150 research outputs found

    Multi-Sensor Fusion for Underwater Vehicle Localization by Augmentation of RBF Neural Network and Error-State Kalman Filter

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    The Kalman filter variants extended Kalman filter (EKF) and error-state Kalman filter (ESKF) are widely used in underwater multi-sensor fusion applications for localization and navigation. Since these filters are designed by employing first-order Taylor series approximation in the error covariance matrix, they result in a decrease in estimation accuracy under high nonlinearity. In order to address this problem, we proposed a novel multi-sensor fusion algorithm for underwater vehicle localization that improves state estimation by augmentation of the radial basis function (RBF) neural network with ESKF. In the proposed algorithm, the RBF neural network is utilized to compensate the lack of ESKF performance by improving the innovation error term. The weights and centers of the RBF neural network are designed by minimizing the estimation mean square error (MSE) using the steepest descent optimization approach. To test the performance, the proposed RBF-augmented ESKF multi-sensor fusion was compared with the conventional ESKF under three different realistic scenarios using Monte Carlo simulations. We found that our proposed method provides better navigation and localization results despite high nonlinearity, modeling uncertainty, and external disturbances.This research was partially funded by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    A review of Kalman filter with artificial intelligence techniques

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    Kalman filter (KF) is a widely used estimation algorithm for many applications. However, in many cases, it is not easy to estimate the exact state of the system due to many reasons such as an imperfect mathematical model, dynamic environments, or inaccurate parameters of KF. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been applied to many estimation algorithms thanks to the advantage of AI techniques that have the ability of mapping between the input and the output, the so-called "black box". In this paper, we found and reviewed 55 papers that proposed KF with AI techniques to improve its performance. Based on the review, we categorised papers into four groups according to the role of AI as follows: 1) Methods tuning parameters of KF, 2) Methods compensating errors in KF, 3) Methods updating state vector or measurements of KF, and 4) Methods estimating pseudo-measurements of KF. In the concluding section of this paper, we pointed out the directions for future research that suggestion to focus on more research for combining the categorised groups. In addition, we presented the suggestion of beneficial approaches for representative applications

    Robust Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Practical Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) Navigation

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    The development of practical Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) are attracting increasing attention driven by their assorted military and commercial application potential. However, addressing the uncertainties presented in practical navigational sensor measurements of an USV in maritime environment remain the main challenge of the development. This research aims to develop a multi-sensor data fusion system to autonomously provide an USV reliable navigational information on its own positions and headings as well as to detect dynamic target ships in the surrounding environment in a holistic fashion. A multi-sensor data fusion algorithm based on Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) has been developed to generate more accurate estimations of USV’s navigational data considering practical environmental disturbances. A novel covariance matching adaptive estimation algorithm has been proposed to deal with the issues caused by unknown and varying sensor noise in practice to improve system robustness. Certain measures have been designed to determine the system reliability numerically, to recover USV trajectory during short term sensor signal loss, and to autonomously detect and discard permanently malfunctioned sensors, and thereby enabling potential sensor faults tolerance. The performance of the algorithms have been assessed by carrying out theoretical simulations as well as using experimental data collected from a real-world USV projected collaborated with Plymouth University. To increase the degree of autonomy of USVs in perceiving surrounding environments, target detection and prediction algorithms using an Automatic Identification System (AIS) in conjunction with a marine radar have been proposed to provide full detections of multiple dynamic targets in a wider coverage range, remedying the narrow detection range and sensor uncertainties of the AIS. The detection algorithms have been validated in simulations using practical environments with water current effects. The performance of developed multi-senor data fusion system in providing reliable navigational data and perceiving surrounding environment for USV navigation have been comprehensively demonstrated

    Inertial Navigation Meets Deep Learning: A Survey of Current Trends and Future Directions

