9 research outputs found

    New Bisimulation Semantics for Distributed Systems

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    Bisimulation semantics are a very pleasant way to define the semantics of systems, mainly because the simplicity of their definitions and their nice coalgebraic properties. However, they also have some disadvantages: they are based on a sequential operational semantics defined by means of an ordinary transition system, and in order to be bisimilar two systems have to be “too similar”. In this work we will present several natural proposals to define weaker bisimulation semantics that we think properly capture the desired behaviour of distributed systems. The main virtue of all these semantics is that they are real bisimulation semantics, thus inheriting most of the good properties of bisimulation semantics. This is so because they can be defined as particular instances of Jacobs and Hughes’ categorical definition of simulation, which they have already proved to satisfy all those properties

    Logics for contravariant simulations

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    Covariant-contravariant simulation and conformance simulation are two generalizations of the simple notion of simulation which aim at capturing the fact that it is not always the case that “the larger the number of behaviors, the better”. Therefore, they can be considered to be more adequate to express the fact that a system is a correct implementation of some specification. We have previously shown that these two more elaborated notions fit well within the categorical framework developed to study the notion of simulation in a generic way. Now we show that their behaviors have also simple and natural logical characterizations, though more elaborated than those for the plain simulation semantics

    Multiset Bisimulations as a Common Framework for Ordinary and Probabilistic Bisimulations

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    Our concrete objective is to present both ordinary bisimulations and probabilistic bisimulations in a common coalgebraic framework based on multiset bisimulations. For that we show how to relate the underlying powerset and probabilistic distributions functors with the multiset functor by means of adequate natural transformations. This leads us to the general topic that we investigate in the paper: a natural transformation from a functor F to another G transforms F-bisimulations into G-bisimulations but, in general, it is not possible to express G-bisimulations in terms of F-bisimulations. However, they can be characterized by considering Hughes and Jacobs’ notion of simulation, taking as the order on the functor F the equivalence induced by the epi-mono decomposition of the natural transformation relating F and G. We also consider the case of alternating probabilistic systems where non-deterministic and probabilistic choices are mixed, although only in a partial way, and extend all these results to categorical simulations

    Constrained simulations, nested simulation semantics and counting bisimulations

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    Nested simulations define an interesting hierarchy of semantic preorders and equivalences in which every semantics refines the previous one and it is refined by the following. This nested nature provides a fruitful framework for the study of the formal meaning and the properties of concurrent processes. In this paper we present the notion of constrained simulation that, although rather simple, allows us to find general results for a wide family of semantics. In particular, we provide an axiomatization for both the preorder and the equivalence induced by any constrained simulation. Nested simulations are constrained simulations and therefore our results can be instantiated directly to them. Besides, constrained simulations suggest the definition of a new family of semantics, generalised nested simulation semantics, constructed over the base of any order relation, instead of plain simulation. Finally, we conclude the study of the (generalised) nested semantics defining a generalisation of bisimulation relations, counting bisimulation, that allows us to define a characterisation of nested semantics in terms of a bisimulation-like game

    Correct Transformation from CCSL to Promela for verification

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    Transforming a specification language into a language supported by a verification tool is a widely adopted way of doing formal verification. It enables the reuse of existing languages and tools. In this paper, we propose a correct transformation from CCSL to Promela to do formal verification by SPIN. To implement the transformation, we introduce "coincident instant" into Promela to deal with the discrete time in CCSL. Then we define property patterns to ensure that correctness properties are verified "coincident instant" by "coincident instant" during the verification. We define checkpoint transition systems (CTSs) to model source CCSL specifications and transformed Promel models. The proof of the correctness of our transformation relies on the checkpoint bisimulation defined over CTS. If a property is satisfied by a transformed Promela model, then it is satisfied by the source CCSL specification

