76 research outputs found

    An Architecture-Altering and Training Methodology for Neural Logic Networks: Application in the Banking Sector

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    Artificial neural networks have been universally acknowledged for their ability on constructing forecasting and classifying systems. Among their desirable features, it has always been the interpretation of their structure, aiming to provide further knowledge for the domain experts. A number of methodologies have been developed for this reason. One such paradigm is the neural logic networks concept. Neural logic networks have been especially designed in order to enable the interpretation of their structure into a number of simple logical rules and they can be seen as a network representation of a logical rule base. Although powerful by their definition in this context, neural logic networks have performed poorly when used in approaches that required training from data. Standard training methods, such as the back-propagation, require the network’s synapse weight altering, which destroys the network’s interpretability. The methodology in this paper overcomes these problems and proposes an architecture-altering technique, which enables the production of highly antagonistic solutions while preserving any weight-related information. The implementation involves genetic programming using a grammar-guided training approach, in order to provide arbitrarily large and connected neural logic networks. The methodology is tested in a problem from the banking sector with encouraging results

    Towards neural-symbolic integration: the evolutionary neural logic networks

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    This work presents the application of a new methodology for the production of neural logic networks into two real-world problems from the medical domain. Namely, we apply grammar guided genetic programming using cellular encoding for the representation of neural logic networks into population individuals. The application area is consisted of the diagnosis of diabetes and the diagnosis of the course of hepatitis patients. The system is proved able to generate arbitrarily connected and interpretable evolved solutions leading to potential knowledge extraction

    Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks in Two Medical Decision Tasks

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    Two real-world problems of the medical domain are addressed in this work using a novel approach belonging to the area of neural-symbolic systems. Specifically,we apply evolutionary techniques for the development of neural logic networks of arbitrary length and topology. The evolutionary algorithm is consisted of grammar guided genetic programming using cellular encoding for the representation of neural logic networks into population individuals. The application area is consisted of the diagnosis of patient postoperative treatment and the diagnosis of the Breast cancer. The extracted solutions maintain their interpretability into simple and comprehensible logical rules. The overall system is shown capable to generate arbitrarily connected and interpretable evolved solutions leading to potential knowledge extraction

    Learning explanatory logical rules in non-linear domains: a neuro-symbolic approach

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    Deep neural networks, despite their capabilities, are constrained by the need for large-scale training data, and often fall short in generalisation and interpretability. Inductive logic programming (ILP) presents an intriguing solution with its data-efficient learning of first-order logic rules. However, ILP grapples with challenges, notably the handling of non-linearity in continuous domains. With the ascent of neuro-symbolic ILP, there’s a drive to mitigate these challenges, synergising deep learning with relational ILP models to enhance interpretability and create logical decision boundaries. In this research, we introduce a neuro-symbolic ILP framework, grounded on differentiable Neural Logic networks, tailored for non-linear rule extraction in mixed discrete-continuous spaces. Our methodology consists of a neuro-symbolic approach, emphasising the extraction of non-linear functions from mixed domain data. Our preliminary findings showcase our architecture’s capability to identify non-linear functions from continuous data, offering a new perspective in neural-symbolic research and underlining the adaptability of ILP-based frameworks for regression challenges in continuous scenarios