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    Inertial sensing is used in many applications and platforms, ranging from day-to-day devices such as smartphones to very complex ones such as autonomous vehicles. In recent years, the development of machine learning and deep learning techniques has increased significantly in the field of inertial sensing and sensor fusion. This is due to the development of efficient computing hardware and the accessibility of publicly available sensor data. These data-driven approaches mainly aim to empower model-based inertial sensing algorithms. To encourage further research in integrating deep learning with inertial navigation and fusion and to leverage their capabilities, this paper provides an in-depth review of deep learning methods for inertial sensing and sensor fusion. We discuss learning methods for calibration and denoising as well as approaches for improving pure inertial navigation and sensor fusion. The latter is done by learning some of the fusion filter parameters. The reviewed approaches are classified by the environment in which the vehicles operate: land, air, and sea. In addition, we analyze trends and future directions in deep learning-based navigation and provide statistical data on commonly used approaches

    Information Aided Navigation: A Review

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    The performance of inertial navigation systems is largely dependent on the stable flow of external measurements and information to guarantee continuous filter updates and bind the inertial solution drift. Platforms in different operational environments may be prevented at some point from receiving external measurements, thus exposing their navigation solution to drift. Over the years, a wide variety of works have been proposed to overcome this shortcoming, by exploiting knowledge of the system current conditions and turning it into an applicable source of information to update the navigation filter. This paper aims to provide an extensive survey of information aided navigation, broadly classified into direct, indirect, and model aiding. Each approach is described by the notable works that implemented its concept, use cases, relevant state updates, and their corresponding measurement models. By matching the appropriate constraint to a given scenario, one will be able to improve the navigation solution accuracy, compensate for the lost information, and uncover certain internal states, that would otherwise remain unobservable.Comment: 8 figures, 3 table

    AUV planning and calibration method considering concealment in uncertain environments

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    IntroductionAutonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are required to thoroughly scan designated areas during underwater missions. They typically follow a zig-zag trajectory to achieve full coverage. However, effective coverage can be challenging in complex environments due to the accumulation and drift of navigation errors. Possible solutions include surfacing for satellite positioning or underwater acoustic positioning using transponders on other vehicles. Nevertheless, surfacing or active acoustics can compromise stealth during reconnaissance missions in hostile areas by revealing the vehicle’s location.MethodsWe propose calibration and planning strategies based on error models and acoustic positioning to address this challenge. Acoustic markers are deployed via surface ships to minimize navigation errors while maintaining stealth. And a new path planning method using a traceless Kalman filter and acoustic localization is proposed to achieve full-area coverage of AUVs. By analyzing the statistics of accumulated sensor errors, we optimize the positions of acoustic markers to communicate with AUVs and achieve better coverage. AUV trajectory concealment is achieved during detection by randomizing the USV navigation trajectory and irregularizing the locations of acoustic marker.ResultsThe proposed method enables the cumulative determination of the absolute position of a target with low localization error in a side-scan sonar-based search task. Simulations based on large-scale maps demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm.DiscussionSolving the problem of accumulating underwater localization errors based on inertial navigation by error modeling and acoustic calibration is a typical way. In this paper, we have implemented a method to solve the localization error in a search scenario where stealth is considered

    CES-515 Towards Localization and Mapping of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: A Survey

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    Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have been used for a huge number of tasks ranging from commercial, military and research areas etc, while the fundamental function of a successful AUV is its localization and mapping ability. This report aims to review the relevant elements of localization and mapping for AUVs. First, a brief introduction of the concept and the historical development of AUVs is given; then a relatively detailed description of the sensor system used for AUV navigation is provided. As the main part of the report, a comprehensive investigation of the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for AUVs are conducted, including its application examples. Finally a brief conclusion is summarized

    A-KIT: Adaptive Kalman-Informed Transformer

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    The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is a widely adopted method for sensor fusion in navigation applications. A crucial aspect of the EKF is the online determination of the process noise covariance matrix reflecting the model uncertainty. While common EKF implementation assumes a constant process noise, in real-world scenarios, the process noise varies, leading to inaccuracies in the estimated state and potentially causing the filter to diverge. To cope with such situations, model-based adaptive EKF methods were proposed and demonstrated performance improvements, highlighting the need for a robust adaptive approach. In this paper, we derive and introduce A-KIT, an adaptive Kalman-informed transformer to learn the varying process noise covariance online. The A-KIT framework is applicable to any type of sensor fusion. Here, we present our approach to nonlinear sensor fusion based on an inertial navigation system and Doppler velocity log. By employing real recorded data from an autonomous underwater vehicle, we show that A-KIT outperforms the conventional EKF by more than 49.5% and model-based adaptive EKF by an average of 35.4% in terms of position accuracy

