85 research outputs found

    A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant

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    Rolf M, Neumann K, Queißer J, Reinhart F, Nordmann A, Steil JJ. A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant. Advanced Robotics. 2015;29(13: SI):847-859.The Bionic Handling Assistant is one of the largest soft continuum robots and very special in be- ing a pneumatically operated platform that is able to bend, stretch, and grasp in all directions. It nevertheless shares many challenges with smaller continuum and other softs robots such as parallel actuation, complex movement dynamics, slow pneumatic actuation, non-stationary behavior, and a lack of analytic models. To master the control of this challenging robot, we argue for a tight inte- gration of standard analytic tools, simulation, control, and state of the art machine learning into an overall architecture that can serve as blueprint for control design also beyond the BHA. To this aim, we show how to integrate specific modes of operation and different levels of control in a synergistic manner, which is enabled by using modern paradigms of software architecture and middleware. We thereby achieve an architecture with unique overall control abilities for a soft continuum robot that allow for exible experimentation towards compliant user-interaction, grasping, and online learning of internal models

    Control of a Hyper-Redundant Robot for Quality Inspection in Additive Manufacturing for Construction

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    International audienceAdditive manufacturing is an automated process for producing layer-by-layer material deposition. Recently this technology has been introduced in the industrial construction in order to print houses or smaller piece structures for on-site assembly, with complex geometry. In Additive manufacturing processes, the material deposition step is generally followed by a printing quality inspection step. However, the geometry of printed structures with minimal surfaces is sometimes complex, where rigid structure robots cannot reach certain zones to scan their surfaces. In this paper, a continuum-hyper-redundant manipulator equipped with a camera is attached to the end-effector of a mobile-manipulator robot for the quality inspection process. Indeed, Continuum manipulators can bend along structures with complex geometry; and this inherent flexibility makes them suitable for navigation and operation in congested environments. The number of controlled actuators being greater than the dimension of task space, this work is summarized in a trajectory tracking of hyper-redundant robots. This issue lies in the resolution of strongly nonlinear equations with a real-time computation. Thus, a hybrid methodology which combines the advantages of quantitative and qualitative approaches is used for modeling and resolution of the hyper-redundant robot kinematics. A kinematic controller was designed and a set of experiments was carried out to evaluate the level of efficiency of the proposed approach

    Efficient Jacobian-Based Inverse Kinematics With Sim-to-Real Transfer of Soft Robots by Learning

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    This paper presents an efficient learning-based method to solve the inverse kinematic (IK) problem on soft robots with highly non-linear deformation. The major challenge of efficiently computing IK for such robots is due to the lack of analytical formulation for either forward or inverse kinematics. To address this challenge, we employ neural networks to learn both the mapping function of forward kinematics and also the Jacobian of this function. As a result, Jacobian-based iteration can be applied to solve the IK problem. A sim-to-real training transfer strategy is conducted to make this approach more practical. We first generate a large number of samples in a simulation environment for learning both the kinematic and the Jacobian networks of a soft robot design. Thereafter, a sim-to-real layer of differentiable neurons is employed to map the results of simulation to the physical hardware, where this sim-to-real layer can be learned from a very limited number of training samples generated on the hardware. The effectiveness of our approach has been verified on pneumatic-driven soft robots for path following and interactive positioning

    Data-Driven Methods Applied to Soft Robot Modeling and Control: A Review

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    Soft robots show compliance and have infinite degrees of freedom. Thanks to these properties, such robots can be leveraged for surgery, rehabilitation, biomimetics, unstructured environment exploring, and industrial grippers. In this case, they attract scholars from a variety of areas. However, nonlinearity and hysteresis effects also bring a burden to robot modeling. Moreover, following their flexibility and adaptation, soft robot control is more challenging than rigid robot control. In order to model and control soft robots, a large number of data-driven methods are utilized in pairs or separately. This review first briefly introduces two foundations for data-driven approaches, which are physical models and the Jacobian matrix, then summarizes three kinds of data-driven approaches, which are statistical method, neural network, and reinforcement learning. This review compares the modeling and controller features, e.g., model dynamics, data requirement, and target task, within and among these categories. Finally, we summarize the features of each method. A discussion about the advantages and limitations of the existing modeling and control approaches is presented, and we forecast the future of data-driven approaches in soft robots. A website (https://sites.google.com/view/23zcb) is built for this review and will be updated frequently. Note to Practitioners —This work is motivated by the need for a review introducing soft robot modeling and control methods in parallel. Modeling and control play significant roles in robot research, and they are challenging especially for soft robots. The nonlinear and complex deformation of such robots necessitates specific modeling and control approaches. We introduce the state-of-the-art data-driven methods and survey three approaches widely utilized. This review also compares the performance of these methods, considering some important features like data amount requirement, control frequency, and target task. The features of each approach are summarized, and we discuss the possible future of this area

    Multi-modal Skill Memories for Online Learning of Interactive Robot Movement Generation

