaming data over time varying wireless channels. In order to increase multimedia quality, error control schemes are indispensable due to time-varying and erroneous nature of the channel. However, relatively low channel capacity of wireless channels, and dependency structure in multimedia limit the eectiveness of existing error control schemes and require more sophisticated techniques to provide quality improvement on the streaming data. In this thesis, we propose sender driven multimedia streaming algorithms that incorporate error control schemes of FEC, ARQ, and packet scheduling by considering media and channel parameters such as packet importance, packet dependencies, decoding deadlines, channel state information, and channel capacity. Initially, we have proposed a multi-rate distortion optimization framework so as to jointly optimize FEC rate and packet selection by minimizing end-to-end distortion to satisfy a specified Quality of Service under channel capacity constraint. Minimization of end-to-end distortion causes computational complexity in the rate distortion optimization framework due to dependency in encoded multimedia. Therefore, we propose multimedia streaming algorithms that select packet and FEC rate with reduced computational complexity and high quality as compared with multi-rate distortion optimization framework. Additionally, protocol stack of a UMTS cellular network system with W-CDMA air interface is presented in order to clarify the relation between proposed multimedia streaming algorithms and UMTS system that is used in simulations. Finally, proposed algorithms are simulated and results demonstrate that proposed algorithms improve multimedia quality significantly as compared to existing methods

    Self-concatenated coding for wireless communication systems

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    In this thesis, we have explored self-concatenated coding schemes that are designed for transmission over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We designed both the symbol-based Self-ConcatenatedCodes considered using Trellis Coded Modulation (SECTCM) and bit-based Self- Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SECCC) using a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoder as constituent codes, respectively. The design of these codes was carried out with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The EXIT chart based design has been found an efficient tool in finding the decoding convergence threshold of the constituent codes. Additionally, in order to recover the information loss imposed by employing binary rather than non-binary schemes, a soft decision demapper was introduced in order to exchange extrinsic information withthe SECCC decoder. To analyse this information exchange 3D-EXIT chart analysis was invoked for visualizing the extrinsic information exchange between the proposed Iteratively Decoding aided SECCC and soft-decision demapper (SECCC-ID). Some of the proposed SECTCM, SECCC and SECCC-ID schemes perform within about 1 dB from the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels’ capacity. A union bound analysis of SECCC codes was carried out to find the corresponding Bit Error Ratio (BER) floors. The union bound of SECCCs was derived for communications over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels, based on a novel interleaver concept.Application of SECCCs in both UltraWideBand (UWB) and state-of-the-art video-telephone schemes demonstrated its practical benefits.In order to further exploit the benefits of the low complexity design offered by SECCCs we explored their application in a distributed coding scheme designed for cooperative communications, where iterative detection is employed by exchanging extrinsic information between the decoders of SECCC and RSC at the destination. In the first transmission period of cooperation, the relay receives the potentially erroneous data and attempts to recover the information. The recovered information is then re-encoded at the relay using an RSC encoder. In the second transmission period this information is then retransmitted to the destination. The resultant symbols transmitted from the source and relay nodes can be viewed as the coded symbols of a three-component parallel-concatenated encoder. At the destination a Distributed Binary Self-Concatenated Coding scheme using Iterative Decoding (DSECCC-ID) was employed, where the two decoders (SECCC and RSC) exchange their extrinsic information. It was shown that the DSECCC-ID is a low-complexity scheme, yet capable of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channels’s (DCMC) capacity.Finally, we considered coding schemes designed for two nodes communicating with each other with the aid of a relay node, where the relay receives information from the two nodes in the first transmission period. At the relay node we combine a powerful Superposition Coding (SPC) scheme with SECCC. It is assumed that decoding errors may be encountered at the relay node. The relay node then broadcasts this information in the second transmission period after re-encoding it, again, using a SECCC encoder. At the destination, the amalgamated block of Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) scheme combined with SECCC then detects and decodes the signal either with or without the aid of a priori information. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is capable of reliably operating at a low BER for transmission over both AWGN and uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. We compare the proposed scheme’s performance to a direct transmission link between the two sources having the same throughput


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    In this dissertation, we investigated the methods for development of embedded channels within error correction mechanisms utilized to support adaptive rate communication systems. We developed an error correction code-based embedding scheme suitable for application in modern wireless data communication standards. We specifically implemented the scheme for both low-density parity check block codes and binary convolutional codes. While error correction code-based information hiding has been previously presented in literature, we sought to take advantage of the fact that these wireless systems have the ability to change their modulation and coding rates in response to changing channel conditions. We utilized this functionality to incorporate knowledge of the channel state into the scheme, which led to an increase in embedding capacity. We conducted extensive simulations to establish the performance of our embedding methodologies. Results from these simulations enabled the development of models to characterize the behavior of the embedded channels and identify sources of distortion in the underlying communication system. Finally, we developed expressions to define limitations on the capacity of these channels subject to a variety of constraints, including the selected modulation type and coding rate of the communication system, the current channel state, and the specific embedding implementation.Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Investigation of coding and equalization for the digital HDTV terrestrial broadcast channel

