22 research outputs found

    Sensorless Control for Non-Sinusoidal Five-phase IPMSM Based on Sliding Mode Observer

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    This paper proposes a sensorless control based on Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) for a Five-phase Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (FIPMSM), with a consideration of the third harmonic component. Compared to the conventional three-phase machines, the third harmonic of electromotive force contains more information. Thus, in this paper, we consider the first and third harmonic components of the five-phase machine to estimate the rotor position that is necessary for the control. Simulation results of the implemented SMO are shown to verify the feasibility of the proposed sensorless control strateg

    Hybrid Motor System for High Precision Position Control of a Heavy Load Plant

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    The lift up or press process with high precision position control is an important application in industries. An example of the process lift up and press is the process of a machine tool for drilling, milling, or injection. It is difficult to design the mechanism and controller to control the position of the base table accuracy because it needs to control the base position of the system with the weight varying in a large range. Also, the friction in the system would vary in a large range. This lead to low performance of the system in some range of load. Therefore, the new design system utilizes a DC motor and ball screw and pneumatic actuator to create the hybrid motor system for applying to the lift up and press system. The pneumatic actuator is designed to support the heavy load and the DC motor and ball screw is designed to control the position. Then, the developed hybrid motor can be used to improve the performance of the system. The simulation and experiment results show that the developed system can improve the rise time, setting time, and steady state error. Then, the time response of the system with heavy load look similar to the time response of the system with light load. Moreover, the developed hybrid motor technique can apply to the applications such as to control the 3D powder painter tank base position, and the silicon injection system, the 3D print head, which is a challenge system due to the high friction in tube

    A New Load Torque Identification Sliding Mode Observer for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive System

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    Sensorless Control for Non-Sinusoidal Five-Phase Interior PMSM Based on Sliding Mode Observer

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    This paper proposes a sensorless control strategy based on Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) for a Five-phase Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (FIPMSM), with a consideration of the third harmonic component. Compared to conventional three-phase machines, the third harmonic of back electromotive force (back-EMF) contains more information. Thus, in this paper, the first and third harmonic components of the five-phase machine are considered to estimate the rotor position which is necessary for the vector control. Simulation results are shown to verify the feasibility and the robustness of the proposed sensorless control strategy

    Sensorless Control for Non-sinusoidal Five-phase Interior PMSM based on Sliding Mode Observer

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    This paper proposes a sensorless control strategy based on Sliding Mode Observer (SMO) for a Five-phase Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (FIPMSM), with a consideration of the third harmonic component. Compared to conventional three-phase machines, the third harmonic of back electromotive force (back-EMF) contains more information. Thus, in this paper, the first and third harmonic components of the five-phase machine are considered to estimate the rotor position which is necessary for the vector control. Simulation results are shown to verify the feasibility and the robustness of the proposed sensorless control strategy

    Sensorless control strategy for light-duty EVs and efficiency loss evaluation of high frequency injection under standardized urban driving cycles

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    Sensorless control of Electric Vehicle (EV) drives is considered to be an effective approach to improve system reliability and to reduce component costs. In this paper, relevant aspects relating to the sensorless operation of EVs are reported. As an initial contribution, a hybrid sensorless control algorithm is presented that is suitable for a variety of synchronous machines. The proposed method is simple to implement and its relatively low computational cost is a desirable feature for automotive microprocessors with limited computational capabilities. An experimental validation of the proposal is performed on a full-scale automotive grade platform housing a 51¿kW Permanent Magnet assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine (PM-assisted SynRM). Due to the operational requirements of EVs, both the strategy presented in this paper and other hybrid sensorless control strategies rely on High Frequency Injection (HFI) techniques, to determine the rotor position at standstill and at low speeds. The introduction of additional high frequency perturbations increases the power losses, thereby reducing the overall efficiency of the drive. Hence, a second contribution of this work is a simulation platform for the characterization of power losses in both synchronous machines and a Voltage Source Inverters (VSI). Finally, as a third contribution and considering the central concerns of efficiency and autonomy in EV applications, the impact of power losses are analyzed. The operational requirements of High Frequency Injection (HFI) are experimentally obtained and, using state-of-the-art digital simulation, a detailed loss analysis is performed during real automotive driving cycles. Based on the results, practical considerations are presented in the conclusions relating to EV sensorless control.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Conversor resolver to digital en FPGA para plataforma de prototipado rápido de control

