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    Worldwide Scientific Research on Nanotechnology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Tendencies, Funding, and Challenges

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    This document is the unedited Author¿s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02141.[EN] The main objective of this investigation was to analyze the scientific production in global research on nanotechnology, integrating scientific production, funding of studies, collaborations between countries, and the most cited publications. The source for obtaining the research papers for our analysis was the Science Citation Index Expanded from the Web of Science. A total of 3546 documents were extracted during the period of 1997-2018. Food science & technology, chemistry (applied and analytical), spectroscopy, and agriculture appeared as the main areas where the articles were published. Most prolific and cited journals were Analytical Methods, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and Food Chemistry. The co-word analysis showed the relationships between "nanoparticles", which is the central word, and "silver nanoparticles", "delivery systems", and "zincnanoparticles". The most productive countries were China (1089 papers), the United States (523), Iran (427), and India (359). The main cited topics deal with the biomedical applications of nanoparticles, its synthesis from plants, and its applications in food science. The results highlight an important collaboration between institutions and countries. The availability of funding for research in nanotechnology was remarkable compared to other fields. The multidisciplinarity of the nanotechnology field is one of the main features as well as one of the central findings.Aleixandre-Tudó, JL.; Bolaños Pizarro, M.; Aleixandre Benavent, JL.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R. (2020). Worldwide Scientific Research on Nanotechnology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Tendencies, Funding, and Challenges. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(34):9158-9170. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02141S915891706834Ranjan, S., Dasgupta, N., & Lichtfouse, E. (Eds.). (2016). Nanoscience in Food and Agriculture 1. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39303-2National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). National Nanotechnology Initiative Strategic Plan; NSTC: Washington, D.C., 2016; https://www.nano.gov/sites/default/files/pub_resource/2016-nni-strategic-plan.pdf (accessed June 11, 2020.Durán, N., & Marcato, P. D. (2012). Nanobiotechnology perspectives. Role of nanotechnology in the food industry: a review. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48(6), 1127-1134. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12027Chaudhry, Q., Castle, L., & Watkins, R. (Eds.). (2010). Nanotechnologies in Food. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series. doi:10.1039/9781847559883Duncan, T. V. 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    Characteristics of Knowledge Cooperation Network in a Design-driven Domain: A Social Network Analysis

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    The research is financed by: Social Science Funding Project of Jilin Province (No. 2017B141), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2016M590251), China Postdoctoral Science Special Fund (No.2018T110242). Abstract The field of scientific research is currently moving from an individual and single-discipline to a more cooperative discipline that combines various researchers and their capabilities. This study uses network analysis to explore the current situation and development trend characteristics of knowledge cooperation in the design field of Decoration. We construct large-scale networks using empirical data of sampled coauthored papers from 2008 to 2016. The main aims of this paper are: (a) to disclose different patterns of networking relationships among coauthored research works in the journal of Decoration and (b), to understand the mutual interaction of knowledge cooperation across regions and units in China’s field of design. The study found that the depth of knowledge cooperation in the field of design in China needed to be improved, the knowledge cooperation network also had a small-world effect, and the network community gradually emerged. In addition, the Chinese design field had made major advances in international cooperation, cross-regional cooperation, and diversification in the forms of research works. These findings could be used to recognize interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary networks where research collaboration is supported and encouraged. However, there were still problems such as imbalanced levels of knowledge output among the groups. Keywords: design field; knowledge cooperation; social network analysis; decoration; small-world effec

    Análisis Bibliométrico de Archivos De Bronconeumología: Evolución de los Indicadores Bibliométricos, Uso y Accesibilidad Estadistica, Redes de Colaboración, Adherencia a Iniciativas de Calidad y Métricas Alternativas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 06-03-2020La presente tesis doctoral consistió en el análisis bibliométrico de la revista Archivos de Bronconeumología, el principal órgano de difusión de la patología del aparato respiratorio de las sociedades del campo en España y Latinoamérica. Como antecedente relevante, la revista fue penalizada en 2010 por el Journal Citation Reports, el encargado de publicar el factor de impacto año a año, por su exceso de autocitación, y que podía predecir tendencias de los indicadores a lo largo del tiempo. Se llevó a cabo un análisis integral de la evolución de la revista durante 17 años, que incluyó no solo los indicadores bibliométricos clásicos de productividad, consumo, colaboración y repercusión, sino también de sus redes de colaboración, la adherencia a iniciativas internacionales de calidad en la presentación de datos científicos y adaptándose a los tiempos modernos, el impacto mediático de sus trabajos en redes sociales y similares. Los resultados principales se resumen de la siguiente forma: aumento de la productividad en los últimos cinco años atribuible al incremento del material editorial; una internacionalización creciente; una inclusión de más ramas de la ciencia en comparación a años previos; una mayor profesionalización del proceso de aceptación pero no de la publicación de los trabajos; una feminización de sus autorías aunque no lo suficiente en cuanto a las posiciones de coordinación; una repercusión mayor y más rápida; redes de colaboración asociadas a los agentes más productivos y dependientes de la tipología documental; un aumento significativo de la calidad en la presentación de sus datos científicos, asociado a una mayor captación de citas; y un impacto mediático con métricas alternativas por encima del promedio. En conclusión, se observó una mejoría en la mayor parte de los parámetros analizados, aunque se han evidenciado áreas mejorablesThis doctoral thesis consisted in the bibliometrics analysis of Archivos de Bronconeumología, the leading diffusion mean of respiratory medicine societies of Spain and Latin America. As a remarkable record, the journal was penalized due to its excess of self-citation in 2010 by the Journal Citation Reports, the one in charge of publishing the impact factors of journals year by year, which might have predicted tendencies of indicators throughout time. A comprehensive analysis of the papers published in the journal for 17 years was carried out, including not only the classic bibliometrics indicators such as productivity, consumption, collaboration and repercussion, though also of its collaborative networks, adherence to international quality statements of scientific data communication, and, catching up with modern times, its impact on social media. The main results of the study are summarized as follows: productivity increase secondary to editorial material increment; a growing internationalization; a higher number of scientific fields participating; a faster acceptance time, although, a longer publication frame of time; a feminization of authorships, though insufficient in terms of coordinating positions; a greater and faster repercussion; a significative increment of quality in scientific data communication, accompanied by higher impact; and a altmetrics impact above the average. In conclusion, the journal developed greatly in the majority of analyzed areas, though there is still room for improvemen