347 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Choosing the most storage- and energy-efficient block cipher specifically for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is not as straightforward as it seems. To our knowledge so far, there is no systematic evaluation framework for the purpose. We have identified the candidates of block ciphers suitable for WSNs based on existing literature. For evaluating and assessing these candidates, we have devised a systematic framework that not only considers the security properties but also the storage- and energy-efficency of the candidates. Finally, based on the evaluation results, we have selected the suitable ciphers for WSNs, namely Rijndael for high security and energy efficiency requirements; and MISTY1 for good storage and energy efficiency

    Slide Attacks on a Class of Hash Functions

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    Abstract. This paper studies the application of slide attacks to hash functions. Slide attacks have mostly been used for block cipher cryptanalysis. But, as shown in the current paper, they also form a potential threat for hash functions, namely for sponge-function like structures. As it turns out, certain constructions for hash-function-based MACs can be vulnerable to forgery and even to key recovery attacks. In other cases, we can at least distinguish a given hash function from a random oracle. To illustrate our results, we describe attacks against the Grindahl-256 and Grindahl-512 hash functions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first cryptanalytic result on Grindahl-512. Furthermore, we point out a slide-based distinguisher attack on a slightly modified version of RadioGatĆŗn. We finally discuss simple countermeasures as a defense against slide attacks. Key words: slide attacks, hash function, Grindahl, RadioGatĆŗn, MAC, sponge function.

    Provable security for lightweight message authentication and encryption

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    The birthday bound often limits the security of a cryptographic scheme to half of the block size or internal state size. This implies that cryptographic schemes require a block size or internal state size that is twice the security level, resulting in larger and more resource-intensive designs. In this thesis, we introduce abstract constructions for message authentication codes and stream ciphers that we demonstrate to be secure beyond the birthday bound. Our message authentication codes were inspired by previous work, specifically the message authentication code EWCDM by Cogliati and Seurin, as well as the work by Mennink and Neves, which demonstrates easy proofs of security for the sum of permutations and an improved bound for EWCDM. We enhance the sum of permutations by incorporating a hash value and a nonce in our stateful design, and in our stateless design, we utilize two hash values. One advantage over EWCDM is that the permutation calls, or block cipher calls, can be parallelized, whereas in EWCDM they must be performed sequentially. We demonstrate that our constructions provide a security level of 2n/3 bits in the nonce-respecting setting. Subsequently, this bound was further improved to 3n/4 bits of security. Additionally, it was later discovered that security degrades gracefully with nonce repetitions, unlike EWCDM, where the security drops to the birthday bound with a single nonce repetition. Contemporary stream cipher designs aim to minimize the hardware module's resource requirements by incorporating an externally available resource, all while maintaining a high level of security. The security level is typically measured in relation to the size of the volatile internal state, i.e., the state cells within the cipher's hardware module. Several designs have been proposed that continuously access the externally available non-volatile secret key during keystream generation. However, there exists a generic distinguishing attack with birthday bound complexity. We propose schemes that continuously access the externally available non-volatile initial value. For all constructions, conventional or contemporary, we provide proofs of security against generic attacks in the random oracle model. Notably, stream ciphers that use the non-volatile initial value during keystream generation offer security beyond the birthday bound. Based on these findings, we propose a new stream cipher design called DRACO

    Quantum linearization attacks

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    Recent works have shown that quantum period-finding can be used to break many popular constructions (some block ciphers such as Even-Mansour, multiple MACs and AEs...) in the superposition query model. So far, all the constructions broken exhibited a strong algebraic structure, which enables to craft a periodic function of a single input block. Recoverin

    Forgery Attacks on Several Beyond-Birthday-Bound Secure MACs

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    At CRYPTO\u2718, Datta et al. proposed nPolyMAC and proved the security up to 2^{2n/3} authentication queries and 2^{n} verification queries. At EUROCRYPT\u2719, Dutta et al. proposed CWC+ and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. At FSE\u2719, Datta et al. proposed PolyMAC and its key-reduced variant 2k-PolyMAC, and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. This security bound was then improved by Kim et al. (EUROCRYPT\u2720) and Datta et al (FSE\u2723) respectively to 2^{3n/4} and in the multi-user setting. At FSE\u2720, Chakraborti et al. proposed PDM*MAC and 1k-PDM*MAC and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. Recently, Chen et al. proposed nEHtM_p^+ and showed the security up to 2^{2n/3} queries. In this paper, we show forgery attacks on nPolyMAC, CWC+, PolyMAC, 2k-PolyMAC, PDM*MAC, 1k-PDM*MAC and nEHtM_p^+. Our attacks exploit some vulnerability in the underlying polynomial hash function Poly, and (i) require only one authentication query and one verification query; (ii) are nonce-respecting; (iii) succeed with probability 1. Thus, our attacks disprove the provable high security claims of these schemes. We then revisit their security analyses and identify what went wrong. Finally, we propose two solutions that can restore the beyond-birthday-bound security

    Distinguishing Attack and Second-Preimage Attack on the CBC-like MACs

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    In this paper, we first present a new distinguisher on the CBC-MAC based on a block cipher in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. It can also be used to distinguish other CBC-like MACs from random functions. The main results of this paper are on the second-preimage attack on CBC-MAC and CBC-like MACs include TMAC, OMAC, CMAC, PC-MAC and MACs based on three-key encipher CBC mode. Instead of exhaustive search, this attack can be performed with the birthday attack complexity

    The Exact Security of PMAC with Three Powering-Up Masks

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    PMAC is a rate-1, parallelizable, block-cipher-based message authentication code (MAC), proposed by Black and Rogaway (EUROCRYPT 2002). Improving the security bound is a main research topic for PMAC. In particular, showing a tight bound is the primary goal of the research, since Luykx et al.\u27s paper (EUROCRYPT 2016). Regarding the pseudo-random-function (PRF) security of PMAC, a collision of the hash function, or the difference between a random permutation and a random function offers the lower bound Ī©(q2/2n)\Omega(q^2/2^n) for qq queries and the block cipher size nn. Regarding the MAC security (unforgeability), a hash collision for MAC queries, or guessing a tag offers the lower bound Ī©(qm2/2n+qv/2n)\Omega(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for qmq_m MAC queries and qvq_v verification queries (forgery attempts). The tight upper bound of the PRF-security O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) of PMAC was given by Gaž et el. (ToSC 2017, Issue 1), but their proof requires a 4-wise independent masking scheme that uses 4 nn-bit random values. Open problems from their work are: (1) find a masking scheme with three or less random values with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for PRF-security; (2) find a masking scheme with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for MAC-security. In this paper, we consider PMAC with three powering-up masks that uses three random values for the masking scheme. We show that the PMAC has the tight upper bound O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) for PRF-security, which answers the open problem (1), and the tight upper bound O(qm2/2n+qv/2n)O(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for MAC-security, which answers the open problem (2). Note that these results deal with two-key PMAC, thus showing tight upper bounds of PMACs with single-key and/or with two (or one) powering-up masks are open problems
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