3,792 research outputs found

    No Need for a Lexicon? Evaluating the Value of the Pronunciation Lexica in End-to-End Models

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    For decades, context-dependent phonemes have been the dominant sub-word unit for conventional acoustic modeling systems. This status quo has begun to be challenged recently by end-to-end models which seek to combine acoustic, pronunciation, and language model components into a single neural network. Such systems, which typically predict graphemes or words, simplify the recognition process since they remove the need for a separate expert-curated pronunciation lexicon to map from phoneme-based units to words. However, there has been little previous work comparing phoneme-based versus grapheme-based sub-word units in the end-to-end modeling framework, to determine whether the gains from such approaches are primarily due to the new probabilistic model, or from the joint learning of the various components with grapheme-based units. In this work, we conduct detailed experiments which are aimed at quantifying the value of phoneme-based pronunciation lexica in the context of end-to-end models. We examine phoneme-based end-to-end models, which are contrasted against grapheme-based ones on a large vocabulary English Voice-search task, where we find that graphemes do indeed outperform phonemes. We also compare grapheme and phoneme-based approaches on a multi-dialect English task, which once again confirm the superiority of graphemes, greatly simplifying the system for recognizing multiple dialects

    Aspects of Application of Neural Recognition to Digital Editions

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    Artificial neuronal networks (ANN) are widely used in software systems which require solutions to problems without a traditional algorithmic approach, like in character recognition: ANN learn by example, so that they require a consistent and well-chosen set of samples to be trained to recognize their patterns. The network is taught to react with high activity in some of its output neurons whenever an input sample belonging to a specified class (e.g. a letter shape) is presented, and has the ability to assess the similarity of samples never encountered before by any of these models. Typical OCR applications thus require a significant amount of preprocessing for such samples, like resizing images and removing all the "noise" data, letting the letter contours emerge clearly from the background. Furthermore, usually a huge number of samples is required to effectively train a network to recognize a character against all the others. This may represent an issue for palaeographical applications because of the relatively low quantity and high complexity of digital samples available, and poses even more problems when our aim is detecting subtle differences (e.g. the special shape of a specific letter from a well-defined period and scriptorium). It would be probably wiser for scholars to define some guidelines for extracting from samples the features defined as most relevant according to their purposes, and let the network deal with just a subset of the overwhelming amount of detailed nuances available. ANN are no magic, and it is always the careful judgement of scholars to provide a theoretical foundation for any computer-based tool they might want to use to help them solve their problems: we can easily illustrate this point with samples drawn from any other application of IT to humanities. Just as we can expect no magic in detecting alliterations in a text if we simply feed a system with a collection of letters, we can no more claim that a neural recognition system might be able to perform well with a relatively small sample where each shape is fed as it is, without instructing the system about the features scholars define as relevant. Even before ANN implementations, it is exactly this theoretical background which must be put to the test when planning such systems

    The Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2017

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    We describe a new challenge aimed at discovering subword and word units from raw speech. This challenge is the followup to the Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2015. It aims at constructing systems that generalize across languages and adapt to new speakers. The design features and evaluation metrics of the challenge are presented and the results of seventeen models are discussed.Comment: IEEE ASRU (Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding) 2017. Okinawa, Japa

    Fuzzy reasoning in confidence evaluation of speech recognition

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    Confidence measures represent a systematic way to express reliability of speech recognition results. A common approach to confidence measuring is to take profit of the information that several recognition-related features offer and to combine them, through a given compilation mechanism , into a more effective way to distinguish between correct and incorrect recognition results. We propose to use a fuzzy reasoning scheme to perform the information compilation step. Our approach opposes the previously proposed ones because ours treats the uncertainty of recognition hypotheses in terms ofPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Phoneme and sentence-level ensembles for speech recognition

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    We address the question of whether and how boosting and bagging can be used for speech recognition. In order to do this, we compare two different boosting schemes, one at the phoneme level and one at the utterance level, with a phoneme-level bagging scheme. We control for many parameters and other choices, such as the state inference scheme used. In an unbiased experiment, we clearly show that the gain of boosting methods compared to a single hidden Markov model is in all cases only marginal, while bagging significantly outperforms all other methods. We thus conclude that bagging methods, which have so far been overlooked in favour of boosting, should be examined more closely as a potentially useful ensemble learning technique for speech recognition