602 research outputs found

    Multi-Provider Service Chain Embedding With Nestor

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    Network function (NF) virtualization decouples NFs from the underlying middlebox hardware and promotes their deployment on virtualized network infrastructures. This essentially paves the way for the migration of NFs into clouds (i.e., NF-as-a-Service), achieving a drastic reduction of middlebox investment and operational costs for enterprises. In this context, service chains (expressing middlebox policies in the enterprise network) should be mapped onto datacenter networks, ensuring correctness, resource efficiency, as well as compliance with the provider's policy. The network service embedding (NSE) problem is further exacerbated by two challenging aspects: 1) traffic scaling caused by certain NFs (e.g., caches and WAN optimizers) and 2) NF location dependencies. Traffic scaling requires resource reservations different from the ones specified in the service chain, whereas NF location dependencies, in conjunction with the limited geographic footprint of NF providers (NFPs), raise the need for NSE across multiple NFPs. In this paper, we present a holistic solution to the multi-provider NSE problem. We decompose NSE into: 1) NF-graph partitioning performed by a centralized coordinator and 2) NF-subgraph mapping onto datacenter networks. We present linear programming formulations to derive near-optimal solutions for both problems. We address the challenging aspect of traffic scaling by introducing a new service model that supports demand transformations. We also define topology abstractions for NF-graph partitioning. Furthermore, we discuss the steps required to embed service chains across multiple NFPs, using our NSE orchestrator (Nestor). We perform an evaluation study of multi-provider NSE with emphasis on NF-graph partitioning optimizations tailored to the client and NFPs. Our evaluation results further uncover significant savings in terms of service cost and resource consumption due to the demand transformations. © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works..EU/FP7/T-NOVA/619520DFG/Collaborative Research Center/1053 (MAKI)EU/FP7/T-NOVADFG/CRC/105

    Orchestration of Network Services Across Multiple Operators: The 5G Exchange Prototype

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    Future 5G networks will rely on the coordinated allocation of compute, storage, and networking resources in order to meet the functional requirements of 5G services as well as guaranteeing efficient usage of the network infrastructure. However, the 5G service provisioning paradigm will also require a unified infrastructure service market that integrates multiple operators and technologies. The 5G Exchange (5GEx) project, building heavily on the Software-Defined Network (SDN) and the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) functionalities, tries to overcome this market and technology fragmentation by designing, implementing, and testing a multi-domain orchestrator (MdO) prototype for fast and automated Network Service (NS) provisioning over multiple-technologies and spanning across multiple operators. This paper presents a first implementation of the 5GEx MdO prototype obtained by extending existing open source software tools at the disposal of the 5GEx partners. The main functions of the 5GEx MdO prototype are showcased by demonstrating how it is possible to create and deploy NSs in the context of a Slice as a Service (SlaaS) use-case, based on a multi-operator scenario. The 5GEx MdO prototype performance is experimentally evaluated running validation tests within the 5GEx sandbox. The overall time required for the NS deployment has been evaluated considering NSs deployed across two operators

    Technical alignment

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    This essay discusses the importance of the areas of infrastructure and testing to help digital preservation services demonstrate reliability, transparency, and accountability. It encourages practitioners to build a strong culture in which transparency and collaborations between technical frameworks are valued highly. It also argues for devising and applying agreed-upon metrics that will enable the systematic analysis of preservation infrastructure. The essay begins by defining technical infrastructure and testing in the digital preservation context, provides case studies that exemplify both progress and challenges for technical alignment in both areas, and concludes with suggestions for achieving greater degrees of technical alignment going forward

    Little Boxes: A Dynamic Optimization Approach for Enhanced Cloud Infrastructures

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    The increasing demand for diverse, mobile applications with various degrees of Quality of Service requirements meets the increasing elasticity of on-demand resource provisioning in virtualized cloud computing infrastructures. This paper provides a dynamic optimization approach for enhanced cloud infrastructures, based on the concept of cloudlets, which are located at hotspot areas throughout a metropolitan area. In conjunction, we consider classical remote data centers that are rigid with respect to QoS but provide nearly abundant computation resources. Given fluctuating user demands, we optimize the cloudlet placement over a finite time horizon from a cloud infrastructure provider's perspective. By the means of a custom tailed heuristic approach, we are able to reduce the computational effort compared to the exact approach by at least three orders of magnitude, while maintaining a high solution quality with a moderate cost increase of 5.8% or less