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-248).Supported by the Advanced Telecommunications Research Program.Julien J. Nicolas

    Optimisation de la transmission de phonie et vidéophonie sur les réseaux à larges bandes PMR

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    Cet exposé analyse les perspectives large bande des réseaux PMR, à travers l'évaluation du candidat LTE, et la proposition d'une possible évolution du codage canal, la solution brevetée des codes turbo à protection non uniforme. Une première étude dans le chapitre 2 se concentre sur l'analyse multi-couche et l'identification des problèmes clé des communications de voix et de vidéo sur un réseau LTE professionnel. Les capacités voix et vidéo sont estimées pour les liens montant et descendant de la transmission LTE, et l'efficacité spectrale de la voix en lien descendant est comparée à celle de PMR et GSM. Ce chapitre souligne certains points clé de l'évolution de LTE. S'ils étaient pas résolus par la suite, LTE se verrait perdre de sa crédibilité en tant que candidat à l'évolution de la PMR. Une telle caractéristique clé des réseaux PMR est le codage canal à protection non uniforme, qui pourrait être adapté au système LTE pour une évolution aux contraintes de la sécurité publique. Le chapitre 3 introduit cette proposition d'évolution, qui a été brevetée: les turbo codes à protection non uniforme intégrée. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour le codage canal à protection non uniforme à travers les codes turbo progressives hiérarchiques. Les configurations parallèles et séries sont analysées. Les mécanismes de protection non uniformes sont intégrés dans la structure de l'encodeur même à travers l'insertion progressif et hiérarchique de nouvelles données de l'utilisateur. Le turbo décodage est modifié pour exploiter de façon optimale l'insertion progressive de données dans le processus d'encodage et estimer hiérarchiquement ces données. Les propriétés des structures parallèles et séries sont analysées à l'aide d'une analogie aux codes pilotes, ainsi qu'en regardant de plus près leurs caractéristiques de poids de codage. Le taux de transmission virtuel et les représentations des graphs factor fournissent une meilleure compréhension de ces propriétés. Les gains de codage sont évalués à l'aide de simulations numériques, en supposant des canaux de transmission radio statiques et dynamiques, et en utilisant des codes de référence. Enfin, dans le chapitre 4, l'idée breveté du code turbo parallal progressif et hiérarchique (PPHTC) est évaluée sur la plateforme LTE. Une description détaillée de l'architecture des bearers de LTE est donnée, et ses conséquences sont discutées. Le nouveau codage canal est inséré et évalué sur cette plateforme, et ses performances sont comparées avec des schémas de transmission typique à LTE. L'analyse de la qualité de la voix aide à conclure sur l'efficacité de la solution proposée dans un système de transmission réel. Pourtant, même si cette dernière donne les meilleurs résultats, d'avantage d'optimisations devraient être envisagées pour obtenir des gains améliorés et mieux exploiter le potentiel du codage proposé. L'exposé se conclut dans le chapitre 5 et une courte discussion présente les futures perspectives de rechercheThis dissertation analyzes the PMR broadband perspectives, through the evaluation of the preferred candidate, LTE, and the proposal of a possible channel coding evolution, the patented solution of unequal error protection embedded turbo codes. A first study in chapter 2 focuses on the multi-layer analysis and the identification of key issues for professional-like LTE for voice and video communications. The voice and video capacities are estimated for both downlink and uplink LTE transmissions, and the downlink LTE voice system efficiency is compared with that of the PMR and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). This chapter helps highlighting some of the key points. If not resolved, the latter could lead to the LTE downfall as a candidate for the PMR evolution. One such key characteristic of PMR systems is the unequal error protection channel coding technique, which might be adapted to the LTE technology for its evolution to public safety requirements. Chapter 3 further introduces the proposed evolution patented ideas: the unequal error protection embedded turbo codes. We propose a new approach for the unequal error protection channel coding through the progressive hierarchical turbo codes. Both parallel and serial turbo configurations are closely studied. The unequal error protection mechanisms are embedded in the encoder s structure itself through the progressive and hierarchical insertion of new data. The turbo decoding is modified as to optimally exploit the progressive insertion of information in the encoding process and hierarchically estimate the corresponding data. Both parallel and serial configurations properties are analyzed using an analogy with a pilot code behavior, as well as a zoom on the weight error functions coefficients. The virtual code rate and factor graph interpretations also provide a better insight on the code properties. The code possible gains are highlighted through computer simulations in both static and dynamic transmission environments, by using carefully chosen benchmarks. Finally, in chapter 4, the patented idea of parallel progressive hierarchical turbo codes (PPHTC) is evaluated over the LTE platform. A detailed description is given of the voice transmission bearer architecture over LTE, and its consequences are discussed. The new channel code is inserted and evaluated over this platform and its performances compared with the existent LTE transmission schemes. The voice quality results help concluding on the efficiency of the proposed solution in a real transmission scenario. However, even though the newly presented solution gives the best results, further system optimizations should be envisaged for obtaining better gains and exploit the parallel progressive hierarchical turbo codes potential. The dissertation concludes in chapter 5 and a short discussion is given on future research perspectivesEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Variable Rate Transmission Over Noisy Channels