    (Bi)Simulations Up-to Characterise Process Semantics

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    We define (bi)simulations up-to a preorder and show how we can use them to provide a coinductive, (bi)simulation-like, characterisation of semantic (equivalences) preorders for processes. In particular, we can apply our results to all the semantics in the linear time-branching time spectrum that are defined by preorders coarser than the ready simulation preorder. The relation between bisimulations up-to and simulations up-to allows us to find some new relations between the equivalences that define the semantics and the corresponding preorders. In particular, we have shown that the simulation up-to an equivalence relation is a canonical preorder whose kernel is the given equivalence relation. Since all of these canonical preorders are defined in an homogeneous way, we can prove properties for them in a generic way. As an illustrative example of this technique, we generate an axiomatic characterisation of each of these canonical preorders, that is obtained simply by adding a single axiom to the axiomatization of the original equivalence relation. Thus we provide an alternative axiomatization for any axiomatizable preorder in the linear time-branching time spectrum, whose correctness and completeness can be proved once and for all. Although we first prove, by induction, our results for finite processes, then we see, by using continuity arguments, that they are also valid for infinite (finitary) processes

    Contributions to Formal Communication Elimination for System Models with Explicit Parallelism

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    Els mètodes de verificació formal s'estan usant cada vegada més en la indústria per establir la correctessa i trobar els errors en models de sistemes; per exemple la descripció de hardware, protocols, programes distribuïts, etc. En particular, els verificadors de models ho fan automàticament per sistemes d'estats finits, per-o estan limitats degut al problema de l'explosió d'estats; i la verificació formal interactiva, l'àrea d'aquesta tesi, es necessita.L'enfocament de la verificació automàtica treballa sobre el sistema de transicions del model, el qual defineix la seva semàntica. Aquest sistema de transicions té sovint molts estats, i sempre una mida gran comparada amb la mida del model del sistema, el qual és sempre infinit. Aquestes consideracions suggereixen un enfocament de verificació estàtica com els d'aquesta tesi, evitant els sistemes de transicions, treballant directament sobre el model del sistema, en principi, la complexitat computacional hauria de ser menor. L'enfocament estàtic d'aquest treball es fa sobre models de sistemes expressats en notació imperativa amb paral·lelisme explícit, sentències de comunicacions síncrones i variables d'emmagatzematge locals.Els raonaments d'equivalència són molt empleats per números, matrius i altres camps. Tanmateix, per programes imperatius amb paral·lelisme, comunicacions i variables, encara que potencialment sigui un mètode de verificació molt intuïtiu, no han estat massa explorats. La seqüencialització formal via l'eliminació de comunicacions internes, l'àrea d'aquesta tesi, és una demostració basada en el raonament estàtic d'equivalències que, donat que disminueix la magnitud del vector d'estats, pot complementar altres mètodes de demostració. Es basa en l'aplicació d'un conjunt de lleis , apropiades per tal propòsit, com reduccions de reescriptura del model del sistema. Aquestes depenen de la noció d'equivalència i de les suposicions de justícia.Aquesta tesi contribueix a la quasi inexplorada àrea de l'eliminació de comunicacions formal i seqüencialització de models de sistema. Les lleis estan definides sobre una equivalència feble: equivalència d'interfície. L'eliminació de comunicacions est-a limitada a models sense seleccions, per exemple models en els quals les comunicacions internes no estan dins de l'àmbit de sentències de selecció. Aplicacions interessants existeixen dins d'aquest marc. Les lleis són vàlides només per justícia feble o sense justícia. Aquesta ha estat desenvolupada seguint la semàntica proposada per Manna i Pnueli per a sistemes reactius [MP91, MP95]. S'han formulat les condicions d'aplicabilitat per les lleis de la pròpia eliminació de comunicacions. A més a més, es proposa un procediment de construcció de demostracions per l'eliminació de comunicacions, el qual intenta aplicar automàticament les lleis de la eliminació. També s'ha dissenyat un conjunt de procediments de transformació, els quals garanteixen que la transformació equivalent sempre correspon a l'aplicació d'una seqüència de lleis. Degut a que la construcció de les demostracions és impracticable, normalment impossible, sense l'ajuda d'una eina, s'ha desenvolupat un demostrador interactiu