6 research outputs found

    Composition of texture atlases for 3D mesh multi-texturing

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    We introduce an automatic technique for mapping onto a 3D triangle mesh, approximating the shape of a real 3D object, a high resolution texture synthesized from several pictures taken simultaneously by real cameras surrounding the object. We create a texture atlas by first unwrapping the 3D mesh to form a set of 2D patches with no distortion (i.e., the angles and relative sizes of the 3D triangles are preserved in the atlas), and then mixing the color information from the input images, through another three steps: step no. 2 packs the 2D patches so that the bounding canvas of the set is as small as possible; step no. 3 assigns at most one triangle to each canvas pixel; finally, in step no. 4, the color of each pixel is calculated as a smoothly varying weighted average of the corresponding pixels from several input photographs. Our method is especially good for the creation of realistic 3D models without the need of having graphic artists retouch the texture. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [1.3.7]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Color, shading, shadowing, and textur


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    The borders of the assembly line balancing problem, as classically drawn, are as clear as any other operations research topic in production planning, with well-defined sets of assumptions, parameters, and objective functions. In application, however, these borders are frequently transgressed. Many of these deviations are internal to the assembly line balancing problem itself, arising from any of a wide array of physical or technological features in modern assembly lines. Other issues are founded in the tight coupling of assembly line balancing with external production planning and management problems, as assembly lines are at the intersection of multiple related problems in job sequencing, part flow logistics, worker safety, and quality. The field of General Assembly Line Balancing is devoted to studying the class of adapted and extended solution techniques necessary in order to model these applied line balancing problems. In this dissertation a complex line balancing problem is presented based on the real production environment of our industrial partner, featuring several extensions for task-to-task relationships, station characteristics limiting assignment, and parallel worker zoning interactions. A constructive heuristic is developed along with two improvement heuristics, as well as an integer programming model for the same problem. An experiment is conducted testing each of these new solution methods upon a battery of testbed problems, measuring solution quality, runtime, and achievement of feasibility. Additionally, a new method for measuring a secondary horizontal line balancing objective is established, based on the options-mix paradigm rather than the customary model-mix paradigm

    Generation and Analysis of Content for Physics-Based Video Games

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    The development of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques that can assist with the creation and analysis of digital content is a broad and challenging task for researchers. This topic has been most prevalent in the field of game AI research, where games are used as a testbed for solving more complex real-world problems. One of the major issues with prior AI-assisted content creation methods for games has been a lack of direct comparability to real-world environments, particularly those with realistic physical properties to consider. Creating content for such environments typically requires physics-based reasoning, which imposes many additional complications and restrictions that must be considered. Addressing and developing methods that can deal with these physical constraints, even if they are only within simulated game environments, is an important and challenging task for AI techniques that intend to be used in real-world situations. The research presented in this thesis describes several approaches to creating and analysing levels for the physics-based puzzle game Angry Birds, which features a realistic 2D environment. This research was multidisciplinary in nature and covers a wide variety of different AI fields, leading to this thesis being presented as a compilation of published work. The central part of this thesis consists of procedurally generating levels for physics-based games similar to those in Angry Birds. This predominantly involves creating and placing stable structures made up of many smaller blocks, as well as other level elements. Multiple approaches are presented, including both fully autonomous and human-AI collaborative methodologies. In addition, several analyses of Angry Birds levels were carried out using current state-of-the-art agents. A hyper-agent was developed that uses machine learning to estimate the performance of each agent in a portfolio for an unknown level, allowing it to select the one most likely to succeed. Agent performance on levels that contain deceptive or creative properties was also investigated, allowing determination of the current strengths and weaknesses of different AI techniques. The observed variability in performance across levels for different AI techniques led to the development of an adaptive level generation system, allowing for the dynamic creation of increasingly challenging levels over time based on agent performance analysis. An additional study also investigated the theoretical complexity of Angry Birds levels from a computational perspective. While this research is predominately applied to video games with physics-based simulated environments, the challenges and problems solved by the proposed methods also have significant real-world potential and applications