    Multi-provider network service embedding

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    A multi-stage graph aided algorithm for distributed Service Function Chain provisioning across multiple domains

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    Network Service Providers (NSPs) envisage to support the divergent and stringent requirements of future services by instantiating these services as service chains, commonly referred to as Service Function Chains (SFCs), that are customized and configured to meet specific service requirements. However, due to the limited footprint of the Infrastructure Providers (InPs), these SFCs may have to transcend multiple InPs/domains. In this regard, determining the optimal set of InPs in which to embed the SFC request emerges as a complex problem for several reasons. First, the large number of possible combinations for selecting the InPs to embed the different sub-chains of the request makes this problem computationally complex, rendering optimal solutions only after long computations, especially in large scale networks, which is unfeasible for delay sensitive applications. Second, the unwillingness of InPs to disclose their internal information, which may be vital for making embedding decisions, usually implies the provisioning of single-domain solutions, which are unsuitable in this working scenario. In this regard, this paper first formulates the multi-domain service deployment problem under multiple request constraints, such as bandwidth or delay, among others. Then, due to the NP-hardness nature of the above problem, this paper proposes an algorithm that is aided by a multi-stage graph for computing a request embedding solution in a distributed manner, solving the problem in acceptable run-times. Results from different simulations reveal that the proposed algorithm is optimized in terms of acceptance ratio and embedding cost, with up to 60.0% and 88.7% improvements in terms of embedding cost and execution time, respectively, for some scenarios, in comparison with a benchmark state-of-the-art algorithm.Postprint (published version

    A deep reinforcement learning-based algorithm for reliability-aware multi-domain service deployment in smart ecosystems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-05372-xThe transition towards full network virtualization will see services for smart ecosystems including smart metering, healthcare and transportation among others, being deployed as Service Function Chains (SFCs) comprised of an ordered set of virtual network functions. However, since such services are usually deployed in remote cloud networks, the SFCs may transcend multiple domains belonging to different Infrastructure Providers (InPs), possibly with differing policies regarding billing and Quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees. Therefore, efficiently allocating the exhaustible network resources to the different SFCs while meeting the stringent requirements of the services such as delay and QoS among others, remains a complex challenge, especially under limited information disclosure by the InPs. In this work, we formulate the SFC deployment problem across multiple domains focusing on delay constraints, and propose a framework for SFC orchestration which adheres to the privacy requirements of the InPs. Then, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL)-based algorithm for partitioning the SFC request across the different InPs while considering service reliability across the participating InPs. Such RL-based algorithms have the intelligence to infer undisclosed InP information from historical data obtained from past experiences. Simulation results, considering both online and offline scenarios, reveal that the proposed algorithm results in up to 10% improvement in terms of acceptance ratio and provisioning cost compared to the benchmark algorithms, with up to more than 90% saving in execution time for large networks. In addition, the paper proposes an enhancement to a state-of-the-art algorithm which results in up to 5% improvement in terms of provisioning cost.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777067 (NECOS project) and the national project TEC2015-71329-C2-2-R (MINECO/FEDER). This work is also supported by the " Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities " of China University of Petroleum (East China) under Grant 18CX02139APeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Education alignment

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    This essay reviews recent developments in embedding data management and curation skills into information technology, library and information science, and research-based postgraduate courses in various national contexts. The essay also investigates means of joining up formal education with professional development training opportunities more coherently. The potential for using professional internships as a means of improving communication and understanding between disciplines is also explored. A key aim of this essay is to identify what level of complementarity is needed across various disciplines to most effectively and efficiently support the entire data curation lifecycle

    Software-defined middlebox networking

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