997 research outputs found

    Morphological Computation: Nothing but Physical Computation

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    The purpose of this paper is to argue against the claim that morphological computation is substantially different from other kinds of physical computation. I show that some (but not all) purported cases of morphological computation do not count as specifically computational, and that those that do are solely physical computational systems. These latter cases are not, however, specific enough: all computational systems, not only morphological ones, may (and sometimes should) be studied in various ways, including their energy efficiency, cost, reliability, and durability. Second, I critically analyze the notion of “offloading” computation to the morphology of an agent or robot, by showing that, literally, computation is sometimes not offloaded but simply avoided. Third, I point out that while the morphology of any agent is indicative of the environment that it is adapted to, or informative about that environment, it does not follow that every agent has access to its morphology as the model of its environment

    Phonotaxis in crickets and robots

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    Journal ArticleOver the past decade, we have built and tested several robot models to investigate a particular biological behavior, the sound localizing (phonotaxis) ability of the cricket. This work has had several purposes. One is to develop robotic technology, such as novel sensors and control systems, by copying biology. However, the primary motivation is the "reverse"-to use the technology to develop understanding of biological systems-in particular, how neural circuits control sensorimotor behavior. This is effectively a new methodology for biological modeling, discussed in Webb (to appear). In this chapter, the aim is to provide a summary of the problems addressed and the key results to date. (More-detailed presentations of the biological background and the implementations can be found in Lund, Webb, and Hallam, 1997, 1998; Webb and Scutt, 2000; and Webb and Harrison, 2000.

    Perception in real and artificial insects: a robotic investigation of cricket phonotaxis

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate a methodology for studying percepÂŹ tual systems by building artificial ones. It is proposed that useful results can be obtained from detailed robotic modelling of specific sensorimotor mechanisms in lower animals. By looking at the sensory control of behaviour in simple biological organisms, and in working robots, it is argued that proper appreciation of the physical interaction of the system with the environment and the task is essential for discovering how perceptual mechanisms function. Although links to biology, and concern with perceptual competence, are fields of growing interest in Artificial Intelligence, much of the current research fails to adequately address these issues, as the model systems being built do not represent real sensorimotor problems.By analyzing what is required for a model of a system to contribute to exÂŹ plaining that system, a particular approach to modeling perceptual systems is suggested. This involves choosing an appropriate target system to model, building a system that validly represents the target with respect to a particular hypothesis, and properly evaluating the behaviour of the model system to draw conclusions about the target. The viability and potential contribution of this approach is demonstrated in the design, implementation and evaluation of a mobile robot model of a hypothesised mechanism for phonotaxis in the cricket.The result is a robot that successfully locates a specific sound source under a variety of conditions, with a range of behaviour that resembles the cricket in many ways. This provides some support for the hypothesis that the neural mechanism for phonotaxis in crickets does not involve separate processing for recognition and location of the signal, as is generally supposed. It also shows the importance of unÂŹ derstanding the physical interaction of the system's structure with its environment in devising and implementing perceptual systems. Both these results vindicate the proposed methodology

    Tacit Representations and Artificial Intelligence: Hidden Lessons from an Embodied Perspective on Cognition

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    In this paper, I explore how an embodied perspective on cognition might inform research on artificial intelligence. Many embodied cognition theorists object to the central role that representations play on the traditional view of cognition. Based on these objections, it may seem that the lesson from embodied cognition is that AI should abandon representation as a central component of intelligence. However, I argue that the lesson from embodied cognition is actually that AI research should shift its focus from how to utilize explicit representations to how to create and use tacit representations. To develop this suggestion, I provide an overview of the commitments of the classical view and distinguish three critiques of the role that representations play in that view. I provide further exploration and defense of Daniel Dennett’s distinction between explicit and tacit representations. I argue that we should understand the embodied cognition approach using a framework that includes tacit representations. Given this perspective, I will explore some AI research areas that may be recommended by an embodied perspective on cognition

    The minds of insects

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    What is Consciousness For?

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    What is Consciousness For? Lee Pierson and Monroe Trout Copyright © 2005 Abstract: The answer to the title question is, in a word, volition. Our hypothesis is that the ultimate adaptive function of consciousness is to make volitional movement possible. All conscious processes exist to subserve that ultimate function. Thus, we believe that all conscious organisms possess at least some volitional capability. Consciousness makes volitional attention possible; volitional attention, in turn, makes volitional movement possible. There is, as far as we know, no valid theoretical argument that consciousness is needed for any function other than volitional movement and no convincing empirical evidence that consciousness performs any other ultimate function. Consciousness, via volitional action, increases the likelihood that an organism will direct its attention, and ultimately its movements, to whatever is most important for its survival and reproduction

    Kinematics of cricket phonotaxis

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    Male crickets produce a species specific song to attract females which in response move towards the sound source. This behaviour, termed phonotaxis, has been the subject of many morphological, neurophysiological and behavioural studies making it one of the most well studied examples of acoustic communication in the animal kingdom. Despite this fact, the precise leg movements during this behaviour is unknown. This is of specific interest as the cricket’s ears are located on their front legs, meaning that the perception of the sound input might change as the insect moves. This dissertation describes a methodology and an analysis that fills this knowledge gap. I developed a semi-automated tracking system for insect motion based on commercially available high-speed video cameras and freely available software. I used it to collect detailed three dimensional kinematic information from female crickets performing free walking phonotaxis towards a calling song stimulus. I marked the insect’s joints with small dots of paint and recorded the movements from underneath with a pair of cameras following the insect as it walks on the transparent floor of an arena. Tracking is done offline, utilizing a kinematic model to constrain the processing. I obtained, for the first time, the positions and angles of all joints of all legs and six additional body joints, synchronised with stance-swing transitions and the sound pattern, at a 300 Hz frame rate. I then analysed this data based on four categories: The single leg motion analysis revealed the importance of the thoraco-coxal (ThC) and body joints in the movement of the insect. Furthermore the inside middle leg’s tibio-tarsal (TiTa) joint was the centre of the rotation during turning. Certain joints appear to be the most crucial ones for the transition from straight walking to turning. The leg coordination analysis revealed the patterns followed during straight walking and turning. Furthermore, some leg combinations cannot be explained by current coordination rules. The angles relative to the active speaker revealed the deviation of the crickets as they followed a meandering course towards it. The estimation of ears’ input revealed the differences between the two sides as the insect performed phonotaxis by using a simple algorithm. In general, the results reveal both similarities and differences with other cricket studies and other insects such as cockroaches and stick insects. The work presented herein advances the current knowledge on cricket phonotactic behaviour and will be used in the further development of models of neural control of phonotaxis

    A BioInspired Neural Controller For a Mobile Robot

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