9,095 research outputs found

    A novel method for apoptosis protein subcellular localization prediction combining encoding based on grouped weight and support vector machine

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    AbstractApoptosis proteins have a central role in the development and homeostasis of an organism. These proteins are very important for understanding the mechanism of programmed cell death. Based on the idea of coarse-grained description and grouping in physics, a new feature extraction method with grouped weight for protein sequence is presented, and applied to apoptosis protein subcellular localization prediction associated with support vector machine. For the same training dataset and the same predictive algorithm, the overall prediction accuracy of our method in Jackknife test is 13.2% and 15.3% higher than the accuracy based on the amino acid composition and instability index. Especially for the else class apoptosis proteins, the increment of prediction accuracy is 41.7 and 33.3 percentile, respectively. The experiment results show that the new feature extraction method is efficient to extract the structure information implicated in protein sequence and the method has reached a satisfied performance despite its simplicity. The overall prediction accuracy of EBGW_SVM model on dataset ZD98 reach 92.9% in Jackknife test, which is 8.2–20.4 percentile higher than other existing models. For a new dataset ZW225, the overall prediction accuracy of EBGW_SVM achieves 83.1%. Those implied that EBGW_SVM model is a simple but efficient prediction model for apoptosis protein subcellular location prediction

    NcPred for accurate nuclear protein prediction using n-mer statistics with various classification algorithms

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    Prediction of nuclear proteins is one of the major challenges in genome annotation. A method, NcPred is described, for predicting nuclear proteins with higher accuracy exploiting n-mer statistics with different classification algorithms namely Alternating Decision (AD) Tree, Best First (BF) Tree, Random Tree and Adaptive (Ada) Boost. On BaCello dataset [1], NcPred improves about 20% accuracy with Random Tree and about 10% sensitivity with Ada Boost for Animal proteins compared to existing techniques. It also increases the accuracy of Fungal protein prediction by 20% and recall by 4% with AD Tree. In case of Human protein, the accuracy is improved by about 25% and sensitivity about 10% with BF Tree. Performance analysis of NcPred clearly demonstrates its suitability over the contemporary in-silico nuclear protein classification research

    Imbalanced Multi-Modal Multi-Label Learning for Subcellular Localization Prediction of Human Proteins with Both Single and Multiple Sites

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    It is well known that an important step toward understanding the functions of a protein is to determine its subcellular location. Although numerous prediction algorithms have been developed, most of them typically focused on the proteins with only one location. In recent years, researchers have begun to pay attention to the subcellular localization prediction of the proteins with multiple sites. However, almost all the existing approaches have failed to take into account the correlations among the locations caused by the proteins with multiple sites, which may be the important information for improving the prediction accuracy of the proteins with multiple sites. In this paper, a new algorithm which can effectively exploit the correlations among the locations is proposed by using Gaussian process model. Besides, the algorithm also can realize optimal linear combination of various feature extraction technologies and could be robust to the imbalanced data set. Experimental results on a human protein data set show that the proposed algorithm is valid and can achieve better performance than the existing approaches

    A Multi-Label Predictor for Identifying the Subcellular Locations of Singleplex and Multiplex Eukaryotic Proteins

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    Subcellular locations of proteins are important functional attributes. An effective and efficient subcellular localization predictor is necessary for rapidly and reliably annotating subcellular locations of proteins. Most of existing subcellular localization methods are only used to deal with single-location proteins. Actually, proteins may simultaneously exist at, or move between, two or more different subcellular locations. To better reflect characteristics of multiplex proteins, it is highly desired to develop new methods for dealing with them. In this paper, a new predictor, called Euk-ECC-mPLoc, by introducing a powerful multi-label learning approach which exploits correlations between subcellular locations and hybridizing gene ontology with dipeptide composition information, has been developed that can be used to deal with systems containing both singleplex and multiplex eukaryotic proteins. It can be utilized to identify eukaryotic proteins among the following 22 locations: (1) acrosome, (2) cell membrane, (3) cell wall, (4) centrosome, (5) chloroplast, (6) cyanelle, (7) cytoplasm, (8) cytoskeleton, (9) endoplasmic reticulum, (10) endosome, (11) extracellular, (12) Golgi apparatus, (13) hydrogenosome, (14) lysosome, (15) melanosome, (16) microsome, (17) mitochondrion, (18) nucleus, (19) peroxisome, (20) spindle pole body, (21) synapse, and (22) vacuole. Experimental results on a stringent benchmark dataset of eukaryotic proteins by jackknife cross validation test show that the average success rate and overall success rate obtained by Euk-ECC-mPLoc were 69.70% and 81.54%, respectively, indicating that our approach is quite promising. Particularly, the success rates achieved by Euk-ECC-mPLoc for small subsets were remarkably improved, indicating that it holds a high potential for simulating the development of the area. As a user-friendly web-server, Euk-ECC-mPLoc is freely accessible to the public at the website http://levis.tongji.edu.cn:8080/bioinfo/Euk-ECC-mPLoc/. We believe that Euk-ECC-mPLoc may become a useful high-throughput tool, or at least play a complementary role to the existing predictors in identifying subcellular locations of eukaryotic proteins

    Identify submitochondria and subchloroplast locations with pseudo amino acid composition: Approach from the strategy of discrete wavelet transform feature extraction

