3 research outputs found


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    For centuries, people have talked of a powerful bodily disorder called migraine, which currently affects about a billion people around the world. Yet until now, the rich history of this condition has barely been told. In Migraine, award-winning historian Katherine Foxhall reveals the ideas and methods that ordinary people and medical professionals have used to describe, explain, and treat migraine since the Middle Ages. Touching on classical theories of humoral disturbance and medieval bloodletting, Foxhall also describes early modern herbal remedies, the emergence of neurology, and evolving practices of therapeutic experimentation. Throughout the book, Foxhall persuasively argues that our current knowledge of migraine's neurobiology is founded on a centuries-long social, cultural, and medical history. This history, she demonstrates, continues to profoundly shape our knowledge of this complicated disease, our attitudes toward people who have migraine, and the sometimes drastic measures that we take to address pain. Migraine is an intimate look at how cultural attitudes and therapeutic practices have changed radically in response to medical and pharmaceutical developments. Foxhall draws on a wealth of previously unexamined sources, including medieval manuscripts, early-modern recipe books, professional medical journals, hospital case notes, newspaper advertisements, private diaries, consultation letters, artworks, poetry, and YouTube videos. Deeply researched and beautifully written, this fascinating and accessible study of one of our most common, disabling—and yet often dismissed—disorders will appeal to physicians, historians, scholars in medical humanities, and people living with migraine alike


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    For centuries, people have talked of a powerful bodily disorder called migraine, which currently affects about a billion people around the world. Yet until now, the rich history of this condition has barely been told. In Migraine, award-winning historian Katherine Foxhall reveals the ideas and methods that ordinary people and medical professionals have used to describe, explain, and treat migraine since the Middle Ages. Touching on classical theories of humoral disturbance and medieval bloodletting, Foxhall also describes early modern herbal remedies, the emergence of neurology, and evolving practices of therapeutic experimentation. Throughout the book, Foxhall persuasively argues that our current knowledge of migraine's neurobiology is founded on a centuries-long social, cultural, and medical history. This history, she demonstrates, continues to profoundly shape our knowledge of this complicated disease, our attitudes toward people who have migraine, and the sometimes drastic measures that we take to address pain. Migraine is an intimate look at how cultural attitudes and therapeutic practices have changed radically in response to medical and pharmaceutical developments. Foxhall draws on a wealth of previously unexamined sources, including medieval manuscripts, early-modern recipe books, professional medical journals, hospital case notes, newspaper advertisements, private diaries, consultation letters, artworks, poetry, and YouTube videos. Deeply researched and beautifully written, this fascinating and accessible study of one of our most common, disabling—and yet often dismissed—disorders will appeal to physicians, historians, scholars in medical humanities, and people living with migraine alike

