48,124 research outputs found

    Stability Tests for a Class of 2D Continuous-Discrete Linear Systems with Dynamic Boundary Conditions

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    Repetitive processes are a distinct class of 2D systems of both practical and theoretical interest. Their essential characteristic is repeated sweeps, termed passes, through a set of dynamics defined over a finite duration with explicit interaction between the outputs, or pass profiles, produced as the system evolves. Experience has shown that these processes cannot be studied/controlled by direct application of existing theory (in all but a few very restrictive special cases). This fact, and the growing list of applications areas, has prompted an on-going research programme into the development of a 'mature' systems theory for these processes for onward translation into reliable generally applicable controller design algorithms. This paper develops stability tests for a sub-class of so-called differential linear repetitive processes in the presence of a general set of initial conditions, where it is known that the structure of these conditions is critical to their stability properties

    Strong practical stability based robust stabilization of uncertain discrete linear repetitive processes

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    Repetitive processes are a distinct class of 2D systems of both theoretical and practical interest whose dynamics evolve over a subset of the positive quadrant in the 2D plane. The stability theory for these processes originally consisted of two distinct concepts termed asymptotic stability and stability along the pass respectively where the former is a necessary condition for the latter. Stability along the pass demands a bounded-input bounded-output property over the complete positive quadrant of the 2D plane and this is a very strong requirement, especially in terms of control law design. A more feasible alternative for some cases is strong practical stability, where previous work has formulated this property and obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence together with Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) based tests, which then extend to allow control law design. This paper develops considerably simpler, and hence computationally more efficient, stability tests that extend to allow control law design in the presence of uncertainty in process model

    Dissipative stability theory for linear repetitive processes with application in iterative learning control

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    This paper develops a new set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of linear repetitive processes, based on a dissipative setting for analysis. These conditions reduce the problem of determining whether a linear repetitive process is stable or not to that of checking for the existence of a solution to a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Testing the resulting conditions only requires compu- tations with matrices whose entries are constant in comparison to alternatives where frequency response computations are required

    Modeling, Stability Analysis, and Testing of a Hybrid Docking Simulator

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    A hybrid docking simulator is a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator that includes a hardware element within a numerical simulation loop. One of the goals of performing a HIL simulation at the European Proximity Operation Simulator (EPOS) is the verification and validation of the docking phase in an on-orbit servicing mission.....Comment: 30 papge

    On the Development of SCILAB Compatible Software for the Analysis and Control of Repetitive Processes

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    In this paper further results on the development of a SCILAB compatible software package for the analysis and control of repetitive processes is described. The core of the package consists of a simulation tool which enables the user to inspect the response of a given example to an input, design a control law for stability and/or performance, and also simulate the response of a controlled process to a specified reference signal

    Implementation of standard testbeds for numerical relativity

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    We discuss results that have been obtained from the implementation of the initial round of testbeds for numerical relativity which was proposed in the first paper of the Apples with Apples Alliance. We present benchmark results for various codes which provide templates for analyzing the testbeds and to draw conclusions about various features of the codes. This allows us to sharpen the initial test specifications, design a new test and add theoretical insight.Comment: Corrected versio

    The Athena Astrophysical MHD Code in Cylindrical Geometry

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    A method for implementing cylindrical coordinates in the Athena magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code is described. The extension follows the approach of Athena's original developers and has been designed to alter the existing Cartesian-coordinates code as minimally and transparently as possible. The numerical equations in cylindrical coordinates are formulated to maintain consistency with constrained transport, a central feature of the Athena algorithm, while making use of previously implemented code modules such as the Riemann solvers. Angular-momentum transport, which is critical in astrophysical disk systems dominated by rotation, is treated carefully. We describe modifications for cylindrical coordinates of the higher-order spatial reconstruction and characteristic evolution steps as well as the finite-volume and constrained transport updates. Finally, we present a test suite of standard and novel problems in one-, two-, and three-dimensions designed to validate our algorithms and implementation and to be of use to other code developers. The code is suitable for use in a wide variety of astrophysical applications and is freely available for download on the web

    Decoupling and iterative approaches to the control of discrete linear repetitive processes

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    This paper reports new results on the analysis and control of discrete linear repetitive processes which are a distinct class of 2D discrete linear systems of both systems theoretic and applications interest. In particular, we first propose an extension to the basic state-space model to include a coupling term previously neglected but which arises in some applications and then proceed to show how computationally efficient control laws can be designed for this new model

    Testing numerical relativity with the shifted gauge wave

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    Computational methods are essential to provide waveforms from coalescing black holes, which are expected to produce strong signals for the gravitational wave observatories being developed. Although partial simulations of the coalescence have been reported, scientifically useful waveforms have so far not been delivered. The goal of the AppleswithApples (AwA) Alliance is to design, coordinate and document standardized code tests for comparing numerical relativity codes. The first round of AwA tests have now being completed and the results are being analyzed. These initial tests are based upon periodic boundary conditions designed to isolate performance of the main evolution code. Here we describe and carry out an additional test with periodic boundary conditions which deals with an essential feature of the black hole excision problem, namely a non-vanishing shift. The test is a shifted version of the existing AwA gauge wave test. We show how a shift introduces an exponentially growing instability which violates the constraints of a standard harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations. We analyze the Cauchy problem in a harmonic gauge and discuss particular options for suppressing instabilities in the gauge wave tests. We implement these techniques in a finite difference evolution algorithm and present test results. Although our application here is limited to a model problem, the techniques should benefit the simulation of black holes using harmonic evolution codes.Comment: Submitted to special numerical relativity issue of Classical and Quantum Gravit
