2,146 research outputs found

    Efectos del clima y el nivel del agua sobre la reproducción de aves acuáticas coloniales en Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce (Argentina Central)

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    En el presente trabajo se exploró la relación entre factores relacionados al clima y la reproducción de aves acuáticas coloniales en un extenso humedal del centro de Argentina, el sistema Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce. Debido a sus distintos requerimientos ecológicos, las diversas especies presentaron respuestas disímiles a las variaciones de los factores climáticos, los cuales a su vez actúan a distintas escalas espaciales. El éxito reproductivo de casi todas las especies fue negativamente afectado por el viento durante las tormentas que se forman localmente durante el verano. Las variaciones en el nivel del agua, producidas por fenómenos no locales sino ocurridos en la parte alta de la cuenca, a gran distancia del humedal, tuvieron una acción directa sobre el número de especies en colonias. El número de parejas, en cambio, no fue directamente afectado por dichas variaciones, aunque el número de parejas en colonias de la Garcita Azulada (Butorides striata) estuvo relacionado al área de hábitat óptimo disponible para la alimentación y nidificación de esta especie, superficie que en definitiva fue regulada por el nivel del agua. La formación de colonias de aves acuáticas estuvo supeditada a niveles estables o con variaciones de hasta 1 m entre un año y el siguiente. Los datos obtenidos presentan implicancias para la biología de la conservación y las estrategias de manejo del agua.The relationship between climate-related factors in an important extensive wetland of central Argentina (Laguna Mar Chiquita - Bañados del Río Dulce) and colonial waterbirds reproduction was explored. Due to their different ecological requirements, the diverse species responded differently to variations in climatic factors, which in turn interact at different spatial scales. Nesting success of almost all species was negatively affected by storm winds occurring in the region in summer. Water level changes, induced by non-local phenomena occurring in the high basin, at a great distance from the Mar Chiquita– Dulce River system, had a direct effect on species number in colonies. On the contrary, pair numbers was not directly affected by water level changes, although the pair numbers in the Striated Heron (Butorides striata) colonies was related to the area of the feeding and nesting habitat suitable for this species, which was eventually regulated by water level. Waterbirds colony formation depended on water levels that were stable or changed in up to 1 m in consecutive years. The data obtained has implications for biodiversity conservation and water management strategies.Fil: Torres, Ricardo Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Michelutti, Matias Pablo. No especifica;Fil: Dominino, Jael. Administración Nacional de Parques; ArgentinaFil: León, José Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Mangeaud, Arnaldo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Andres. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pozzi Piacenza, Cecilia Elena. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Plencovich, Gonzalo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Pagot, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Hillman, Gerardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    A contribution to the moss flora of Ecuador

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    An annotated list of new records or otherwise interesting species from Ecuador is presented. The occurrence of rhizoidal tubers is reported for the first time in Anoectangium aestivum, Brachymenium chilense and Bryoerythrophyllum campylocarpum

    First records of the Neotropic genus Dilopharius Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) in Florida

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    Dilopharius Townes (1966) ranges from the southern United States to Argentina. Its only described species is D. otomitus (Cresson 1868), previously known from Mexico and south Texas, but now recorded for the first time from Florida

    A New Species of Mnioes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from the United States

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    This is the first record of the genus Mnioes in the United States. Previously described species are all Neotropic. Townes described the genus in 1946, placing Lampronota? jircunda Cresson, 1874, and Meniscus ? orbitalis Cresson, 1874, in it. The new species described here has been collected from several areas in the United States. This study was made while the author was a graduate student at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

    The Transantarctic genus Labena (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Labenini) in Chile

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    Labena is a primitive genus known from the Neotropic, Nearctic, Neantarctic, and Australian biogeographic regions. It parasitizes larvae of wood boring beetles in dead twigs and smaller branches of hardwood trees and shrubs. Descriptions are given of 2 new Chilean species: Labena canelensis Porter, from sclerophyll woodland in central Chile, is black with sparse white markings, has a strong tooth at the base of the submetapleural carina, and a short first gastric tergite (2.3-2.6 as long as wide at apex), whereas L. pucon Porter occurs in temperate wet forest of southern Chile and is black with profuse white markings, lacks a submetapleural tooth, and has the first tergite very elongate (4.0-6.2 as long as wide at apex).Labena es un género primitivo conocido de las regiones Neotropical, Neártica, Neantártica, y Australiana y cuyas especies parasitan larvas de coleópteros xilófagos en ramitas y ramas muertas de árboles y arbustos angioespermas. Se describen dos especies nuevas de Chile: Labena canelensis Porter, que habita en el bosque esclerófilo de Chile central, es de color negro con escasos diseños blancos, tiene un gran diente triangular en la base de la carina submetapleural, y el primer tergito gástrico robusto (2.3-2.6 tan largo como ancho en el ápice), mientras L. pucon, que se encuentra en las selvas húmedas del sur, se destaca por ser negra con abundantes diseños blancos, por carecer de un diente submetapleural, y por su primer tergito muy alargado (4.0-6.2 tan largo como ancho en el ápice)