    Migreenin sairastuvuuteen vaikuttavien geneettisten tekijöiden tunnistaminen

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    Migraine is the common cause of chronic episodic headache, affecting 12%-15% of the Caucasian population (41 million Europeans and some half a million Finns), and causes considerable loss of quality of life to its sufferers, as well as being linked to increased risk for a wide range of conditions, from depression to stroke. Migraine is the 19th most severe disease in terms of disability-adjusted life years, and 9th among women. It is characterized by attacks of headache accompanied by sensitivity to external stimuli lasting 4-72 hours, and in a third of cases by neurological aura symptoms, such as loss of vision, speech or muscle function. The underlying pathophysiology, including what triggers migraine attacks and why they occur in the first place, is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to identify genetic factors associated with the hereditary susceptibility to migraine, in order to gain a better understanding of migraine mechanisms. In this thesis, we report the results of genetic linkage and association analyses on a Finnish migraine patient collection as well as migraineurs from Australia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland and the Netherlands. Altogether we studied genetic information of nearly 7,000 migraine patients and over 50,000 population-matched controls. We also developed a new migraine analysis method called the trait component analysis, which is based on individual patient responses instead of the clinical diagnosis. Using this method, we detected a number of new genetic loci for migraine, including on chromosome 17p13 (HLOD 4.65) and 10q22-q23 (female-specific HLOD 7.68) with significant evidence of linkage, along with five other loci (2p12, 8q12, 4q28-q31, 18q12-q22, and Xp22) detected with suggestive evidence of linkage. The 10q22-q23 locus was the first genetic finding in migraine to show linkage to the same locus and markers in multiple populations, with consistent detection in six different scans. Traditionally, ion channels have been thought to play a role in migraine susceptibility, but we were able to exclude any significant role for common variants in a candidate gene study of 155 ion transport genes. This was followed up by the first genome-wide association study in migraine, conducted on 2,748 migraine patients and 10,747 matched controls followed by a replication in 3,209 patients and 40,062 controls. In this study, we found interesting results with genome-wide significance, providing targets for future genetic and functional studies. Overall, we found several promising genetic loci for migraine providing a promising base for future studies in migraine.Migreeni on yleisin kroonisen kohtauksellisen päänsäryn syy ja siitä kärsii 12-15% väestöstä. Monitekijäisten kansantautien - kuten migreenin, diabeteksen ja masennuksen - tautimekanismien ymmärtäminen on yksi nykylääketieteen ja -genetiikan vaikeimmista haasteista. Nämä taudit ovat osa päivittäistä elämää niin lääkärin vastaanotolla kuin kotonakin, ja niiden tutkimuksella ja edistysaskeleilla on mahdollisuus parantaa potilaiden elämänlaatua. Nykykäsityksen mukaan kansantautien perinnöllinen alttius perustuu ympäristötekijöiden ohella lukuisten eri perimänvaihteluiden yhteisvaikutukseen ja siksi vaihteluiden tunnistaminen vaatii suuria potilasaineistoja. Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus perustuu laajaan kansainväliseen yhteistyöhön, jonka tuloksena pystyimme tutkimaan migreenille altistavia perimän alueita lähes 7 000 migreenipotilaasta uusimmilla geenitutkimuksen menetelmillä. Migreeni on 19. vakavin elämänlaadun laskija maailmassa ja yhdeksänneksi pahin naisten keskuudessa. Euroopassa migreenikkoja on 41 miljoonaa (Suomessa 441 000) ja tauti on eniten kustannuksia ja elämänlaadun laskua aiheuttava neurologinen tauti. Jopa puolet migreenipotilaista joutuu käymään sairaalapäivystyksessä kerran vuodessa migreenin vuoksi ja 15% migreeniä sairastavista tarvitsi viisi terveyskeskuskäyntikertaa tai enemmän vuodessa. Migreenillä on kaksi päätyyppiä: esioireellinen (aurallinen) ja esioireeton (auraton) migreeni, jossa edellisessä kohtaukseen liittyy kivun lisäksi erilaisia neurologisia oireita, kuten näkö- ja puhevaikeuksia. Molemmat muodot kuuluvat edellä mainittuihin monitekijäisiin tauteihin, eikä yhtään yleiseen migreenialttiuteen vaikuttavaa geneettistä tekijää ole ennen tätä tutkimusta varmuudella tunnistettu. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa esittelemme uudenlaisen lähestymistavan, oirekomponenttianalyysin, migreenin luokitteluun sekä sovellamme sitä uusien geneettisten alttiusalueiden tunnistamiseen suomalaisissa ja kansainvälisissä potilasaineistoissa. Sitä käyttämällä tunnistimme kaksi uutta migreenille altistavaa geenialuetta sekä kykenimme vahvistamaan useita aikaisemmin havaittuja. Migreenin perinnöllisen alttiuden taustalla on pitkään ajateltu olevan muutoksia solun ionikanavissa, mutta pystyimme tutkimuksessamme poissulkemaan niiden osuuden migreenin alttiustekijänä. Suoritimme ensimmäisen migreenin kokogenomiassosiaatiotutkimuksen (käsittäen n. 5 700 potilasta ja 50 000 populaatioverrokkia) jossa tunnistimme genominlaajuisesti merkittäviä variantteja, jotka muodostavat vahvan pohjan geneettisille ja funktionaalisille jatkotutkimuksille