15 research outputs found

    New Impossible Differential Search Tool from Design and Cryptanalysis Aspects

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    In this paper, a new tool searching for impossible differentials against symmetric-key primitives is presented. Compared to the previous tools, our tool can detect any contradiction between input and output differences, and it can take into account the property inside the S-box when its size is small e.g. 4 bits. In addition, several techniques are proposed to evaluate 8-bit S-box. With this tool, the number of rounds of impossible differentials are improved from the previous best results by 1 round for Midori128, Lilliput, and Minalpher. The tool also finds new impossible differentials of ARIA and MIBS. We manually verify the impossibility of the searched results, which reveals new structural properties of those designs. Our tool can be implemented only by slightly modifying the previous differential search tool using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), while the previous tools need to be implemented independently of the differential search tools. This motivates us to discuss the usage of our tool particular for the design process. With this tool, the maximum number of rounds of impossible differentials can be proven under reasonable assumptions and the tool is applied to various concrete designs

    Related-Tweakey Impossible Differential Attack on Reduced-Round Deoxys-BC-256

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    Deoxys-BC is the internal tweakable block cipher of Deoxys, a third-round authenticated encryption candidate at the CAESAR competition. In this study, by adequately studying the tweakey schedule, we seek a six-round related-tweakey impossible distinguisher of Deoxys-BC-256, which is transformed from a 3.5-round single-key impossible distinguisher of AES, by application of the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method. We present a detailed description of this interesting transformation method and the MILP-modeling process. Based on this distinguisher, we mount a key-recovery attack on 10 (out of 14) rounds of Deoxys-BC-256. Compared to previous results that are valid only when the key size >204>204 and the tweak size <52<52, our method can attack 10-round Deoxys-BC-256 as long as the key size ≥174\geq174 and the tweak size ≤82\leq82. For the popular setting in which the key size is 192 bits, we can attack one round more than previous works. This version gives the distinguisher and the attack differential which follows the description of the hh permutation in the Deoxys document, instead of that in the Deoxys reference implementation in the SUPERCOP package, which is wrong confirmed by the designers. Note that this work only gives a more accurate security evaluation and does not threaten the security of full-round Deoxys-BC-256

    Generalized Related-Key Rectangle Attacks on Block Ciphers with Linear Key Schedule: Applications to SKINNY and GIFT

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    This paper gives a new generalized key-recovery model of related-key rectangle attacks on block ciphers with linear key schedules. The model is quite optimized and applicable to various block ciphers with linear key schedule. As a proof of work, we apply the new model to two very important block ciphers, i.e. SKINNY and GIFT, which are basic modules of many candidates of the Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) standardization project by NIST. For SKINNY, we reduce the complexity of the best previous 27-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on SKINNY-128-384 from 23312^{331} to 22942^{294}. In addition, the first 28-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on SKINNY-128-384 is given, which gains one more round than before. For the case of GIFT-64, we give the first 24-round related-key rectangle attack with a time complexity 291.582^{91.58}, while the best previous attack on GIFT-64 only reaches 23 rounds at most

    New Insights On Differential And Linear Bounds Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Full Version)

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    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is a very common method of modelling differential and linear bounds for ciphers, as it automates the process of finding the best differential trail or linear approximation. The Convex Hull (CH) modelling, introduced by Sun et al. (Eprint 2013/Asiacrypt 2014), is a popular method in this regard, which can convert the conditions corresponding to a small (4-bit) SBox to MILP constraints efficiently. In our work, we study this modelling with CH in more depth and observe a previously unreported problem associated with it. Our analysis shows, there are SBoxes for which the CH modelling can yield incorrect modelling. As such, using the CH modelling may lead to incorrect differential or linear bounds. This arises from the observation that although the CH is generated for a certain set of points, there can be points outside this set which also satisfy all the inequalities of the CH. As apparently no variant of the CH modelling can circumvent this problem, we propose a new modelling for differential and linear bounds. Our modelling makes use of every points of interest individually. This modelling works for an arbitrary SBox, and is able to find the exact bound. Additionally, we also explore the possibility of using redundant constraints, such that the run time for an MILP solver can be reduced while keeping the optimal result unchanged. For this purpose, we revisit the CH modelling and use the CH constraints as redundant constraints (on top of our usual constraints, which ensure the aforementioned problem does not occur). In fact, we choose two heuristics from the convex hull modelling. The first uses all the inequalities of a convex hull, while second uses a reduced number of inequalities. Apart from that, we also propose to use the solutions for the smaller rounds as another heuristic to find the optimal bound for a higher round. With our experiments on round-reduced GIFT-128, we show it is possible to reduce the run time a few folds using a suitable choice of redundant constraints. Further, we observe the necessity to consider separate heuristics for the differential and linear cases. We also present the optimal linear bounds for 11- and 12-rounds of GIFT-128, extending from the best-known result of 10-rounds

    Searching for Subspace Trails and Truncated Differentials

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    Grassi et al. [Gra+16] introduced subspace trail cryptanalysis as a generalization of invariant subspaces and used it to give the first five round distinguisher for Aes. While it is a generic method, up to now it was only applied to the Aes and Prince. One problem for a broad adoption of the attack is a missing generic analysis algorithm. In this work we provide efficient and generic algorithms that allow to compute the provably best subspace trails for any substitution permutation cipher