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    Queißer J. Multi-modal Skill Memories for Online Learning of Interactive Robot Movement Generation. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2018.Modern robotic applications pose complex requirements with respect to the adaptation of actions regarding the variability in a given task. Reinforcement learning can optimize for changing conditions, but relearning from scratch is hardly feasible due to the high number of required rollouts. This work proposes a parameterized skill that generalizes to new actions for changing task parameters. The actions are encoded by a meta-learner that provides parameters for task-specific dynamic motion primitives. Experimental evaluation shows that the utilization of parameterized skills for initialization of the optimization process leads to a more effective incremental task learning. A proposed hybrid optimization method combines a fast coarse optimization on a manifold of policy parameters with a fine-grained parameter search in the unrestricted space of actions. It is shown that the developed algorithm reduces the number of required rollouts for adaptation to new task conditions. Further, this work presents a transfer learning approach for adaptation of learned skills to new situations. Application in illustrative toy scenarios, for a 10-DOF planar arm, a humanoid robot point reaching task and parameterized drumming on a pneumatic robot validate the approach. But parameterized skills that are applied on complex robotic systems pose further challenges: the dynamics of the robot and the interaction with the environment introduce model inaccuracies. In particular, high-level skill acquisition on highly compliant robotic systems such as pneumatically driven or soft actuators is hardly feasible. Since learning of the complete dynamics model is not feasible due to the high complexity, this thesis examines two alternative approaches: First, an improvement of the low-level control based on an equilibrium model of the robot. Utilization of an equilibrium model reduces the learning complexity and this thesis evaluates its applicability for control of pneumatic and industrial light-weight robots. Second, an extension of parameterized skills to generalize for forward signals of action primitives that result in an enhanced control quality of complex robotic systems. This thesis argues for a shift in the complexity of learning the full dynamics of the robot to a lower dimensional task-related learning problem. Due to the generalization in relation to the task variability, online learning for complex robots as well as complex scenarios becomes feasible. An experimental evaluation investigates the generalization capabilities of the proposed online learning system for robot motion generation. Evaluation is performed through simulation of a compliant 2-DOF arm and scalability to a complex robotic system is demonstrated for a pneumatically driven humanoid robot with 8-DOF

    Novel design and position control strategy of a soft robot arm

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    This article presents a novel design of a continuum arm, which has the ability to extend and bend efficiently. Numerous designs and experiments have been done to different dimensions on both types of McKibben pneumatic muscle actuators (PMA) in order to study their performances. The contraction and extension behaviour have been illustrated with single contractor actuators and single extensor actuators, respectively. The tensile force for the contractor actuator and the compressive force for the extensor PMA are thoroughly explained and compared. Furthermore, the bending behaviour has been explained for a single extensor PMA, multi extensor actuators and multi contractor actuators. A two-section continuum arm has been implemented from both types of actuators to achieve multiple operations. Then, a novel construction is proposed to achieve efficient bending behaviour of a single contraction PMA. This novel design of a bending-actuator has been used to modify the presented continuum arm. Two different position control strategies are presented, arising from the results of the modified soft robot arm experiment. A cascaded position control is applied to control the position of the end effector of the soft arm at no load by efficiently controlling the pressure of all the actuators in the continuum arm. A new algorithm is then proposed by distributing the x, y and z-axis to the actuators and applying an effective closed-loop position control to the proposed arm at different load conditions

    Reliability of Extreme Learning Machines

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    Neumann K. Reliability of Extreme Learning Machines. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Library; 2014.The reliable application of machine learning methods becomes increasingly important in challenging engineering domains. In particular, the application of extreme learning machines (ELM) seems promising because of their apparent simplicity and the capability of very efficient processing of large and high-dimensional data sets. However, the ELM paradigm is based on the concept of single hidden-layer neural networks with randomly initialized and fixed input weights and is thus inherently unreliable. This black-box character usually repels engineers from application in potentially safety critical tasks. The problem becomes even more severe since, in principle, only sparse and noisy data sets can be provided in such domains. The goal of this thesis is therefore to equip the ELM approach with the abilities to perform in a reliable manner. This goal is approached in three aspects by enhancing the robustness of ELMs to initializations, make ELMs able to handle slow changes in the environment (i.e. input drifts), and allow the incorporation of continuous constraints derived from prior knowledge. It is shown in several diverse scenarios that the novel ELM approach proposed in this thesis ensures a safe and reliable application while simultaneously sustaining the full modeling power of data-driven methods

    Review of machine learning methods in soft robotics

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    Soft robots have been extensively researched due to their flexible, deformable, and adaptive characteristics. However, compared to rigid robots, soft robots have issues in modeling, calibration, and control in that the innate characteristics of the soft materials can cause complex behaviors due to non-linearity and hysteresis. To overcome these limitations, recent studies have applied various approaches based on machine learning. This paper presents existing machine learning techniques in the soft robotic fields and categorizes the implementation of machine learning approaches in different soft robotic applications, which include soft sensors, soft actuators, and applications such as soft wearable robots. An analysis of the trends of different machine learning approaches with respect to different types of soft robot applications is presented; in addition to the current limitations in the research field, followed by a summary of the existing machine learning methods for soft robots

    Learning Complete Shapes of Concentric Tube Robots

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    Concentric tube robots, composed of nested pre-curved tubes, have the potential to perform minimally invasive surgery at difficult-to-reach sites in the human body. In order to plan motions that safely perform surgeries in constrained spaces that require avoiding sensitive structures, the ability to accurately estimate the entire shape of the robot is needed. Many state-of-the-art physics-based shape models are unable to account for complex physical phenomena and subsequently are less accurate than is required for safe surgery. In this work, I present a learned model that can estimate the entire shape of a concentric tube robot. The learned model is based on a deep neural network that is trained using a mixture of simulated and physical data. I evaluate multiple network architectures and demonstrate the model's ability to compute the full shape of a concentric tube robot with high accuracy. The full shape of a concentric tube robot is necessary in order to plan collision free motions through an environment.Bachelor of Art