20,698 research outputs found

    SICNN optimisation, two dimensional implementation and comparison

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    The study investigates the process of optimisation, implementation and comparison of a Shunting Inhibitory Cellular Neural Network (SICNN) for Edge Detection. Shunting inhibition is lateral inhibition where the inhibition function is nonlinear. Cellular Neural Networks are locally interconnected nonlinear, parallel networks which can exist as either discrete time or continuous networks. The name given to Cellular Neural Networks that use shunting inhibition as their nonlinear cell interactions are called Shunting Inhibitory Cellular Neural Networks. This project report examines some existing edge detectors and thresholding techniques. Then it describes the optimisation of the connection weight matrix for SICNN with Complementary Output Processing and SICNN with Division Output Processing. The parameter values of this optimisation as well as the thresholding methods studied are used in software implementation of the SICNN. This-two dimensional SICNN edge detector is then compared to some other common edge detectors, namely the Sobel and Canny detectors. It was found that the SICNN with complementary output processing performed as well or better than the two other detectors. The SICNN was also very flexible in being able to be easily modified to deal with different image conditions

    A biologically inspired spiking model of visual processing for image feature detection

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    To enable fast reliable feature matching or tracking in scenes, features need to be discrete and meaningful, and hence edge or corner features, commonly called interest points are often used for this purpose. Experimental research has illustrated that biological vision systems use neuronal circuits to extract particular features such as edges or corners from visual scenes. Inspired by this biological behaviour, this paper proposes a biologically inspired spiking neural network for the purpose of image feature extraction. Standard digital images are processed and converted to spikes in a manner similar to the processing that transforms light into spikes in the retina. Using a hierarchical spiking network, various types of biologically inspired receptive fields are used to extract progressively complex image features. The performance of the network is assessed by examining the repeatability of extracted features with visual results presented using both synthetic and real images

    What Can Help Pedestrian Detection?

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    Aggregating extra features has been considered as an effective approach to boost traditional pedestrian detection methods. However, there is still a lack of studies on whether and how CNN-based pedestrian detectors can benefit from these extra features. The first contribution of this paper is exploring this issue by aggregating extra features into CNN-based pedestrian detection framework. Through extensive experiments, we evaluate the effects of different kinds of extra features quantitatively. Moreover, we propose a novel network architecture, namely HyperLearner, to jointly learn pedestrian detection as well as the given extra feature. By multi-task training, HyperLearner is able to utilize the information of given features and improve detection performance without extra inputs in inference. The experimental results on multiple pedestrian benchmarks validate the effectiveness of the proposed HyperLearner.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201
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