    Stenomicra (Diptera: Opomyzoidea) en Argentina, con información sobre la biología del género

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    This is the first literature record of the genus Stenomicra Coquillett (Diptera: Periscelididae) from South America (Neotropical Region). New information on the biological cycle of Stenomicra species in the wild is provided, and four species of the genus Eryngium L. (Apiaceae) are recorded as host plants for immature stages of this taxon. The specimens of Stenomicra sp. were collected in Sierra de la Ventana, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.En este estudio, se publica por primera vez para Sudamérica (Región Neotropical) el género Stenomicra Coquillett (Diptera: Periscelididae). Se aporta información sobre su ciclo biológico en condiciones naturales y se mencionan cuatro especies del género Eryngium L. (Apiaceae), como plantas hospedadoras de los estados inmaduros. Los ejemplares de Stenomicra sp. fueron colectados en Sierra de la Ventana, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fil: Campos, Raul Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Gramajo, Maria Cecilia. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Lizarralde, Mercedes Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto Superior de Entomología; Argentin


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    Aim To assess the relative impact of different landscape variables on species richness and to determine whether species richness declines more rapidly below an extinction threshold of remaining habitat. The results of this study will help to better inform future conservation strategies. Location Global Time period 1997 – 2013 Major taxa studied Amphibians, birds, invertebrates, mammals, and reptiles Methods Data from 71 studies published in the global BioFrag database were used to determine species richness across multiple landscapes and biomes. The Hansen dataset was used to collect data on habitat amount (forest area), fragmentation (patch density), and matrix quality (mean % tree cover in the matrix) within the local landscape of each plot. Multi-model inference and meta-analysis were used to compare the relative impacts of standardized predictor variables on species richness. Break point and linear regression models of percent forest cover and species richness were used to test for the presence of extinction thresholds. Results Of the 29 studies included in multi-model inference, habitat amount had a greater regression coefficient than patch density in 15 studies and matrix quality in 21 studies. Patch density had a greater regression coefficient than habitat amount in 4 studies and matrix quality in 16 studies. The meta-analysis found habitat amount to have the greatest effect size with a |Fisher’s z-score| ~1.7x greater than that of patch density and ~2.6x greater than matrix quality. The breakpoint regression model was significant and outperformed the linear regression model in 7 out of 71 studies. Main conclusions Habitat amount had the greatest relative impact on species richness followed by patch density and matrix quality. We did not find support for the extinction threshold hypothesis

    New species and records of Rhyssa and Rhyssella (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Rhyssinae) from Florida and Central America

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    Rhyssa neotropicae n. sp. is the first Rhyssa to be recorded from the New World tropics, where it was collected in cloud forest at 1800 m on Monte Uyuca near Zamorano, Honduras. It is closely related to the Nearctic R. hoferi Rohwer and R. howdenorum Townes but differs from all other Rhyssa by its complexly yellow and black marked head and body, whose color pattern mimics that of aggressive social vespid wasps (Agelaia) which occur in the same habitat. Rhyssa howdenorum Townes is recorded for the first time from Florida and Oklahoma. The genus Rhyssella, previously unknown in Florida, is represented in that state by R. perfulua n. sp., distinctive in its mostly orange brown coloration, and by R. humida (Say), a black and white species with fulvous on the thoracic pleura and propodeum.Rhyssa neotropicae n. sp. es la primera especie de su genero de ser senalada para la Region Neotropical, donde se la colecciono en selva humeda de alta montana a 1800 msnm en la cima del Monte Uyuca cerca de Zamorano en Honduras. Se trata de una especie muy afin a R. hoferi Rohwer y a R. howdenorum Townes, las cuales se distribuyen en el sur y centro de la Region Neartica, diferenciimdose, no obstante, R. neotropicae de todas las demas Rhyssa por su bello esquema de coloracion con intrincados dis enos amarillos y negros, a semejanza del que osten tan unos vespidos sociales agresivos (Agelaia), que abundan en los mismos ambientes. Se cita pol' primera vez a Rhyssa howdenorum Townes para Florida y Oklahoma. El genero Rhyssella, antes no conocido en la Florida, cuenta de hecho en este estado con 2 especies, R. perfulua n.sp., que destaca pOl' tener el cuerpo casi uniformemente de color castano claro anaranjado, y R. humida (Say), especie negra con dis enos blancos y las pleuras toracicas junto con el propodeo en gran parte de color claro, entre anaranjado y rojo