per la construcció semiautomàtica de la seqüencialització de models de sistemes i demostracions d'eliminació. Tant els procediments de transformació com els de l'eliminació de comunicacions estan integrats en l'eina. Amb l'ajuda del demostrador s'ha construït la demostració de seqüencialització d'un model, no trivial, de processador pipeline. Per aquest exemple s'ha assolit una reducció, respecte del model original, de la cota superior del nombre d'estats de 2−672.Malgrat l'enorme quantitat d'esforç dedicat a l'àrea, abans i durant la tesi, encara queda molt treball per a que l'eliminació de comunicacions i la seqüencialització sigui realment un mètode pràctic. No obstant els resultats d'aquesta tesi han establert els fonaments i han donat l'estímul necessari per continuar l'esforç.Los métodos de verificación formal se están usando cada vez más en la industria para establecer la corrección y encontrar los errores en modelos de sistemas; por ejemplo, la descripción de hardware, protocolos, programas distribuidos, etc. En particular, los verificadores de modelos lo hacen automáticamente para sistemas de estados finitos, pero están limitados debido al problema de la explosión de estados; y la verificación formal interactiva, el área de esta tesis, es necesaria.El enfoque de la verificación automática trabaja sobre el sistema de transiciones del modelo, el cual define su semántica. Este sistema de transiciones tiene a menudo muchos estados, y siempre un tamaño grande comparado con el tamaño del modelo del sistema, el cual es siempre infinito. Estas consideraciones sugieren un enfoque de verificación estática como los de esta tesis, evitando los sistemas de transiciones, trabajando directamente sobre el modelo del sistema, en principio, la complejidad computacional tendría que ser menor. El enfoque estático de este trabajo se lleva a cabo sobre modelos de sistemas expresados en notación imperativa con paralelismo explícito, sentencias de comunicaciones síncronas y variables de almacenamiento locales.Los razonamientos de equivalencia son muy empleados para números, matrices y otros campos. Sin embargo, para programas imperativos con paralelismo, comunicaciones y variables, aún teniendo la potencialidad de ser un método de verificación muy intuitivo, no han sido muy explorados. La secuencialización formal vía la eliminación de comunicaciones internas, el área de esta tesis, es una demostración basada en el razonamiento estático de equivalencias que, ya que disminuye la magnitud del vector de estados, puede complementar otros métodos de demostración. Se basa en la aplicación de un conjunto de leyes, apropiadas para tal propósito, como reducciones de reescritura del modelo del sistema. Éstas dependen de la noción de equivalencia y de las suposiciones de justicia.Esta tesis contribuye a la casi inexplorada área de la eliminación de comunicaciones formal y secuencialización de modelos de sistema. Las leyes están definidas sobre una equivalencia débil: equivalencia de interfaz. La eliminación de comunicaciones está limitada a modelos sin selecciones, por ejemplo modelos en los cuales las comunicaciones internas no están dentro del ámbito de sentencias de selección. Aplicaciones interesantes existen dentro de este marco. Las leyes son válidas sólo para justicia débil o sin justicia. Ésta ha sido desarrollada siguiendo la semántica propuesta por Manna y Pnueli para sistemas reactivos [MP91, MP95]. Se han formulado las condiciones de aplicabilidad para las leyes de la propia eliminación de comunicaciones. Además, se propone un procedimiento de construcción de demostraciones para la eliminación de comunicaciones, el cual intenta aplicar automáticamente las leyes de la eliminación. También se ha diseñado un conjunto de procedimientos de transformación, los cuales garantizan que la transformación equivalente siempre corresponde a la aplicación de una secuencia de leyes. Debido a que la construcción de las demostraciones es impracticable, normalmente imposible, sin la ayuda de una herramienta, se ha desarrollado un demostrador interactivo para la construcción semiautomática de la secuencialización de modelos de sistemas y demostraciones de eliminación. Tanto los procedimientos de transformación como los de la eliminación de comunicaciones están integrados en la herramienta. Con la ayuda del demostrador se ha construido la demostración de secuencialización de un modelo, no trivial, de procesador pipeline. Para este ejemplo se ha logrado una reducción, respecto del modelo original, de la cota superior del número de estados de 2−672.A pesar de la enorme cantidad de esfuerzo dedicado al área, antes y durante esta tesis, todavía queda mucho trabajo para que la eliminación de comunicaciones y la secuencialización sea realmente un método práctico. Sin embargo los resultados de esta tesis han establecido los cimientos y