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    En los últimos años se ha impulsado la producción de vehículos eléctricos con varios fines, tales como la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmosfera y la minimización de la contaminación en las ciudades densamente pobladas, además de para la reducción de la dependencia de combustibles fósiles. En este sentido, el vehículo eléctrico ha supuesto una revolución tecnológica relevante, en el cual se ha sustituido el motor de combustión por un motor eléctrico y su correspondiente electrónica de potencia. El motor de tracción es una pieza fundamental en este tipo de vehículos, y requiere un conocimiento preciso de la posición angular del mismo para realizar los algoritmos de control que regulan la producción de par electromagnético en la máquina. En este sentido, aunque se consideren varias alternativas para la determinación de dicho ángulo, tales como el uso del encoder y el control sensorless, el resolver es el sistema de medida más utilizado para cumplir con esta función. En general, la adaptación de la medida de este sensor se realiza mediante un dispositivo hardware conocido como resolver-to-digital aunque, dependiendo del tipo de plataforma de control, como puede ser una plataforma de prototipado rápido de control, puede resultar de gran interés la implementación de estas funcionalidades en un dispositivo digital de alta velocidad, como puede ser una FPGA. Este proyecto se ha centrado en la modelización y simulación del algoritmo de conversión resolver-to-digital utilizando el diseño basado en modelos. Para ello, se ha utilizado el software Matlab/Simulink y se ha implementado una técnica basada en sobremuestreo y un seguidor de tipo PLL. Una vez validada su funcionalidad mediante bloques estándar de Simulink, se ha realizado la implementación y validación del algoritmo mediante XilinX System Generator para su futura implementación en una FPGA.Azken urteotan ibilgailu elektrikoen fabrikazioa bultzatu da zenbait helburu betetzeko, hala nola CO2 isurketak murrizteko, biztanle-kopuru handia duten hirietako kutsadura murrizteko eta erregai fosilekiko gizarteak duen menpekotasuna jaisteko, besteak beste. Alde horretatik, erreboluzio teknologiko garrantzitsua sortu du ibilgailu elektrikoak, non konbustio-motorra motor elektriko batek eta horri eragiten dion potentzia-elektronikak ordezkatu duten. Trakziorako motorra da mota horretako ibilgailuetako elementu nagusietako bat. Beharrezkoa da motorraren posizio angeluarraren ezagutza zehatza, momentu elektromagnetikoa kontrolatzen duten algoritmoak gauzatzeko. Alde horretatik eta posizio angeluarra zehazteko aukera ezberdinak kontsideratzen badira ere, hala nola encoderren edota sensorless kontrolen erabilera, erresolberra de funtzio hori betetzeko erabiltzen den neurgailu erabiliena. Oro har, sentsore horrek gauzatzen duen neurketaren adaptazioa resolver-to-digital izenarekin ezagutzen den gailu hardware baten bidez gauzatzen da. Hala ere eta kontrolerako erabiltzen den plataformaren menpe, prototipatze azkarrerako plataforma batetan adibidez, interesgarria izan daiteke funtzionalitate horiek abiadura azkarreko gailu digital batetan inplementatzea, adibidez FPGA batetan. Proiektu hau resolver-to-digital algoritmoaren modelizazioan eta simulazioan zentratu da, modeloetan oinarritutako diseinua erabiliz. Horretarako, Matlab/Simulink softwarea erabili da, eta gainlaginketan eta PLL motako jarraitzaile batetan oinarritutako teknika inplementatu da. Behin teknika horren funtzionalitatea Simulink-eko bloke estandarren bidez balioztatu ondoren, XilinX System Generator-en bidez inplementatu da algoritmoa, etorkizunean FPGA batetan integratzeko asmoarekin.In the last years the production of electric vehicles has been incentivized in order to achieve a number of objectives, such as the reduction of CO2 pollutants, as well as for the reduction of the pollution in cities with high populations and for the minimization of fuel dependency, among others. In this context, a relevant technological revolution has been produced with the penetration of the electric vehicle, where conventional combustion engines have been substituted by electric machines. The traction electric machine is one of the most relevant elements of this type of vehicle. In order to carry out the control algorithms that govern the electric machine electromagnetic torque productions it is mandatory to precisely determine the angular position of the rotor. Although several solutions can be considered for such angle determination, such as the usage of encoders or the implementation of sensorless control algorithms, up to date resolver sensors are the most widespread options in the automotive industry. In general, the adaptation of the measurement signals provided by the resolver is carried out using resolver-to-digital hardware devices. However and depending on the particular control platform, as it is the case of a rapid control prototyping platform, it can be of high interest to implement such functionalities in a high speed digital device such as an FPGA. This Project has been focused on the modeling and simulation of the resolver-to-digital algorithm using the model based design approach. In order to meet this target, the Matlab/Simulink software has been used, and an adaptation technique based on oversampling and a Phase Locked Loop has been implemented. Once the functionality of this implementation has been verified using standard Simulink blocks, it has been implemented an verified using XilinX System Generator for its future implementation in an FPGA