41,401 research outputs found

    Consensus Computation in Unreliable Networks: A System Theoretic Approach

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    This work addresses the problem of ensuring trustworthy computation in a linear consensus network. A solution to this problem is relevant for several tasks in multi-agent systems including motion coordination, clock synchronization, and cooperative estimation. In a linear consensus network, we allow for the presence of misbehaving agents, whose behavior deviate from the nominal consensus evolution. We model misbehaviors as unknown and unmeasurable inputs affecting the network, and we cast the misbehavior detection and identification problem into an unknown-input system theoretic framework. We consider two extreme cases of misbehaving agents, namely faulty (non-colluding) and malicious (Byzantine) agents. First, we characterize the set of inputs that allow misbehaving agents to affect the consensus network while remaining undetected and/or unidentified from certain observing agents. Second, we provide worst-case bounds for the number of concurrent faulty or malicious agents that can be detected and identified. Precisely, the consensus network needs to be 2k+1 (resp. k+1) connected for k malicious (resp. faulty) agents to be generically detectable and identifiable by every well behaving agent. Third, we quantify the effect of undetectable inputs on the final consensus value. Fourth, we design three algorithms to detect and identify misbehaving agents. The first and the second algorithm apply fault detection techniques, and affords complete detection and identification if global knowledge of the network is available to each agent, at a high computational cost. The third algorithm is designed to exploit the presence in the network of weakly interconnected subparts, and provides local detection and identification of misbehaving agents whose behavior deviates more than a threshold, which is quantified in terms of the interconnection structure

    Robust Localization from Incomplete Local Information

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    We consider the problem of localizing wireless devices in an ad-hoc network embedded in a d-dimensional Euclidean space. Obtaining a good estimation of where wireless devices are located is crucial in wireless network applications including environment monitoring, geographic routing and topology control. When the positions of the devices are unknown and only local distance information is given, we need to infer the positions from these local distance measurements. This problem is particularly challenging when we only have access to measurements that have limited accuracy and are incomplete. We consider the extreme case of this limitation on the available information, namely only the connectivity information is available, i.e., we only know whether a pair of nodes is within a fixed detection range of each other or not, and no information is known about how far apart they are. Further, to account for detection failures, we assume that even if a pair of devices is within the detection range, it fails to detect the presence of one another with some probability and this probability of failure depends on how far apart those devices are. Given this limited information, we investigate the performance of a centralized positioning algorithm MDS-MAP introduced by Shang et al., and a distributed positioning algorithm, introduced by Savarese et al., called HOP-TERRAIN. In particular, for a network consisting of n devices positioned randomly, we provide a bound on the resulting error for both algorithms. We show that the error is bounded, decreasing at a rate that is proportional to R/Rc, where Rc is the critical detection range when the resulting random network starts to be connected, and R is the detection range of each device.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figure

    Robustness and modular structure in networks

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    Complex networks have recently attracted much interest due to their prevalence in nature and our daily lives [1, 2]. A critical property of a network is its resilience to random breakdown and failure [3-6], typically studied as a percolation problem [7-9] or by modeling cascading failures [10-12]. Many complex systems, from power grids and the Internet to the brain and society [13-15], can be modeled using modular networks comprised of small, densely connected groups of nodes [16, 17]. These modules often overlap, with network elements belonging to multiple modules [18, 19]. Yet existing work on robustness has not considered the role of overlapping, modular structure. Here we study the robustness of these systems to the failure of elements. We show analytically and empirically that it is possible for the modules themselves to become uncoupled or non-overlapping well before the network disintegrates. If overlapping modular organization plays a role in overall functionality, networks may be far more vulnerable than predicted by conventional percolation theory.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Randomized Initialization of a Wireless Multihop Network

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    Address autoconfiguration is an important mechanism required to set the IP address of a node automatically in a wireless network. The address autoconfiguration, also known as initialization or naming, consists to give a unique identifier ranging from 1 to nn for a set of nn indistinguishable nodes. We consider a wireless network where nn nodes (processors) are randomly thrown in a square XX, uniformly and independently. We assume that the network is synchronous and two nodes are able to communicate if they are within distance at most of rr of each other (rr is the transmitting/receiving range). The model of this paper concerns nodes without the collision detection ability: if two or more neighbors of a processor uu transmit concurrently at the same time, then uu would not receive either messages. We suppose also that nodes know neither the topology of the network nor the number of nodes in the network. Moreover, they start indistinguishable, anonymous and unnamed. Under this extremal scenario, we design and analyze a fully distributed protocol to achieve the initialization task for a wireless multihop network of nn nodes uniformly scattered in a square XX. We show how the transmitting range of the deployed stations can affect the typical characteristics such as the degrees and the diameter of the network. By allowing the nodes to transmit at a range r= \sqrt{\frac{(1+\ell) \ln{n} \SIZE}{\pi n}} (slightly greater than the one required to have a connected network), we show how to design a randomized protocol running in expected time O(n3/2log⁥2n)O(n^{3/2} \log^2{n}) in order to assign a unique number ranging from 1 to nn to each of the nn participating nodes
