8,030 research outputs found

    Motif Clustering and Overlapping Clustering for Social Network Analysis

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    Motivated by applications in social network community analysis, we introduce a new clustering paradigm termed motif clustering. Unlike classical clustering, motif clustering aims to minimize the number of clustering errors associated with both edges and certain higher order graph structures (motifs) that represent "atomic units" of social organizations. Our contributions are two-fold: We first introduce motif correlation clustering, in which the goal is to agnostically partition the vertices of a weighted complete graph so that certain predetermined "important" social subgraphs mostly lie within the same cluster, while "less relevant" social subgraphs are allowed to lie across clusters. We then proceed to introduce the notion of motif covers, in which the goal is to cover the vertices of motifs via the smallest number of (near) cliques in the graph. Motif cover algorithms provide a natural solution for overlapping clustering and they also play an important role in latent feature inference of networks. For both motif correlation clustering and its extension introduced via the covering problem, we provide hardness results, algorithmic solutions and community detection results for two well-studied social networks

    Link Prediction by De-anonymization: How We Won the Kaggle Social Network Challenge

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    This paper describes the winning entry to the IJCNN 2011 Social Network Challenge run by Kaggle.com. The goal of the contest was to promote research on real-world link prediction, and the dataset was a graph obtained by crawling the popular Flickr social photo sharing website, with user identities scrubbed. By de-anonymizing much of the competition test set using our own Flickr crawl, we were able to effectively game the competition. Our attack represents a new application of de-anonymization to gaming machine learning contests, suggesting changes in how future competitions should be run. We introduce a new simulated annealing-based weighted graph matching algorithm for the seeding step of de-anonymization. We also show how to combine de-anonymization with link prediction---the latter is required to achieve good performance on the portion of the test set not de-anonymized---for example by training the predictor on the de-anonymized portion of the test set, and combining probabilistic predictions from de-anonymization and link prediction.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; submitted to IJCNN'201

    A General Optimization Technique for High Quality Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed the development of a large body of algorithms for community detection in complex networks. Most of them are based upon the optimization of objective functions, among which modularity is the most common, though a number of alternatives have been suggested in the scientific literature. We present here an effective general search strategy for the optimization of various objective functions for community detection purposes. When applied to modularity, on both real-world and synthetic networks, our search strategy substantially outperforms the best existing algorithms in terms of final scores of the objective function; for description length, its performance is on par with the original Infomap algorithm. The execution time of our algorithm is on par with non-greedy alternatives present in literature, and networks of up to 10,000 nodes can be analyzed in time spans ranging from minutes to a few hours on average workstations, making our approach readily applicable to tasks which require the quality of partitioning to be as high as possible, and are not limited by strict time constraints. Finally, based on the most effective of the available optimization techniques, we compare the performance of modularity and code length as objective functions, in terms of the quality of the partitions one can achieve by optimizing them. To this end, we evaluated the ability of each objective function to reconstruct the underlying structure of a large set of synthetic and real-world networks.Comment: MAIN text: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Supplementary information: 19 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    A Hierarchical, Fuzzy Inference Approach to Data Filtration and Feature Prioritization in the Connected Manufacturing Enterprise

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    The current big data landscape is one such that the technology and capability to capture and storage of data has preceded and outpaced the corresponding capability to analyze and interpret it. This has led naturally to the development of elegant and powerful algorithms for data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to harness the potential of the big data environment. A competing reality, however, is that limitations exist in how and to what extent human beings can process complex information. The convergence of these realities is a tension between the technical sophistication or elegance of a solution and its transparency or interpretability by the human data scientist or decision maker. This dissertation, contextualized in the connected manufacturing enterprise, presents an original Fuzzy Approach to Feature Reduction and Prioritization (FAFRAP) approach that is designed to assist the data scientist in filtering and prioritizing data for inclusion in supervised machine learning models. A set of sequential filters reduces the initial set of independent variables, and a fuzzy inference system outputs a crisp numeric value associated with each feature to rank order and prioritize for inclusion in model training. Additionally, the fuzzy inference system outputs a descriptive label to assist in the interpretation of the feature’s usefulness with respect to the problem of interest. Model testing is performed using three publicly available datasets from an online machine learning data repository and later applied to a case study in electronic assembly manufacture. Consistency of model results is experimentally verified using Fisher’s Exact Test, and results of filtered models are compared to results obtained by the unfiltered sets of features using a proposed novel metric of performance-size ratio (PSR)
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