han dado el estímulo necesario para continuar el esfuerzo.Formal verification methods are increasingly being used in industry to establish the correctness of, and to find the flaws in, system models; for instance, descriptions of hardware, protocols, distributed programs, etc. In particular, model checking does that automatically for finite-state systems, but it is limited in scope due to the state explosion problem; and interactive formal verification, the broad area of this thesis, is needed.Automatic verification approaches work on the transition system of the model, which defines its semantics. This transition system has often infinitely many states, and always a large size compared to the size of the system model, which is always finite. These considerations suggest that static verification approaches such as those of this thesis, avoiding the transition system, working directly on the system model would have less computational complexity, in principle. The static approach of this work is carried out on system models expressed in imperative notations with explicit parallelism and synchronous communication statements, and with local storage variables.Equivalence reasoning is heavily used for numbers, matrices, and other fields. However, for imperative programs with parallelism, communications, and variables, although having the potentiality of being a very intuitive verification method, it has not been much explored. Formal sequentialization via internal communication elimination, the area of this thesis, is a static equivalence reasoning proof that, since it decreases the size of the state vector, could complement other proof methods. It is based on the application of a set of laws, suitable for that purpose, as rewriting reductions to a system model. These proofs need both proper communication elimination laws and auxiliary basic laws. These depend on the notion of equivalence and on the fairness assumptions.This thesis contributes to the almost unexplored area of formal communication elimination and system model sequentialization. The laws are defined over a weak equivalence: interface equivalence. Communication elimination is confined to selection-free models, i.e. models none of whose inner communications are within the scope of selection statements. Interesting applications already exist within this framework. The laws are valid only with weak fairness or no fairness. It has been developed following the same semantics as Manna and Pnueli for reactive systems [MP91, MP95]. Applicability conditions for the proper communication elimination laws are derived. In addition, a communication elimination proof construction procedure, which attempts to apply the elimination laws automatically is proposed. A set of transformation procedures, guaranteeing that the equivalence transformation always corresponds to the application of a sequence of laws have been designed as well. Since the construction of elimination proofs is impractical, even impossible, without a tool, an interactive prover for semi-automatic construction of system model sequentialization and elimination proofs has been developed. Both transformation and communication elimination procedures are integrated within the tool. As a non-trivial example, a sequentialization proof of a pipelined processor model, has been constructed with the help of the prover. Areduction, with respect to the original model, of 2−672 on the upper bound on the number of states has been achieved in this example.In spite of the huge amount of effort already devoted to the area, before and during this thesis, much work still needs to be done until communication elimination and sequentialization become a practical method. Nevertheless the results of this thesis have established its foundations and given the necessary encouragement for continuing the effort

    New bisimulation semantics for distributed systems

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    Abstract. Bisimulation semantics are a very pleasant way to define the semantics of systems, mainly because the simplicity of their definitions and their nice coalgebraic properties. However, they also have some disadvantages: they are based on a sequential operational semantics defined by means of an ordinary transition system, and in order to be bisimilar two systems have to be "too similar". In this work we will present several natural proposals to define weaker bisimulation semantics that we think properly capture the desired behaviour of distributed systems. The main virtue of all these semantics is that they are real bisimulation semantics, thus inheriting most of the good properties of bisimulation semantics. This is so because they can be defined as particular instances of Jacobs and Hughes' categorical definition of simulation, which they have already proved to satisfy all those properties