109,727 research outputs found

    The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences

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    The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska (2015

    Security in online learning assessment towards an effective trustworthiness approach to support e-learning teams

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    (c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.This paper proposes a trustworthiness model for the design of secure learning assessment in on-line collaborative learning groups. Although computer supported collaborative learning has been widely adopted in many educational institutions over the last decade, there exist still drawbacks which limit their potential in collaborative learning activities. Among these limitations, we investigate information security requirements in on-line assessment, (e-assessment), which can be developed in collaborative learning contexts. Despite information security enhancements have been developed in recent years, to the best of our knowledge, integrated and holistic security models have not been completely carried out yet. Even when security advanced methodologies and technologies are deployed in Learning Management Systems, too many types of vulnerabilities still remain opened and unsolved. Therefore, new models such as trustworthiness approaches can overcome these lacks and support e-assessment requirements for e-Learning. To this end, a trustworthiness model is designed in order to conduct the guidelines of a holistic security model for on-line collaborative learning through effective trustworthiness approaches. In addition, since users' trustworthiness analysis involves large amounts of ill-structured data, a parallel processing paradigm is proposed to build relevant information modeling trustworthiness levels for e-Learning.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Introducing industrial computer networks into the curriculum through a partner informed case study

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    Today an increasing number of systems and devices are being interconnected. The popular perception of this Internet of Things is of domestic appliances existing in comfortable or air conditioned environments connected to the Internet. However many systems that need to be interconnected exist in harsh environments such as extremes of temperature or in hostile environmental conditions, for example railway trackside equipment, utility plants or even at the bottom of an ocean. The network devices employed in these systems must operate in such harsh conditions. Westermo Data Communications manufactures networking equipment of this nature, for what we might refer to as the field of Industrial Networking. There is increasing demand for personnel with the experience and expertise in the design, implementation and management of these industrial networking systems. This represents an opportunity for the future employability of students enrolled on the computer networking degree programme at Southampton Solent University. Westermo has partnered with the University to help develop the unique industrial networking skills required by this sector through means of a case study based on a real world industrial networking scenario. This paper discusses how students developed solutions to the case study based on research supported by practical experience with Westermo equipment and informed by supporting material from their own teaching programme. Students also have the opportunity to gain Westermo certification to provide supporting evidence of expertise in this area

    Manuscriptorium Digital Library and ENRICH Project: Means for Dealing with Digital Codicology and Palaeography

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    Codicology and palaeography in the digital age can be developed both through adapting existing methods and using information and communication technologies. This can be achieved e.g by projects focusing on the integration of individual resources under a single user interface. This is the aim of the Manuscriptorium digital library as well as the ENRICH project. The integration is based on the centralisation of metadata from various resources and on the distributed storage of data, mainly digital images. This is implemented through a distributed complex digital document, containing the so-called identification record and more data types. The construction of the integrated Manuscriptorium digital library within the ENRICH project is being done in four basic ways: automatically, or semi-automatically respectively manually, and those both online and offline. This has made it possible to amass more than 5,000 documents. For Manuscriptorium, a search is important, which allows information to be gathered through special fields and the differences in graphics to be harmonised. The aim of the ENRICH project is also the creation of tools for the compilation of virtual collections and documents. In its method of integrating resources, the Manuscriptorium endeavours to be an instrument of codicological and palaeographic research

    Profiles of social networking sites users in the Netherlands

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    Online social networking has become a reality and integral part of the daily personal, social and business life. The extraordinary increase of the user numbers of Social Networking Sites (SNS) and the rampant creation of online communities presents businesses with many challenges and opportunities. From the commercial perspective, the SNS are an interesting and promising field: online social networks are important sources of market intelligence and also offer interesting options for co-operation, networking and marketing. For SMEs especially the Social Networking Sites represent a simple and low cost solution for listening the customer’s voice, reaching potential customers and creating extensive business networks. This paper presents the results of a national survey mapping the demographic, social and behavioral characteristics of the Dutch users of SNS. The study identifies four different user profiles and proposes a segmentation framework as basis for better understanding the nature and behavior of the participants in online communities. The findings present new insights to marketing strategists eager to use the communication potential of such communities; the findings are also interesting for businesses willing to explore the potential of online networking as a low cost yet very efficient alternative to physical, traditional networking

    Teacher competence development – a European perspective

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    This chapter provides an European perspectives on teacher competence development

    The Reality of Using Social Networks in Technical Colleges in Palestine

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    The study aimed to identify the reality of the use of social networks in the technical colleges in Palestine, where the variables of social networks were included. The analytical descriptive method was used in the study. A questionnaire consisting of (12) items was randomly distributed to college workers Technology in the Gaza Strip. The sample of the study consisted of (205) employees of these colleges. The response rate was 74.5%. The results showed a high degree of approval for the dimensions of the social networks and a relative weight (74.15%) according to the perspective of the employees of the technical colleges in the Gaza Strip. The results of the study showed that there is a high level of social networking areas (site management and Website Content) in the technical colleges in the Gaza Strip. The field of site management ranked first with a relative weight of 74.91%, and second and last (Content Site) with a relative weight (73.38%). The results showed that there were differences between colleges in the use of social networks where the results showed that the most common colleges used these networks (UCAS) and the least used is (GTC). The results showed no differences between male and female employees in the use of social networks in technical colleges. The researchers suggest a number of recommendations, including: the need to raise awareness of the importance of Facebook and other social networking sites, through the holding of courses for employees in technical colleges, and to identify the ways to optimize the use of such sites, and the benefits of this use, and reflected positively on technical colleges. And the adoption of dealing with the various social networking sites as a reality, and the Palestinian and Arab technical colleges, use them in accordance with the objectives of technical colleges. Advise the Department of Technical Colleges to devote time to their presence on social networks to follow the public and respond to their queries. There is a need for the attention of decision-makers in technical colleges in social sites, because they are considered an important and effective means of communication, and the link between beneficiaries and decision-makers. There is a need to promote the use of modern electronic means of work and the need to increase the link of customers to the college through electronic services

    Community-based mentoring and innovating through Web 2.0

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    The rise of social software, often termed Web 2.0, has resulted in heightened awareness of the opportunities for creative and innovative approaches to learning that are afforded by network technologies. Social software platforms and social networking technologies have become part of the learning landscape both for those who learn formally within institutions, and for those who learn informally via emergent web-based learning communities. As collaborative online learning becomes a reality, new skills in communication and collaboration are required in order to use new technologies effectively, develop real digital literacy and other 21st century skills

    Backing Into Network Operations

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    When asked to participate in this clinic, I gave the tentative title "Backing Into Network Operations" for my paper because I thought it might be useful to discuss some principles of planning for and consensus making within networks which I had derived the hard way from my experience directing two computer-based networks-networks which were entered into by chance rather than design. (In addition, the Washington University School of Medicine Library is a member of three other networks: the Regional Medical Library, the Regional Medical Program, and the Higher Education Coordi- nating Council, so that we have experience on both sides of networks.) It seemed that it might be helpful to examine the mistakes which we made and the generalized conclusions which we might draw from them as hypotheses to be tested in other networking operations, as well as a comparison with some other, more carefully planned, networks now in existence. I therefore devote the beginning of my paper to describing the two networks we have been involved in, merely as background to understanding, and not as another "How I do it good in my library" paper.published or submitted for publicatio
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