    Aspects of genetic and morphological variation in selected new world land birds

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2000The objective of this thesis is to examine variation in certain New World land birds, focusing on morphological difference at the intraspecific level and genetic differences at the intra- and interspecific levels. First, I investigate sexual dimorphism in the Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla), a Nearctic-Neotropic migrant parulid. Using museum specimens, I quantify the degree of dimorphism and devise a method to distinguish the sexes using morphological measurements. Second, I outline a new method of approximating Weir and Cockerham's 0 (1984, 1993), an unbiased estimator of genetic population structure. The method uses commonly published parameters and obviates the need to recode existing allozyme data sets to calculate 0. The estimation algorithm is shown to be useful for both model populations and real-world avian populations

    Parasitos da biguá nannopterum (Phalacrocorax) brasilianus (aves, phalacrocoracidae) do Chile

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    The Neotropic cormorant Nannopterum (Phalacrocorax) brasilianus (Suliformes: Phalacrocoracidae) is widely distributed in Central and South America. In Chile, information about parasites for this species is limited to helminths and nematodes, and little is known about other parasite groups. This study documents the parasitic fauna present in 80 Neotropic cormorants’ carcasses collected from 2001 to 2008 in Antofagasta, Biobío, and Ñuble regions. Birds were externally inspected for ectoparasites and necropsies were performed to examine digestive and respiratory organs in search of endoparasites. Ectoparasites collected were cleared and mounted for identification under a microscope. Fecal samples were also evaluated to determine the presence of protozoan parasites employing a flotation technique. A total of 44 (42.5%) of birds were infested with at least one ectoparasite species, while 77 (96.25%) were carrying endoparasites. No protozoan forms were found after examination. Most prevalent endoparasite species found were Contracaecum rudolphii s. l. (72/80, 90%), followed by Pectinopygus gyroceras (33/80, 41.25%), and Profilicollis altmani (26/80, 32.5%). This is the first report of P. altmani, Baruscapillaria carbonis, Avioserpens sp., Cyathostoma (Cyathostoma) phenisci, and Eidmaniella pelucida in the Neotropic cormorant. These findings also expand the distributional range of Andracantha phalacrocoracis, Paradilepis caballeroi, Hysteromorpha triloba, and P. gyroceras to Chile.O Biguá Nannopterum (Phalacrocorax) brasilianus (Suliformes: Phalacrocoracidae) é amplamente distribuído na América Central e na do Sul. No Chile, as informações sobre parasitos para essa espécie são limitadas a helmintos e nematoides, e pouco se sabe sobre outros grupos de parasitos. Este estudo documenta a fauna parasitária presente em 80 biguás coletados de 2001 a 2008, nas regiões de Antofagasta, Biobío e Ñuble. As aves foram inspecionadas externamente em busca de ectoparasitas; adicionalmente, foram realizadas necropsias para examinar os órgãos digestivos e respiratórios em busca de endoparasitos. Os ectoparasitos coletados foram limpos e montados para identificação ao microscópio. As amostras de fezes também foram avaliadas para determinar a presença de parasitos protozoários, empregando-se uma técnica de flutuação. Um total de 44 (42,5%) aves estavam infectadas com pelo menos um ectoparasito, enquanto 77 (96,25%) estavam portando endoparasito. Nenhuma forma de protozoário foi encontrada após o exame. As espécies de endoparasitos mais prevalentes encontradas foram Contracaecum rudolphii (72/80, 90%), Pectinopygus gyroceras (33/80, 41.25%) e Profilicollis altmani (26/80, 32.5%). Este é o primeiro registro de P. altmani, Baruscapillaria carbonis, Avioserpens sp., Cyathostoma (Cyathostoma) phenisci e Eidmaniella pelucida no biguá. Esses resultados também expandem a distribuição de Andracantha phalacrocoracis, Paradilepis caballeroi, Ascocotyle felippei, Hysteromorpha triloba e P. gyroceras no Chile.Fil: González Acuña, Daniel. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Llanos Soto, Sebastián. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Oyarzún Ruiz, Pablo. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Kinsella, John Mike. Helmwest Laboratory; Estados UnidosFil: Barrientos, Carlos. Universidad Santo Tomas, Santiago; ChileFil: Thomas, Richard. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Cicchino, Armando Conrado. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Biotecnología. Grupo de Entomología Edáfica Bonaerense Suboriental - GENEBSO; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Lucila. Universidad de Concepción; Chil