1,233 research outputs found

    Large Scale Document Management System: Creating Effective Public Sector Knowledge Management System

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    The digital age has redefined the production process and utilisation of documents globally. In the information age, the process of input, delivery, storage, receipt, and categorization of data is critical. The public sector has to rely more and more on automated, reliable solutions in order to keep their information safe and readily accessible for effective governance. A document management system is a computer system used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents. The term has some overlap with the concepts of content management systems often viewed as a component of enterprise content management systems and related to digital asset management, document imaging, workflow systems and records management systems. This paper examines an ongoing document management implementation case study in a public sector of digital assets of over twelve million pages, scalable to billions of pages, highlighting the taxonomy, content and knowledge management creation using an enterprise content management system and discusses the role in national development and growt

    Modalities to Implement the Multilinguality in Web DYNPRO ABAP

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    The integrated platform SAP Netweaver is a platform that offers support in realizing Web bussiness applications that use the Model View Controller (MVC) concept. The Multilinguality being a property of this platform. The purpose of this article is to highlight the modality to internationalize a Web Dynpro ABAP project The techniques used for the internationalization of a Web Dynpro ABAP application are: the OTR [Online Text Repository] translations, the implementation of the assistance class and the technique of information internationalization in a database. The case study has been performed on the trial “SAP Netweaver 7.0 Application Server ABAP” that offered the possibility to log-in in English and German languages.Computer programes, software

    Enterprise Master Data Management Trends and Solutions

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    The idea of master data and master data management (MDM) evolved from the increased necessities of enterprises for a more efficient and effective data management, requiring unification and integration of enterprise-wide data from multiple systems. In order to do that, many companies are considering MDM solutions, which automate data integration across various systems and applications. The paper aims to establish the correct position and role of the MDM in the enterprise IT (Information Technology) systems and to identify the main approaches, trends and solutions in the emergent area of enterprise MDM.data management, enterprise

    Migrating SAP R/3 Systems to SAP NetWeaver 7.4

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    The business of process integration

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    The paper describes the value of application integration and the place of business process management. It focuses on the duet BPM-SOA as the successful solution to build the adaptive enterprise of the near future.integration, ERP, enterprise applications, Business Process Management (BPM), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    How can the Business Intelligence system be developed at YIT?

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to improve the Business Intelligence (BI) reporting system at YIT Group. The system features, information quality and usability have been monitored in order to find improvement needs. The objective was approached by a survey and exploring the possibilities that Business Intelligence can generally offer. The survey was carried out by a questionnaire via e-mail. The questionnaire was sent to 60 out of the 500 active system users across the Nordic countries inside YIT Group. The sample of the user group consists of financial personnel and management, who can be divided inside the user group to management users, process owners, key users and end users. 14 out of 60 users answered the survey. The study discovered that there is room for improvements. Especially the system performance should be more efficient, a variety of reports should be available and the graphical details and lack of features in the user interface require more examination for better usability. By developing these basic features the system usage could be improved. Despite the problems that arose, the users have set large expectations on the new reporting system in the future. According to the survey, the system is widely used at YIT and it is a key system for reporting, planning and analysing on all levels and in all sectors. Building a better system should start from setting the objectives and slowly move forward by developing the features that need improvements. In this study ideas and remarks from the users are analysed and presented to give the right direction for the system development in the future.Miten Business Intelligence -järjestelmää voidaan kehittää YIT:llä? Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on parantaa YIT Konsernissa käytössä olevaa Business Intelligence (BI) -raportointijärjestelmää. Parannettavaa on etsitty tiedon laadun, käytettävyyden ja sisällöllisten ominaisuuksien osa-alueilta. Tavoitteeseen on pyritty YIT:n työntekijöille laaditulla kyselyllä ja tutkimalla järjestelmän mahdollisuuksia yleisesti. Kysely toteutettiin sähköpostitse käyttäen kyselylomaketta. Kyselylomake lähetettiin 60:lle järjestelmän aktiiviselle käyttäjälle 500 aktiivisen käyttäjän kokonaismäärästä. Otanta koostui talouden ja johtotason henkilöistä, jotka jakautuvat käyttäjäryhmässä johtotason käyttäjiin, prosessin omistajiin, avainkäyttäjiin ja loppukäyttäjiin. Kyselyyn vastasi 14 käyttäjää 60:stä. Tutkimus osoitti että järjestelmän parannuksille on tarvetta. Järjestelmän suorituskyky pitäisi olla tehokkaampi, raporttivalikoima pitäisi olla laajempi sekä graafinen ulkoasu ja käyttöliittymän yksityiskohtien puutokset vaatisivat tarkastelua paremman käytettävyyden kannalta. Näitä perusasioita kehittämällä koko järjestelmän käyttöä pystyttäisiin parantamaan. Esille tulleista puutteista huolimatta käyttäjät odottavat paljon uudelta raportointijärjestelmältä tulevaisuudessa. Kyselyssä tuli esille, että järjestelmä on laajasti käytössä ja se on tärkeä järjestelmä raportointiin, suunnitteluun ja analysointiin kaikilla tasoilla ja toimialoilla YIT:n organisaatiossa. Paremman järjestelmän rakentaminen olisi syytä aloittaa tavoitteista ja edetä parantamalla yksityiskohtia esille tulleiden kehityskohteiden osalta. Tässä tutkimuksessa käyttäjien ideat ja huomiot on analysoitu ja esitelty antamaan kehitykselle oikea suunta tulevaisuudessa

    Modalities to Implement the Multilinguality in Web DYNPRO ABAP

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    The integrated platform SAP Netweaver is a platform that offers support in realizing Web bussiness applications that use the Model View Controller (MVC) concept. The Multilinguality being a property of this platform. The purpose of this article is to highlight the modality to internationalize a Web Dynpro ABAP project The techniquesused for the internationalization of a Web Dynpro ABAP application are: the OTR [Online Text Repository] translations, the implementation of the assistance class and the technique of information internationalization in a database. The case study has been performed on the trial “SAP Netweaver 7.0 Application Server ABAP” that offered the possibility to log-in in English and German languages

    SAP Core Data Services (CDS)

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    SAP Core Data Services (CDS), apparu avec SAP HANA, est considéré comme la prochaine génération utilisée pour la définition et l’accès aux données SAP. Basée sur SQL, cette nouvelle infrastructure propose tant des améliorations sur les fonctions et expressions existantes que de nouvelles fonctionnalités. L’objectif de ce travail est de se familiariser avec le concept, de développer un prototype mettant en avant les différentes fonctionnalités du CDS, puis de déterminer s’il est plus avantageux de passer à SAP CDS ou de rester sur l’ABAP Dictionary