3 research outputs found

    Timed Analysis of Security Protocols

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    We propose a method for engineering security protocols that are aware of timing aspects. We study a simplified version of the well-known Needham Schroeder protocol and the complete Yahalom protocol, where timing information allows the study of different attack scenarios. We model check the protocols using UPPAAL. Further, a taxonomy is obtained by studying and categorising protocols from the well known Clark Jacob library and the Security Protocol Open Repository (SPORE) library. Finally, we present some new challenges and threats that arise when considering time in the analysis, by providing a novel protocol that uses time challenges and exposing a timing attack over an implementation of an existing security protocol

    Timing Side-Channel Attacks on SSH

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    In most secure communication standards today, additional latency is kept to a minimum to preserve the Quality-of-Service. As a result, it is possible to mount side-channel attacks using timing analysis. In this thesis we discuss the viability of these attacks, and demonstrate them by inferring Hidden Markov Models of protocols. These Hidden Markov Models can be used to both detect protocol use and infer information about protocol state. We create experiments that use Markov models to generate traffic and show that we can accurately reconstruct models under many circumstances. We analyze what occurs when timing delays have enough jitter that we can not accurately assign packets to bins. Finally, we show that we can accurately identify the language used for cryptographically protected interactive sessions - Italian or English - on-line with as few as 77 symbols. A maximum-likelihood estimator, the forward-backward procedure, and confidence interval analysis are compared

    Compromising emissions from a high speed cryptographic embedded system

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    Specific hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms have been subject to a number of “side channel” attacks of late. A side channel is any information bearing emission that results from the physical implementation of a cryptographic algorithm. Smartcard realisations have been shown to be particularly vulnerable to these attacks. Other more complex embedded cryptographic systems may also be vulnerable, and each new design needs to be tested. The vulnerability of a recently developed high speed cryptographic accelerator is examined. The purpose of this examination is not only to verify the integrity of the device, but also to allow its designers to make a determination of its level of conformance with any standard that they may wish to comply with. A number of attacks were reviewed initially and two were chosen for examination and implementation - Power Analysis and Electromagnetic Analysis. These particular attacks appeared to offer the greatest threat to this particular system. Experimental techniques were devised to implement these attacks and a simulation and micrcontroller emulation were setup to ensure these techniques were sound. Each experimental setup was successful in attacking the simulated data and the micrcontroller circuit. The significance of this was twofold in that it verified the integrity of the setup and proved that a real threat existed. However, the attacks on the cryptographic accelerator failed in all cases to reveal any significant information. Although this is considered a positive result, it does not prove the integrity of the device as it may be possible for an adversary with more resources to successfully attack the board. It does however increase the level of confidence in this particular product and acts as a stepping stone towards conformance of cryptographic standards. The experimental procedures developed can also be used by designers wishing to test the vulnerability of their own products to these attacks