    A Comprehensive Review on Autonomous Navigation

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    The field of autonomous mobile robots has undergone dramatic advancements over the past decades. Despite achieving important milestones, several challenges are yet to be addressed. Aggregating the achievements of the robotic community as survey papers is vital to keep the track of current state-of-the-art and the challenges that must be tackled in the future. This paper tries to provide a comprehensive review of autonomous mobile robots covering topics such as sensor types, mobile robot platforms, simulation tools, path planning and following, sensor fusion methods, obstacle avoidance, and SLAM. The urge to present a survey paper is twofold. First, autonomous navigation field evolves fast so writing survey papers regularly is crucial to keep the research community well-aware of the current status of this field. Second, deep learning methods have revolutionized many fields including autonomous navigation. Therefore, it is necessary to give an appropriate treatment of the role of deep learning in autonomous navigation as well which is covered in this paper. Future works and research gaps will also be discussed

    Contributions to automated realtime underwater navigation

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2012This dissertation presents three separate–but related–contributions to the art of underwater navigation. These methods may be used in postprocessing with a human in the loop, but the overarching goal is to enhance vehicle autonomy, so the emphasis is on automated approaches that can be used in realtime. The three research threads are: i) in situ navigation sensor alignment, ii) dead reckoning through the water column, and iii) model-driven delayed measurement fusion. Contributions to each of these areas have been demonstrated in simulation, with laboratory data, or in the field–some have been demonstrated in all three arenas. The solution to the in situ navigation sensor alignment problem is an asymptotically stable adaptive identifier formulated using rotors in Geometric Algebra. This identifier is applied to precisely estimate the unknown alignment between a gyrocompass and Doppler velocity log, with the goal of improving realtime dead reckoning navigation. Laboratory and field results show the identifier performs comparably to previously reported methods using rotation matrices, providing an alignment estimate that reduces the position residuals between dead reckoning and an external acoustic positioning system. The Geometric Algebra formulation also encourages a straightforward interpretation of the identifier as a proportional feedback regulator on the observable output error. Future applications of the identifier may include alignment between inertial, visual, and acoustic sensors. The ability to link the Global Positioning System at the surface to precision dead reckoning near the seafloor might enable new kinds of missions for autonomous underwater vehicles. This research introduces a method for dead reckoning through the water column using water current profile data collected by an onboard acoustic Doppler current profiler. Overlapping relative current profiles provide information to simultaneously estimate the vehicle velocity and local ocean current–the vehicle velocity is then integrated to estimate position. The method is applied to field data using online bin average, weighted least squares, and recursive least squares implementations. This demonstrates an autonomous navigation link between the surface and the seafloor without any dependence on a ship or external acoustic tracking systems. Finally, in many state estimation applications, delayed measurements present an interesting challenge. Underwater navigation is a particularly compelling case because of the relatively long delays inherent in all available position measurements. This research develops a flexible, model-driven approach to delayed measurement fusion in realtime Kalman filters. Using a priori estimates of delayed measurements as augmented states minimizes the computational cost of the delay treatment. Managing the augmented states with time-varying conditional process and measurement models ensures the approach works within the proven Kalman filter framework–without altering the filter structure or requiring any ad-hoc adjustments. The end result is a mathematically principled treatment of the delay that leads to more consistent estimates with lower error and uncertainty. Field results from dead reckoning aided by acoustic positioning systems demonstrate the applicability of this approach to real-world problems in underwater navigation.I have been financially supported by: the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship administered by the American Society for Engineering Education, the Edwin A. Link Foundation Ocean Engineering and Instrumentation Fellowship, and WHOI Academic Programs office
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