11 research outputs found

    Alleviating Behavior Data Imbalance for Multi-Behavior Graph Collaborative Filtering

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    Graph collaborative filtering, which learns user and item representations through message propagation over the user-item interaction graph, has been shown to effectively enhance recommendation performance. However, most current graph collaborative filtering models mainly construct the interaction graph on a single behavior domain (e.g. click), even though users exhibit various types of behaviors on real-world platforms, including actions like click, cart, and purchase. Furthermore, due to variations in user engagement, there exists an imbalance in the scale of different types of behaviors. For instance, users may click and view multiple items but only make selective purchases from a small subset of them. How to alleviate the behavior imbalance problem and utilize information from the multiple behavior graphs concurrently to improve the target behavior conversion (e.g. purchase) remains underexplored. To this end, we propose IMGCF, a simple but effective model to alleviate behavior data imbalance for multi-behavior graph collaborative filtering. Specifically, IMGCF utilizes a multi-task learning framework for collaborative filtering on multi-behavior graphs. Then, to mitigate the data imbalance issue, IMGCF improves representation learning on the sparse behavior by leveraging representations learned from the behavior domain with abundant data volumes. Experiments on two widely-used multi-behavior datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of IMGCF.Comment: accepted by ICDM2023 Worksho

    Multi-Behavior Hypergraph-Enhanced Transformer for Sequential Recommendation

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    Learning dynamic user preference has become an increasingly important component for many online platforms (e.g., video-sharing sites, e-commerce systems) to make sequential recommendations. Previous works have made many efforts to model item-item transitions over user interaction sequences, based on various architectures, e.g., recurrent neural networks and self-attention mechanism. Recently emerged graph neural networks also serve as useful backbone models to capture item dependencies in sequential recommendation scenarios. Despite their effectiveness, existing methods have far focused on item sequence representation with singular type of interactions, and thus are limited to capture dynamic heterogeneous relational structures between users and items (e.g., page view, add-to-favorite, purchase). To tackle this challenge, we design a Multi-Behavior Hypergraph-enhanced Transformer framework (MBHT) to capture both short-term and long-term cross-type behavior dependencies. Specifically, a multi-scale Transformer is equipped with low-rank self-attention to jointly encode behavior-aware sequential patterns from fine-grained and coarse-grained levels. Additionally, we incorporate the global multi-behavior dependency into the hypergraph neural architecture to capture the hierarchical long-range item correlations in a customized manner. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our MBHT over various state-of-the-art recommendation solutions across different settings. Further ablation studies validate the effectiveness of our model design and benefits of the new MBHT framework. Our implementation code is released at: https://github.com/yuh-yang/MBHT-KDD22.Comment: Published as a KDD'22 full pape

    Revisiting Initializing Then Refining: An Incomplete and Missing Graph Imputation Network

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    With the development of various applications, such as social networks and knowledge graphs, graph data has been ubiquitous in the real world. Unfortunately, graphs usually suffer from being absent due to privacy-protecting policies or copyright restrictions during data collection. The absence of graph data can be roughly categorized into attribute-incomplete and attribute-missing circumstances. Specifically, attribute-incomplete indicates that a part of the attribute vectors of all nodes are incomplete, while attribute-missing indicates that the whole attribute vectors of partial nodes are missing. Although many efforts have been devoted, none of them is custom-designed for a common situation where both types of graph data absence exist simultaneously. To fill this gap, we develop a novel network termed Revisiting Initializing Then Refining (RITR), where we complete both attribute-incomplete and attribute-missing samples under the guidance of a novel initializing-then-refining imputation criterion. Specifically, to complete attribute-incomplete samples, we first initialize the incomplete attributes using Gaussian noise before network learning, and then introduce a structure-attribute consistency constraint to refine incomplete values by approximating a structure-attribute correlation matrix to a high-order structural matrix. To complete attribute-missing samples, we first adopt structure embeddings of attribute-missing samples as the embedding initialization, and then refine these initial values by adaptively aggregating the reliable information of attribute-incomplete samples according to a dynamic affinity structure. To the best of our knowledge, this newly designed method is the first unsupervised framework dedicated to handling hybrid-absent graphs. Extensive experiments on four datasets have verified that our methods consistently outperform existing state-of-the-art competitors

    Causal Inference in Recommender Systems: A Survey and Future Directions

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    Recommender systems have become crucial in information filtering nowadays. Existing recommender systems extract user preferences based on the correlation in data, such as behavioral correlation in collaborative filtering, feature-feature, or feature-behavior correlation in click-through rate prediction. However, unfortunately, the real world is driven by causality, not just correlation, and correlation does not imply causation. For instance, recommender systems might recommend a battery charger to a user after buying a phone, where the latter can serve as the cause of the former; such a causal relation cannot be reversed. Recently, to address this, researchers in recommender systems have begun utilizing causal inference to extract causality, thereby enhancing the recommender system. In this survey, we offer a comprehensive review of the literature on causal inference-based recommendation. Initially, we introduce the fundamental concepts of both recommender system and causal inference as the foundation for subsequent content. We then highlight the typical issues faced by non-causality recommender system. Following that, we thoroughly review the existing work on causal inference-based recommender systems, based on a taxonomy of three-aspect challenges that causal inference can address. Finally, we discuss the open problems in this critical research area and suggest important potential future works.Comment: Accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS

    Advances and Challenges of Multi-task Learning Method in Recommender System: A Survey

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    Multi-task learning has been widely applied in computational vision, natural language processing and other fields, which has achieved well performance. In recent years, a lot of work about multi-task learning recommender system has been yielded, but there is no previous literature to summarize these works. To bridge this gap, we provide a systematic literature survey about multi-task recommender systems, aiming to help researchers and practitioners quickly understand the current progress in this direction. In this survey, we first introduce the background and the motivation of the multi-task learning-based recommender systems. Then we provide a taxonomy of multi-task learning-based recommendation methods according to the different stages of multi-task learning techniques, which including task relationship discovery, model architecture and optimization strategy. Finally, we raise discussions on the application and promising future directions in this area

    Recommending on graphs: a comprehensive review from a data perspective

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    Recent advances in graph-based learning approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness in modelling users' preferences and items' characteristics for Recommender Systems (RSS). Most of the data in RSS can be organized into graphs where various objects (e.g., users, items, and attributes) are explicitly or implicitly connected and influence each other via various relations. Such a graph-based organization brings benefits to exploiting potential properties in graph learning (e.g., random walk and network embedding) techniques to enrich the representations of the user and item nodes, which is an essential factor for successful recommendations. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of Graph Learning-based Recommender Systems (GLRSs). Specifically, we start from a data-driven perspective to systematically categorize various graphs in GLRSs and analyze their characteristics. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art frameworks with a focus on the graph learning module and how they address practical recommendation challenges such as scalability, fairness, diversity, explainability and so on. Finally, we share some potential research directions in this rapidly growing area.Comment: Accepted by UMUA