    New method for combining Matsui’s bounding conditions with sequential encoding method

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    As the first generic method for finding the optimal differential and linear characteristics, Matsui\u27s branch and bound search algorithm has played an important role in evaluating the security of symmetric ciphers. By combining Matsui\u27s bounding conditions with automatic search models, search efficiency can be improved. In this paper, by studying the properties of Matsui\u27s bounding conditions, we give the general form of bounding conditions that can eliminate all the impossible solutions determined by Matsui\u27s bounding conditions. Then, a new method of combining bounding conditions with sequential encoding method is proposed. With the help of some small size Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models, we can use fewer variables and clauses to build Satisfiability Problem (SAT) models. As applications, we use our new method to search for the optimal differential and linear characteristics of some SPN, Feistel, and ARX block ciphers. The number of variables and clauses and the solving time of the SAT models are decreased significantly. In addition, we find some new differential and linear characteristics covering more rounds

    MILP-aided Cube-attack-like Cryptanalysis on Keccak Keyed Modes

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    Cube-attack-like cryptanalysis was proposed by Dinur et al. at EUROCRYPT 2015, which recovers the key of Keccak keyed modes in a divide-and-conquer manner. In their attack, one selects cube variables manually, which leads to more key bits involved in the key-recovery attack, so the complexity is too high unnecessarily. In this paper, we introduce a new MILP model and make the cube attacks better on the Keccak keyed modes. Using this new MILP tool, we find the optimal cube variables for Keccak-MAC, Keyak and Ketje, which makes that a minimum number of key bits are involved in the key-recovery attack. For example, when the capacity is 256, we find a new 32-dimension cube for Keccak-MAC that involves only 18 key bits instead of Dinur et al.\u27s 64 bits and the complexity of the 6-round attack is reduced to 2422^{42} from 2662^{66}. More impressively, using this new tool, we give the very first 7-round key-recovery attack on Keccak-MAC-512. We get the 8-round key-recovery attacks on Lake Keyak in nonce-respected setting. In addition, we get the best attacks on Ketje Major/Minor. For Ketje Major, when the length of nonce is 9 lanes, we could improve the best previous 6-round attack to 7-round. Our attacks do not threaten the full-round (12) Keyak/Ketje or the full-round (24) Keccak-MAC. When comparing with Huang et al.\u27s conditional cube attack, the MILP-aided cube-attack-like cryptanalysis has larger effective range and gets the best results on the Keccak keyed variants with relatively smaller number of degrees of freedom

    MILP Modeling for (Large) S-boxes to Optimize Probability of Differential Characteristics

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    Current Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)-based search against symmetric-key primitives with 8-bit S-boxes can only build word-wise model to search for truncated differential characteristics. In such a model, the properties of the Differential Distribution Table (DDT) are not considered. To take these properties into account, a bit-wise model is necessary, which can be generated by the H-representation of the convex hull or the logical condition modeling. However, the complexity of both approaches becomes impractical when the size of the S-box exceeds 5 bits. In this paper, we propose a new modeling for large (8-bit or more) S-boxes. In particular, we first propose an algorithm to generate a bit-wise model of the DDT for large S-boxes. We observe that the problem of generating constraints in logical condition modeling can be converted into the problem of minimizing the product-of-sum of Boolean functions, which is a well-studied problem. Hence, classical off-the-shelf solutions such as the Quine-McCluskey algorithm or the Espresso algorithm can be utilized, which makes building a bit-wise model, for 8-bit or larger S-boxes, practical. Then this model is further extended to search for the best differential characteristic by considering the probabilities of each propagation in the DDT, which is a much harder problem than searching for the lower bound on the number of active S-boxes. Our idea is to separate the DDT into multiple tables for each probability and add conditional constraints to control the behavior of these multiple tables. The proposed modeling is first applied to SKINNY-128 to find that there is no differential characteristic having probability higher than 2−128 for 14 rounds, while the designers originally expected that 15 rounds were required. We also applied the proposed modeling to two, arbitrarily selected, constructions of the seven AES round function based constructions proposed in FSE 2016 and managed to improve the lower bound on the number of the active S-boxes in one construction and the upper bound on the differential characteristic for the other

    GIFT: A Small Present Towards Reaching the Limit of Lightweight Encryption

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    In this article, we revisit the design strategy of PRESENT, leveraging all the advances provided by the research community in construction and cryptanalysis since its publication, to push the design up to its limits. We obtain an improved version, named GIFT, that provides a much increased efficiency in all domains (smaller and faster), while correcting the well-known weakness of PRESENT with regards to linear hulls. GIFT is a very simple and clean design that outperforms even SIMON or SKINNY for round-based implementations, making it one of the most energy efficient ciphers as of today. It reaches a point where almost the entire implementation area is taken by the storage and the Sboxes, where any cheaper choice of Sbox would lead to a very weak proposal. In essence, GIFT is composed of only Sbox and bit-wiring, but its natural bitslice data flow ensures excellent performances in all scenarios, from area-optimised hardware implementations to very fast software implementation on high-end platforms. We conducted a thorough analysis of our design with regards to state-of-the-art cryptanalysis, and we provide trong bounds with regards to differential/linear attacks