11,261 research outputs found

    Network Slices for Vertical Industries

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    Network Slicing allows to simultaneously support the specific needs of vertical industries with a diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) has been defined to deploy multiple network services on a common infrastructure. We extend the NFV concept to vertical services, i.e. services implemented on top of network services and providing the applications of the verticals. We present a component of the 5G-Transformer system, named vertical slicer, which acts as the interface to verticals. The vertical slicer has two main functionalities: allowing verticals to define vertical services based on a set of service blueprints and arbitrating among several vertical services in case of resource shortage.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5G-Transformer Project (grant no. 761536

    5G-TRANSFORMER: Slicing and Orchestrating Transport Networks for Industry Verticals

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    This article dives into the design of the next generation Mobile Transport Networks to simultaneously support the needs of various vertical industries with diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network Slicing has emerged as the most promising approach to address this challenge by enabling per-slice management of virtualized resources. We aim to bring the Network Slicing paradigm into mobile transport networks by provisioning and managing slices tailored to the needs of different vertical industries, specifically: automotive, eHealth and media. Our technical approach is twofold: (i) enabling Vertical Industries to meet their service requirements within customized slices; and (ii) aggregating and federating transport networking and computing fabric, from the edge up to the core and cloud, to create and manage slices throughout a federated virtualized infrastructure. The main focus of the article is on major technical highlights of verticaloriented slicing mechanisms for 5G mobile networks.This work has been partially supported by the EU H2020 5GPPP 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Grant 761536

    Intent-based network slicing for SDN vertical services with assurance: Context, design and preliminary experiments

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    Network slicing is announced to be one of the key features for 5G infrastructures enabling network operators to provide network services with the flexibility and dynamicity necessary for the vertical services, while relying on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-defined Networking (SDN). On the other hand, vertical industries are attracted by flexibility and customization offered by operators through network slicing, especially if slices come with in-built SDN capabilities to programmatically connect their application components and if they are relieved of dealing with detailed technicalities of the underlying (virtual) infrastructure. In this paper, we present an Intent-based deployment of a NFV orchestration stack that allows for the setup of Qos-aware and SDN-enabled network slices toward effective service chaining in the vertical domain. The main aim of the work is to simplify and automate the deployment of tenant-managed SDN-enabled network slices through a declarative approach while abstracting the underlying implementation details and unburdening verticals to deal with technology-specific low-level networking directives. In our approach, the intent-based framework we propose is based on an ETSI NFV MANO platform and is assessed through a set of experimental results demonstrating its feasibility and effectiveness

    Service Orchestration and Federation for Verticals

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    The next generation mobile transport networks shall transform into flexible and agile SDN/NFV-based transport and computing platforms, capable of simultaneously supporting the needs of different vertical industries, e.g., automotive, e-health and media, by meeting a diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network slicing, has emerged as the most promising approach to address this challenge by enabling per-slice management of virtualized resources and provisioning and managing slices tailored to the needs of different vertical industries. Service orchestration is the key enabler for slicing that allows efficient placement of virtual network functions over the infrastructure as well as optimal allocation of virtual resources among all network slices to deliver guaranteed, reliable and scalable services of different verticals. Besides, due to the limited footprint of infrastructure operators, it is also required to enable the interconnection and federation of multiple administrative domains, to effectively allow services to span across several providers. This paper presents the design of Service Orchestrator (SO) in the 5G- TRANSFORMER system, which deals with service orchestration and federation across multiple domains.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project (grant no. 761536

    Latency-driven Network Slices Orchestration

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    This paper has been presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops ( INFOCOM'19 )The novel concept of network slicing is envisioned to allow service providers to open their infrastructure to vertical industries traditionally alien to mobile networks, such as automotive, health or factories. In this way multiple vertical services can be delivered over the same physical facilities by means of advanced network virtualization techniques. However, the vertical service requirements heterogeneity (e.g., high throughput, low latency, high reliability) calls for novel orchestration solutions able to manage end-to-end network slice resources across different domains while satisfying stringent service level agreements. In this demonstration we will show a novel orchestration solution able to handle one of the most stringent requirements: end-to-end latency. Our testbed-evolution of the work presented in [1]-implements all the resource brokerage schemes and allocation operations necessary to complete the life-cycle management of network slices. In addition, the novel overbooking concept is applied to pursue the overall revenue maximization when admitting network slices. Finally, an advanced network slicing monitoring system will be provided as a user-friendly dashboard allowing users to interact with the proposed solution.This work was supported by the H2020 5G-Transformer Project under Grant 761536 and by the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 5G-AURA Project under Grant 675806

    Network slicing for 5G with SDN/NFV: Concepts, architectures and challenges

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    The fifth generation of mobile communications is anticipated to open up innovation opportunities for new industries such as vertical markets. However, these verticals originate myriad use cases with diverging requirements that future 5G networks have to efficiently support. Network slicing may be a natural solution to simultaneously accommodate over a common network infrastructure the wide range of services that vertical-specific use cases will demand. In this article, we present the network slicing concept, with a particular focus on its application to 5G systems. We start by summarizing the key aspects that enable the realization of so-called network slices. Then, we give a brief overview on the SDN architecture proposed by the ONF and show that it provides tools to support slicing. We argue that although such architecture paves the way for network slicing implementation, it lacks some essential capabilities that can be supplied by NFV. Hence, we analyze a proposal from the ETSI to incorporate the capabilities of SDN into the NFV architecture. Additionally, we present an example scenario that combines SDN and NFV technologies to address the realization of network slices. Finally, we summarize the open research issues with the purpose of motivating new advances in this field

    Sharing of crosshaul networks via a multi-domain exchange environment for 5G services

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    Proceeding of: 2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)Next 5G networks will force service and network providers to support a huge variety of final services with very different requirements in terms of bandwidth, latency, etc. In parallel, vertical industries, as customers, will use 5G networks as technical enablers to support their businesses, demanding appropriate mechanisms for a flexible access and control of network and computing resource slices in the locations where such vertical have business. Since the footprint and the availability of resources to support the variety of services could be limited on the primary provider side, open environments enabling the trading of resources in the form of slices are required to facilitate the sharing of infrastructure with the necessary isolation and scalability. Here, this is exemplified by the proposal of adaptations between two prevalent architectures being defined in the EU H2020 projects 5G-Crosshaul and 5GExchange for allowing the trading of crosshaul resources enabling 5G services for Verticals.This work has been supported by the European Community through the projects 5GEx (grant no. 671636), 5G-Crosshaul (grant no. 671598), and 5G-Transformer (grant no. 761536), within the H2020 programme
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