700 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms to Compute Hierarchical Summaries from Big Data Streams

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    Many data stream applications have hierarchical data; containing time, geographic locations, product information, clickstreams, server logs, IP addresses. A hierarchical summary of such volumous data offers multiple advantages including compactness, quick understanding, and abstraction. The goal of this thesis is to design algorithmic approaches for summarizing hierarchical data streams. First, this thesis provides a theoretical analysis of the benchmark hierarchical heavy hitters' algorithms and uncovers their shortcomings such as requiring high theoretical memory, updates and coverage problem. To address these shortcomings, this thesis proposes efficient algorithms which offer deterministic estimation accuracy using O(η/ε) worst-case memory and O(η) worst-case time complexity per item, where ε ∈ [0,1] is a user defined parameter and η is a small constant derived from the data. The proposed hierarchical heavy hitters' algorithms are shown to have improved significantly over existing algorithms both theoretically as well as empirically. Next, this thesis introduces a new concept called hierarchically correlated heavy hitters, which is different from existing hierarchical summarization techniques. The thesis provides a formal definition of the proposed concept and compares it with existing hierarchical summarization approaches both at definition level and empirically. It also proposes an efficient hierarchy-aware algorithm for computing hierarchically correlated heavy hitters. The proposed algorithm offers deterministic estimation accuracy using O(η / (ε_p * ε_s )) worst-case memory and O(η) worst-case time complexity per item, where η is as defined previously, and ε_p ∈ [0,1], ε_s ∈ [0,1] are other user defined parameters. Finally, the thesis proposes a special hierarchical data structure and algorithm to summarize spatiotemporal data. It can be used to extract interesting and useful patterns from high-speed spatiotemporal data streams at multiple spatial and temporal granularities. Theoretical and empirical analysis are provided, which show that the proposed data structure is very efficient concerning data storage and response to queries. It updates a single item in O(1) time and responds to a point query in O(1) time. Importantly, the memory requirement of the proposed data structure is independent of the size of the data and only depends on user-supplied parameters ψ ⃗ and φ ⃗. In summary, this thesis provides a general framework consisting of a set of algorithms and data structures to compute hierarchical summaries of the big data streams. All of the proposed algorithms exploit a lattice structure built from the hierarchical attributes of the data to compute different hierarchical summaries, which can be used to address various data analytic issues in many emerging applications

    Efficient Identification of TOP-K Heavy Hitters over Sliding Windows

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordDue to the increasing volume of network traffic and growing complexity of network environment, rapid identification of heavy hitters is quite challenging. To deal with the massive data streams in real-time, accurate and scalable solution is required. The traditional method to keep an individual counter for each host in the whole data streams is very resource-consuming. This paper presents a new data structure called FCM and its associated algorithms. FCM combines the count-min sketch with the stream-summary structure simultaneously for efficient TOP-K heavy hitter identification in one pass. The key point of this algorithm is that it introduces a novel filter-and-jump mechanism. Given that the Internet traffic has the property of being heavy-tailed and hosts of low frequencies account for the majority of the IP addresses, FCM periodically filters the mice from input streams to efficiently improve the accuracy of TOP-K heavy hitter identification. On the other hand, considering that abnormal events are always time sensitive, our algorithm works by adjusting its measurement window to the newly arrived elements in the data streams automatically. Our experimental results demonstrate that the performance of FCM is superior to the previous related algorithm. Additionally this solution has a good prospect of application in advanced network environment.Chinese Academy of SciencesNational Natural Science Foundation of Chin

    Fast and Accurate Mining of Correlated Heavy Hitters

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    The problem of mining Correlated Heavy Hitters (CHH) from a two-dimensional data stream has been introduced recently, and a deterministic algorithm based on the use of the Misra--Gries algorithm has been proposed by Lahiri et al. to solve it. In this paper we present a new counter-based algorithm for tracking CHHs, formally prove its error bounds and correctness and show, through extensive experimental results, that our algorithm outperforms the Misra--Gries based algorithm with regard to accuracy and speed whilst requiring asymptotically much less space

    Weighted Reservoir Sampling from Distributed Streams

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    We consider message-efficient continuous random sampling from a distributed stream, where the probability of inclusion of an item in the sample is proportional to a weight associated with the item. The unweighted version, where all weights are equal, is well studied, and admits tight upper and lower bounds on message complexity. For weighted sampling with replacement, there is a simple reduction to unweighted sampling with replacement. However, in many applications the stream has only a few heavy items which may dominate a random sample when chosen with replacement. Weighted sampling \textit{without replacement} (weighted SWOR) eludes this issue, since such heavy items can be sampled at most once. In this work, we present the first message-optimal algorithm for weighted SWOR from a distributed stream. Our algorithm also has optimal space and time complexity. As an application of our algorithm for weighted SWOR, we derive the first distributed streaming algorithms for tracking \textit{heavy hitters with residual error}. Here the goal is to identify stream items that contribute significantly to the residual stream, once the heaviest items are removed. Residual heavy hitters generalize the notion of 1\ell_1 heavy hitters and are important in streams that have a skewed distribution of weights. In addition to the upper bound, we also provide a lower bound on the message complexity that is nearly tight up to a log(1/ϵ)\log(1/\epsilon) factor. Finally, we use our weighted sampling algorithm to improve the message complexity of distributed L1L_1 tracking, also known as count tracking, which is a widely studied problem in distributed streaming. We also derive a tight message lower bound, which closes the message complexity of this fundamental problem.Comment: To appear in PODS 201

    Identifying Correlated Heavy-Hitters in a Two-Dimensional Data Stream

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    We consider online mining of correlated heavy-hitters from a data stream. Given a stream of two-dimensional data, a correlated aggregate query first extracts a substream by applying a predicate along a primary dimension, and then computes an aggregate along a secondary dimension. Prior work on identifying heavy-hitters in streams has almost exclusively focused on identifying heavy-hitters on a single dimensional stream, and these yield little insight into the properties of heavy-hitters along other dimensions. In typical applications however, an analyst is interested not only in identifying heavy-hitters, but also in understanding further properties such as: what other items appear frequently along with a heavy-hitter, or what is the frequency distribution of items that appear along with the heavy-hitters. We consider queries of the following form: In a stream S of (x, y) tuples, on the substream H of all x values that are heavy-hitters, maintain those y values that occur frequently with the x values in H. We call this problem as Correlated Heavy-Hitters (CHH). We formulate an approximate formulation of CHH identification, and present an algorithm for tracking CHHs on a data stream. The algorithm is easy to implement and uses workspace which is orders of magnitude smaller than the stream itself. We present provable guarantees on the maximum error, as well as detailed experimental results that demonstrate the space-accuracy trade-off