7 research outputs found

    Neural tracking and integration of 'self' and 'other' in improvised interpersonal coordination

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    Humans coordinate their movements with one another in a range of everyday activities and skill domains. Optimal joint performance requires the continuous anticipation of and adaptation to each other's movements, especially when actions are spontaneous rather than pre-planned. Here we employ dual-EEG and frequency-tagging techniques to investigate how the neural tracking of self- and other-generated movements supports interpersonal coordination during improvised motion. LEDs flickering at 5.7 and 7.7 Hz were attached to participants’ index fingers in 28 dyads as they produced novel patterns of synchronous horizontal forearm movements. EEG responses at these frequencies revealed enhanced neural tracking of self-generated movement when leading and of other-generated movements when following. A marker of self-other integration at 13.4 Hz (inter-modulation frequency of 5.7 and 7.7 Hz) peaked when no leader was designated, and mutual adaptation and movement synchrony were maximal. Furthermore, the amplitude of EEG responses reflected differences in the capacity of dyads to synchronize their movements, offering a neurophysiologically grounded perspective for understanding perceptual-motor mechanisms underlying joint action. © 2019 Elsevier Inc

    Analyzing directionality of influence among ensemble musicians using Granger Causality

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    In small musical groups, performers can seem to coordinate their movements almost effortlessly in remarkable exhibits of joint action and entrainment. To achieve a common musical goal, co-performers interact and communicate using non-verbal means such as upper-body movements, and particularly head motion. Studying these phenomena in naturalistic contexts can be challenging since most techniques make use of motion capture technologies that can be intrusive and costly. To investigate an alternative method, we analyze video recordings of a professional instrumental ensemble by extracting trajectory information using pose estimation algorithms. We examine Kansei perspectives such as the analysis of non-verbal expression conveyed by bodily movements and gestures, and test for causal relationships and directed influence between performers using the Granger Causality method. We compute weighted probabilities representing the likelihood that each performer Granger Causes co-performers’ movements. Effects of different aspects of musical textures were examined and results indicated stronger directionality for homophonic textures (clear melodic leader) than polyphonic (ambiguous leadership)

    Spatial and temporal (non)binding of audiovisual rhythms in sensorimotor synchronisation

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    All data are held in a public repository, available at OSF database (URL access: https://osf.io/2jr48/?view_only=17e3f6f57651418c980832e00d818072).Human movement synchronisation with moving objects strongly relies on visual input. However, auditory information also plays an important role, since real environments are intrinsically multimodal. We used electroencephalography (EEG) frequency tagging to investigate the selective neural processing and integration of visual and auditory information during motor tracking and tested the effects of spatial and temporal congruency between audiovisual modalities. EEG was recorded while participants tracked with their index finger a red flickering (rate fV = 15 Hz) dot oscillating horizontally on a screen. The simultaneous auditory stimulus was modulated in pitch (rate fA = 32 Hz) and lateralised between left and right audio channels to induce perception of a periodic displacement of the sound source. Audiovisual congruency was manipulated in terms of space in Experiment 1 (no motion, same direction or opposite direction), and timing in Experiment 2 (no delay, medium delay or large delay). For both experiments, significant EEG responses were elicited at fV and fA tagging frequencies. It was also hypothesised that intermodulation products corresponding to the nonlinear integration of visual and auditory stimuli at frequencies fV ± fA would be elicited, due to audiovisual integration, especially in Congruent conditions. However, these components were not observed. Moreover, synchronisation and EEG results were not influenced by congruency manipulations, which invites further exploration of the conditions which may modulate audiovisual processing and the motor tracking of moving objects.We thank Ashleigh Clibborn and Ayah Hammoud for their assistance with data collection. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (DP170104322, DP220103047). OML is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through the national funds, within the scope of the Transitory Disposition of the Decree No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July (Ref.: SFRH/BPD/72710/2010

    Neural Entrainment Meets Behavior: The Stability Index as a Neural Outcome Measure of Auditory-Motor Coupling

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    Understanding rhythmic behavior in the context of coupled auditory and motor systems has been of interest to neurological rehabilitation, in particular, to facilitate walking. Recent work based on behavioral measures revealed an entrainment effect of auditory rhythms on motor rhythms. In this study, we propose a method to compute the neural component of such a process from an electroencephalographic (EEG) signal. A simple auditory-motor synchronization paradigm was used, where 28 healthy participants were instructed to synchronize their finger-tapping with a metronome. The computation of the neural outcome measure was carried out in two blocks. In the first block, we used Generalized Eigendecomposition (GED) to reduce the data dimensionality to the component which maximally entrained to the metronome frequency. The scalp topography pointed at brain activity over contralateral sensorimotor regions. In the second block, we computed instantaneous frequency from the analytic signal of the extracted component. This returned a time-varying measure of frequency fluctuations, whose standard deviation provided our “stability index” as a neural outcome measure of auditory-motor coupling. Finally, the proposed neural measure was validated by conducting a correlation analysis with a set of behavioral outcomes from the synchronization task: resultant vector length, relative phase angle, mean asynchrony, and tempo matching. Significant moderate negative correlations were found with the first three measures, suggesting that the stability index provided a quantifiable neural outcome measure of entrainment, with selectivity towards phase-correction mechanisms. We address further adoption of the proposed approach, especially with populations where sensorimotor abilities are compromised by an underlying pathological condition. The impact of using stability index can potentially be used as an outcome measure to assess rehabilitation protocols, and possibly provide further insight into neuropathological models of auditory-motor coupling

    Alpha oscillations related to self-other integration and distinction during live orchestral performance: a naturalistic case study

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    Ensemble music performance requires musicians to achieve precise interpersonal coordination while maintaining autonomous control over their own actions. To do so, musicians dynamically shift between integrating other performers’ actions into their own action plans and maintaining a distinction between their own and others’ actions. Research in laboratory settings has shown that this dynamic process of self-other integration and distinction is indexed by sensorimotor alpha oscillations. The purpose of the current descriptive case study was to examine oscillations related to self-other integration and distinction in a naturalistic performance context. We measured alpha activity from four violinists during a concert hall performance of a 60-musician orchestra. We selected a musical piece from the orchestra’s repertoire and, before analyzing alpha activity, performed a score analysis to divide the piece into sections that were expected to strongly promote self-other integration and distinction. In line with previous laboratory findings, performers showed suppressed and enhanced alpha activity during musical sections that promoted self-other integration and distinction, respectively. The current study thus provides preliminary evidence that findings from carefully controlled laboratory experiments generalize to complex real-world performance. Its findings also suggest directions for future research and potential applications of interest to musicians, music educators, and music therapists

    Neural tracking and integration of 'self' and 'other' in improvised interpersonal coordination.

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    Humans coordinate their movements with one another in a range of everyday activities and skill domains. Optimal joint performance requires the continuous anticipation of and adaptation to each other's movements, especially when actions are spontaneous rather than pre-planned. Here we employ dual-EEG and frequency-tagging techniques to investigate how the neural tracking of self- and other-generated movements supports interpersonal coordination during improvised motion. LEDs flickering at 5.7 and 7.7 Hz were attached to participants' index fingers in 28 dyads as they produced novel patterns of synchronous horizontal forearm movements. EEG responses at these frequencies revealed enhanced neural tracking of self-generated movement when leading and of other-generated movements when following. A marker of self-other integration at 13.4 Hz (inter-modulation frequency of 5.7 and 7.7 Hz) peaked when no leader was designated, and mutual adaptation and movement synchrony were maximal. Furthermore, the amplitude of EEG responses reflected differences in the capacity of dyads to synchronize their movements, offering a neurophysiologically grounded perspective for understanding perceptual-motor mechanisms underlying joint action


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    AvanttĂ­tol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripciĂł del recurs: 25 juliol 202