22,549 research outputs found

    Identification of control targets in Boolean molecular network models via computational algebra

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    Motivation: Many problems in biomedicine and other areas of the life sciences can be characterized as control problems, with the goal of finding strategies to change a disease or otherwise undesirable state of a biological system into another, more desirable, state through an intervention, such as a drug or other therapeutic treatment. The identification of such strategies is typically based on a mathematical model of the process to be altered through targeted control inputs. This paper focuses on processes at the molecular level that determine the state of an individual cell, involving signaling or gene regulation. The mathematical model type considered is that of Boolean networks. The potential control targets can be represented by a set of nodes and edges that can be manipulated to produce a desired effect on the system. Experimentally, node manipulation requires technology to completely repress or fully activate a particular gene product while edge manipulations only require a drug that inactivates the interaction between two gene products. Results: This paper presents a method for the identification of potential intervention targets in Boolean molecular network models using algebraic techniques. The approach exploits an algebraic representation of Boolean networks to encode the control candidates in the network wiring diagram as the solutions of a system of polynomials equations, and then uses computational algebra techniques to find such controllers. The control methods in this paper are validated through the identification of combinatorial interventions in the signaling pathways of previously reported control targets in two well studied systems, a p53-mdm2 network and a blood T cell lymphocyte granular leukemia survival signaling network.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Reconstruction of Directed Networks from Consensus Dynamics

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    This paper addresses the problem of identifying the topology of an unknown, weighted, directed network running a consensus dynamics. We propose a methodology to reconstruct the network topology from the dynamic response when the system is stimulated by a wide-sense stationary noise of unknown power spectral density. The method is based on a node-knockout, or grounding, procedure wherein the grounded node broadcasts zero without being eliminated from the network. In this direction, we measure the empirical cross-power spectral densities of the outputs between every pair of nodes for both grounded and ungrounded consensus to reconstruct the unknown topology of the network. We also establish that in the special cases of undirected or purely unidirectional networks, the reconstruction does not need grounding. Finally, we extend our results to the case of a directed network assuming a general dynamics, and prove that the developed method can detect edges and their direction.Comment: 6 page

    A Computational Algebra Approach to the Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks

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    This paper proposes a new method to reverse engineer gene regulatory networks from experimental data. The modeling framework used is time-discrete deterministic dynamical systems, with a finite set of states for each of the variables. The simplest examples of such models are Boolean networks, in which variables have only two possible states. The use of a larger number of possible states allows a finer discretization of experimental data and more than one possible mode of action for the variables, depending on threshold values. Furthermore, with a suitable choice of state set, one can employ powerful tools from computational algebra, that underlie the reverse-engineering algorithm, avoiding costly enumeration strategies. To perform well, the algorithm requires wildtype together with perturbation time courses. This makes it suitable for small to meso-scale networks rather than networks on a genome-wide scale. The complexity of the algorithm is quadratic in the number of variables and cubic in the number of time points. The algorithm is validated on a recently published Boolean network model of segment polarity development in Drosophila melanogaster.Comment: 28 pages, 5 EPS figures, uses elsart.cl

    The organization of the interbank network and how ECB unconventional measures affected the e-MID overnight market

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    The topological properties of interbank networks have been discussed widely in the literature mainly because of their relevance for systemic risk. Here we propose to use the Stochastic Block Model to investigate and perform a model selection among several possible two block organizations of the network: these include bipartite, core-periphery, and modular structures. We apply our method to the e-MID interbank market in the period 2010-2014 and we show that in normal conditions the most likely network organization is a bipartite structure. In exceptional conditions, such as after LTRO, one of the most important unconventional measures by ECB at the beginning of 2012, the most likely structure becomes a random one and only in 2014 the e-MID market went back to a normal bipartite organization. By investigating the strategy of individual banks, we explore possible explanations and we show that the disappearance of many lending banks and the strategy switch of a very small set of banks from borrower to lender is likely at the origin of this structural change.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    A Systemic Receptor Network Triggered by Human cytomegalovirus Entry

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    Virus entry is a multistep process that triggers a variety of cellular pathways interconnecting into a complex network, yet the molecular complexity of this network remains largely unsolved. Here, by employing systems biology approach, we reveal a systemic virus-entry network initiated by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a widespread opportunistic pathogen. This network contains all known interactions and functional modules (i.e. groups of proteins) coordinately responding to HCMV entry. The number of both genes and functional modules activated in this network dramatically declines shortly, within 25 min post-infection. While modules annotated as receptor system, ion transport, and immune response are continuously activated during the entire process of HCMV entry, those for cell adhesion and skeletal movement are specifically activated during viral early attachment, and those for immune response during virus entry. HCMV entry requires a complex receptor network involving different cellular components, comprising not only cell surface receptors, but also pathway components in signal transduction, skeletal development, immune response, endocytosis, ion transport, macromolecule metabolism and chromatin remodeling. Interestingly, genes that function in chromatin remodeling are the most abundant in this receptor system, suggesting that global modulation of transcriptions is one of the most important events in HCMV entry. Results of in silico knock out further reveal that this entire receptor network is primarily controlled by multiple elements, such as EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor) and SLC10A1 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter family, member 1). Thus, our results demonstrate that a complex systemic network, in which components coordinating efficiently in time and space contributes to virus entry.Comment: 26 page

    Perspective: network-guided pattern formation of neural dynamics

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    The understanding of neural activity patterns is fundamentally linked to an understanding of how the brain's network architecture shapes dynamical processes. Established approaches rely mostly on deviations of a given network from certain classes of random graphs. Hypotheses about the supposed role of prominent topological features (for instance, the roles of modularity, network motifs, or hierarchical network organization) are derived from these deviations. An alternative strategy could be to study deviations of network architectures from regular graphs (rings, lattices) and consider the implications of such deviations for self-organized dynamic patterns on the network. Following this strategy, we draw on the theory of spatiotemporal pattern formation and propose a novel perspective for analyzing dynamics on networks, by evaluating how the self-organized dynamics are confined by network architecture to a small set of permissible collective states. In particular, we discuss the role of prominent topological features of brain connectivity, such as hubs, modules and hierarchy, in shaping activity patterns. We illustrate the notion of network-guided pattern formation with numerical simulations and outline how it can facilitate the understanding of neural dynamics