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    Hybrid automatic repeat request transmission (hybrid ARQ) schemes aim to provide system reliability for transmissions over noisy channels while still maintaining a reasonably high throughput efficiency by combining retransmissions of automatic repeat requests with forward error correction (FEC) coding methods. In type-II hybrid ARQ schemes, the additional parity information required by channel codes to achieve forward error correction is provided only when errors have been detected. Hence, the available bits are partitioned into segments, some of which are sent to the receiver immediately, others are held back and only transmitted upon the detection of errors. This scheme raises two questions. Firstly, how should the available bits be ordered for optimal partitioning into consecutive segments? Secondly, how large should the individual segments be? This thesis aims to provide an answer to both of these questions for the transmission of convolutional and Turbo Codes over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), inter-symbol interference (ISI) and Rayleigh channels. Firstly, the ordering of bits is investigated by simulating the transmission of packets split into segments with a size of 1 bit and finding the critical number of bits, i.e. the number of bits where the output of the decoder is error-free. This approach provides a maximum, practical performance limit over a range of signal-to-noise levels. With these practical performance limits, the attention is turned to the size of the individual segments, since packets of 1 bit cause an intolerable overhead and delay. An adaptive, hybrid ARQ system is investigated, in which the transmitter uses the number of bits sent to the receiver and the receiver decoding results to adjust the size of the first, initial, packet and subsequent segments to the conditions of a stationary channel

    Joint source and channel coding

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    Vývoj standardů mobilních sítí

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    Import 21/10/2013This bachelor thesis deals primarily with a development of LTE technologies and its possibilities of deployment in the Czech Republic and abroad. The thesis is initially focused on the development of mobile network standards since the advent of 3rd generation networks in Release 99 up to the newest Release 12 where the main telecommunication technologies are continuously described along with their advantages. As the LTE represents next evolution step in a field of mobile data transmission, the comparison of LTE and HSPA+ physical layers is also included. Among other it describes information blocks from transport channel over the transmission path and regaining of user data. The development of LTE networks in the world deals with an actual progress of the deployment of this technology. In detail, there are described countries where the LTE is in a commercial service among with a comparison of used frequency bands. Addressing with issue of development and deployment of LTE in the Czech Republic is a content of the last part. With regard to the current network state of each provider, it is also focused on legislation, backbone networks and frequency planning which is closely related to the forthcoming auction of the Digital Dividend.Tato bakalářská práce pojednává především o vývoji LTE technologíí a jejich možnostech nasazení v České Republice a ve světě. Práce se nejprve zaměřuje na vývoj mobilních standardů od nástupu sítí třetí generace, Release 99, až po doposud nejnovější Release 12, kde jsou postupně probrány vrcholové telekomunikační technologie a jejich přednosti. V práci jsou dále popsány rozdíly fyzických vrstev mezi technologiemi HSPA+ a LTE, jelikož se jedná o další evoluční krok v oblasti datových přenosů. Popis obsahuje blokové srovnání od samotné inicializace transportního kanálu, po přenosovou cestu a opětovného získání užitečné informace. Vývoj LTE sítí ve světě pojednává o aktuálním stavu vývoje a rozšíření této technologie. Podrobně jsou zde popsány země, kde se LTE používá spolu se srovnáním použitých frekvenčních pásem. Poslední část řeší otázku vývoje a nasazení LTE v České Republice. S ohledem na aktuální stav sítí jednotlivých operátoru je sekce zaměřena také na legislativu, páteřní sítě a frekvenční plánování, s čímž souvisí také očekáváná aukce z digitální dividendy.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř