6 research outputs found

    A Deep Feedforward Neural Network and Shallow Architectures Effectiveness Comparison: Flight Delays Classification Perspective

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    Flight delays have negatively impacted the socio-economics state of passengers, airlines and airports, resulting in huge economic losses. Hence, it has become necessary to correctly predict their occurrences in decision-making because it is important for the effective management of the aviation industry. Developing accurate flight delays classification models depends mostly on the air transportation system complexity and the infrastructure available in airports, which may be a region-specific issue. However, no specific prediction or classification model can handle the individual characteristics of all airlines and airports at the same time. Hence, the need to further develop and compare predictive models for the aviation decision system of the future cannot be over-emphasised. In this research, flight on-time data records from the United State Bureau of Transportation Statistics was employed to evaluate the performances of Deep Feedforward Neural Network, Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine models on a binary classification problem. The research revealed that the models achieved different accuracies of flight delay classifications. The Support Vector Machine had the worst average accuracy than Neural Network and Deep Feedforward Neural Network in the initial experiment. The Deep Feedforward Neural Network outperformed Support Vector Machines and Neural Network with the best average percentage accuracies. Going further to investigate the Deep Feedforward Neural Network architecture on different parameters against itself suggest that training a Deep Feedforward Neural Network algorithm, regardless of data training size, the classification accuracy peaks. We examine which number of epochs works best in our flight delay classification settings for the Deep Feedforward Neural Network. Our experiment results demonstrate that having many epochs affects the convergence rate of the model; unlike when hidden layers are increased, it does not ensure better or higher accuracy in a binary classification of flight delays. Finally, we recommended further studies on the applicability of the Deep Feedforward Neural Network in flight delays prediction with specific case studies of either airlines or airports to check the impact on the model's performance

    A deep feedforward neural network and shallow architectures effectiveness comparison: Flight delays classification perspective

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    Flight delays have negatively impacted the socio-economics state of passengers, airlines and airports, resulting in huge economic losses. Hence, it has become necessary to correctly predict their occurrences in decision-making because it is important for the effective management of the aviation industry. Developing accurate flight delays classification models depends mostly on the air transportation system complexity and the infrastructure available in airports, which may be a region-specific issue. However, no specific prediction or classification model can handle the individual characteristics of all airlines and airports at the same time. Hence, the need to further develop and compare predictive models for the aviation decision system of the future cannot be over-emphasised. In this research, flight on-time data records from the United State Bureau of Transportation Statistics was employed to evaluate the performances of Deep Feedforward Neural Network, Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine models on a binary classification problem. The research revealed that the models achieved different accuracies of flight delay classifications. The Support Vector Machine had the worst average accuracy than Neural Network and Deep Feedforward Neural Network in the initial experiment. The Deep Feedforward Neural Network outperformed Support Vector Machines and Neural Network with the best average percentage accuracies. Going further to investigate the Deep Feedforward Neural Network architecture on different parameters against itself suggest that training a Deep Feedforward Neural Network algorithm, regardless of data training size, the classification accuracy peaks. We examine which number of epochs works best in our flight delay classification settings for the Deep Feedforward Neural Network. Our experiment results demonstrate that having many epochs affects the convergence rate of the model; unlike when hidden layers are increased, it does not ensure better or higher accuracy in a binary classification of flight delays. Finally, we recommended further studies on the applicability of the Deep Feedforward Neural Network in flight delays prediction with specific case studies of either airlines or airports to check the impact on the model鈥檚 performance

    Neural networks trained with WiFi traces to predict airport passenger behavior

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    The use of neural networks to predict airport passenger activity choices inside the terminal is presented in this paper. Three network architectures are proposed: Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and a combination of the two. Inputs to these models are both static (passenger and trip characteristics) and dynamic (real-time passenger tracking). A real-world case study exemplifies the application of these models, using anonymous WiFi traces collected at Bologna Airport to train the networks. The performance of the models were evaluated according to the misclassification rate of passenger activity choices. In the LSTM approach, two different multi-step forecasting strategies are tested. According to our findings, the direct LSTM approach provides better results than the FNN, especially when the prediction horizon is relatively short (20 minutes or less)

    Neural networks trained with WiFi traces to predict airport passenger behavior

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    The use of neural networks to predict airport passenger activity choices inside the terminal is presented in this paper. Three network architectures are proposed: Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and a combination of the two. Inputs to these models are both static (passenger and trip characteristics) and dynamic (real-Time passenger tracking). A real-world case study exemplifies the application of these models, using anonymous WiFi traces collected at Bologna Airport to train the networks. The performance of the models were evaluated according to the misclassification rate of passenger activity choices. In the LSTM approach, two different multi-step forecasting strategies are tested. According to our findings, the direct LSTM approach provides better results than the FNN, especially when the prediction horizon is relatively short (20 minutes or less)

    Aplicaci贸n de machine learning a la gesti贸n aeroportuaria = Machine learning application to airport management

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    [ES] El fuerte crecimiento pronosticado para los niveles de tr谩fico a茅reo, unido a los retos introducidos por la pandemia del COVID-19, la preocupaci贸n medioambiental, los cambios en las regulaciones y en las necesidades y comportamientos de los pasajeros, y el auge de la digitalizaci贸n y la importancia del dato, representan un desaf铆o a los aeropuertos y su gesti贸n, que deben ser capaces de adaptarse para mantenerse eficientes y sostenibles a largo plazo, proporcionando la capacidad necesaria para albergar las operaciones. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de las soluciones y beneficios que aporta el uso del aprendizaje autom谩tico para este fin, ayudando en la gesti贸n eficiente de los medios aeroportuarios para reducir los costes de operaci贸n, y reduciendo los tiempos de procesamiento y de espera en cola en los distintos procesos para mejorar la experiencia de los pasajeros e incrementar ingresos. Como caso pr谩ctico de estudio se plantea la predicci贸n del n煤mero de controles de seguridad requeridos mediante la construcci贸n de un modelo que aplica las f贸rmulas de planificaci贸n y dimensionamiento de equipos establecidas en el ADRM de IATA e implementa t茅cnicas de aprendizaje supervisado mediante clasificaci贸n con los algoritmos de Random Forest, K-NN y SVM. Tras el entrenamiento del modelo, se eval煤an las m茅tricas m谩s relevantes en este tipo de problemas: exactitud, precisi贸n, recall, y F1-score. Los tres m茅todos proporcionan unos resultados muy aceptables, con una exactitud superior al 90% en todos los casos, siendo el Random Forest y el K-NN los mejores modelos, con unos resultados casi id茅nticos, una exactitud superior al 92% y el resto de las m茅tricas por encima del 91%; mientras que el SVM est谩 ligeramente por debajo en exactitud, con un 90,36%, y unos resultados algo m谩s bajos en t茅rminos de precisi贸n, pero manteni茅ndose por encima del 81%, lo que hace que el F1-score tambi茅n baje, aunque est谩 por encima del 85%

    Machine learning and mixed reality for smart aviation: applications and challenges

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    The aviation industry is a dynamic and ever-evolving sector. As technology advances and becomes more sophisticated, the aviation industry must keep up with the changing trends. While some airlines have made investments in machine learning and mixed reality technologies, the vast majority of regional airlines continue to rely on inefficient strategies and lack digital applications. This paper investigates the state-of-the-art applications that integrate machine learning and mixed reality into the aviation industry. Smart aerospace engineering design, manufacturing, testing, and services are being explored to increase operator productivity. Autonomous systems, self-service systems, and data visualization systems are being researched to enhance passenger experience. This paper investigate safety, environmental, technological, cost, security, capacity, and regulatory challenges of smart aviation, as well as potential solutions to ensure future quality, reliability, and efficiency