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    AbstractIt is very challenging and complicated to predict protein locations at the sub-subcellular level. The key to enhancing the prediction quality for protein sub-subcellular locations is to grasp the core features of a protein that can discriminate among proteins with different subcompartment locations. In this study, a different formulation of pseudoamino acid composition by the approach of discrete wavelet transform feature extraction was developed to predict submitochondria and subchloroplast locations. As a result of jackknife cross-validation, with our method, it can efficiently distinguish mitochondrial proteins from chloroplast proteins with total accuracy of 98.8% and obtained a promising total accuracy of 93.38% for predicting submitochondria locations. Especially the predictive accuracy for mitochondrial outer membrane and chloroplast thylakoid lumen were 82.93% and 82.22%, respectively, showing an improvement of 4.88% and 27.22% when other existing methods were compared. The results indicated that the proposed method might be employed as a useful assistant technique for identifying sub-subcellular locations. We have implemented our algorithm as an online service called SubIdent (http://bioinfo.ncu.edu.cn/services.aspx)

    Predicting protein subcellular locations using hierarchical ensemble of Bayesian classifiers based on Markov chains

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    BACKGROUND: The subcellular location of a protein is closely related to its function. It would be worthwhile to develop a method to predict the subcellular location for a given protein when only the amino acid sequence of the protein is known. Although many efforts have been made to predict subcellular location from sequence information only, there is the need for further research to improve the accuracy of prediction. RESULTS: A novel method called HensBC is introduced to predict protein subcellular location. HensBC is a recursive algorithm which constructs a hierarchical ensemble of classifiers. The classifiers used are Bayesian classifiers based on Markov chain models. We tested our method on six various datasets; among them are Gram-negative bacteria dataset, data for discriminating outer membrane proteins and apoptosis proteins dataset. We observed that our method can predict the subcellular location with high accuracy. Another advantage of the proposed method is that it can improve the accuracy of the prediction of some classes with few sequences in training and is therefore useful for datasets with imbalanced distribution of classes. CONCLUSION: This study introduces an algorithm which uses only the primary sequence of a protein to predict its subcellular location. The proposed recursive scheme represents an interesting methodology for learning and combining classifiers. The method is computationally efficient and competitive with the previously reported approaches in terms of prediction accuracies as empirical results indicate. The code for the software is available upon request

    Model-based classification for subcellular localization prediction of proteins

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    iLoc-Euk: A Multi-Label Classifier for Predicting the Subcellular Localization of Singleplex and Multiplex Eukaryotic Proteins

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    Predicting protein subcellular localization is an important and difficult problem, particularly when query proteins may have the multiplex character, i.e., simultaneously exist at, or move between, two or more different subcellular location sites. Most of the existing protein subcellular location predictor can only be used to deal with the single-location or “singleplex” proteins. Actually, multiple-location or “multiplex” proteins should not be ignored because they usually posses some unique biological functions worthy of our special notice. By introducing the “multi-labeled learning” and “accumulation-layer scale”, a new predictor, called iLoc-Euk, has been developed that can be used to deal with the systems containing both singleplex and multiplex proteins. As a demonstration, the jackknife cross-validation was performed with iLoc-Euk on a benchmark dataset of eukaryotic proteins classified into the following 22 location sites: (1) acrosome, (2) cell membrane, (3) cell wall, (4) centriole, (5) chloroplast, (6) cyanelle, (7) cytoplasm, (8) cytoskeleton, (9) endoplasmic reticulum, (10) endosome, (11) extracellular, (12) Golgi apparatus, (13) hydrogenosome, (14) lysosome, (15) melanosome, (16) microsome (17) mitochondrion, (18) nucleus, (19) peroxisome, (20) spindle pole body, (21) synapse, and (22) vacuole, where none of proteins included has pairwise sequence identity to any other in a same subset. The overall success rate thus obtained by iLoc-Euk was 79%, which is significantly higher than that by any of the existing predictors that also have the capacity to deal with such a complicated and stringent system. As a user-friendly web-server, iLoc-Euk is freely accessible to the public at the web-site http://icpr.jci.edu.cn/bioinfo/iLoc-Euk. It is anticipated that iLoc-Euk may become a useful bioinformatics tool for Molecular Cell Biology, Proteomics, System Biology, and Drug Development Also, its novel approach will further stimulate the development of predicting other protein attributes

    Prediction of Antimicrobial Peptides Based on Sequence Alignment and Feature Selection Methods

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent a class of natural peptides that form a part of the innate immune system, and this kind of ‘nature's antibiotics’ is quite promising for solving the problem of increasing antibiotic resistance. In view of this, it is highly desired to develop an effective computational method for accurately predicting novel AMPs because it can provide us with more candidates and useful insights for drug design. In this study, a new method for predicting AMPs was implemented by integrating the sequence alignment method and the feature selection method. It was observed that, the overall jackknife success rate by the new predictor on a newly constructed benchmark dataset was over 80.23%, and the Mathews correlation coefficient is 0.73, indicating a good prediction. Moreover, it is indicated by an in-depth feature analysis that the results are quite consistent with the previously known knowledge that some amino acids are preferential in AMPs and that these amino acids do play an important role for the antimicrobial activity. For the convenience of most experimental scientists who want to use the prediction method without the interest to follow the mathematical details, a user-friendly web-server is provided at http://amp.biosino.org/