6 research outputs found

    Santa Fe New Mexican, 01-05-1910

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    Abstract Within biblical studies it is often assumed that the prophetic texts of Micah 2:1-2 and Isaiah 5:8-10 point to significant landownership abuse, coupled with one generic group oppressing another generic group by taking their land. Faced with a lack of deeds of land ownership in ancient Israel, many scholars have turned to social science for contextual clues and found them helpful. As an alternative to a social scientific approach, however, this research provides a new perspective on land ownership that draws on the Northeast Indian tribal experience. This new interpretation combines contextual post colonial, liberation and cultural approaches to interpretation. It is a reading from the point of view of an oppressed group of people in Northeast India, the community of which the researcher is a part. This perspective provides a useful model for interpreting the socio-economic contexts behind the prophetic critique of land ownership abuse. Rather than focusing on the economic and political dimensions of land ownership, it looks at land ownership from the perspective of religio-cultural identity. This emphasises a link between land, God, ancestors, family and community, both in ancient Israelite society and in Northeast Indian society. From this new perspective, it is possible to discern an ethos and set of values which the eighth-century prophets, especially Micah and Isaiah tried to defend and uphold. These revolved around the socio-political and religio-cultural identity of the close-knit rural family and community, communitarian values of land sharing, and the interconnectedness of God, humans and land. Thus, new insights can be gained into land ownership abuse through the use of the Northeast India tribal perspective which provides a fresh interpretation to biblical studies. Furthermore, this perspective offers valuable insights into prophetic protest against injustice, not only in ancient Israel, but also in modern societies

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    A framework for the expansion of the first level of education in Brazil, with particular reference to the municipality of Itapipoca, Ceara

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    ABSTRACT In a century in which changes have happened so rapidly, Brazil has had nine major education reforms, each with an average duration of a decade. With the 1964 change of political leadership, new trends emerged and finally took shape through the Education Act of 1971. The adoption of this new Act required a considerable effort in the re-shaping of educational institutions and from each level of governmental administration. The organisation and administration set up to bridge these changing circumstances, with particular reference to the First Level of Education in less progressive areas of the country, and how this organisation and administration might be developed according to certain specified criteria, is the main theme of this thesis. Section I details the origins, limits and the purpose .of the study as one of identifying those educational administrative functions which have been delegated to Municipal local groups, and to assess their effectiveness in the Municipality of Itapipoca in the State of Ceara in North~ast region of Brazil. Questions such as:- What constraints have prevented Brazil from putting into practice some principles of devolution recommended by its constitutions ? How far can equality of opportunity in education between urban and rural areas be improved, taking into account that 44 percent of the population in Brazil lives in rural areas ? Would the transfer of adm~nistrative and supervisory responsibilities to the Municipalities contribute towards effectiveness in the public education system at the First Level ? - These. questions anongst others are posed to indicate the direction this research will take. Section II provides an account of the National political organisation, the pace of development and of Itapipoca 1s lands, people and economy. 4 In Section III, the educational system is interpreted in the light of the statutory provisions both past and present. Itapipoca 1 s educational scene is also portrayed and evidence is offered to show that its educational interests may have been neglected by political leaders. Section IV examines three national oriented projects taking place in the Northeast region in which their development aims, implicitly or explicitly, include the educational sector as part of their task. A follow-up qu~stionnaire is interpreted in order to assess the results of a particular innovation in education. The subject of this thesis does not lend itself to an initial review of the literature. Nevertheless the relevant literature is referred to at appropriate places in the text. In Section V, selected aspects of the literature are reviewed in order to develop an organisational outline of educational provision for Itapipoca so that educational interests can be more effectively taken care of. Examples from other countries are introduced to clarify aspects of organisational applications. The professional and administrative aspects are dealt with in the analysis of the organisation of the educational system. The influence of an Advisory Council for Education is examined within the policy formulation, policy adoption and policy implementation, taking Itapipoca as the point of reference. Section VI gives conclusions and a summary of the discussions

    Actas de las XXXIV Jornadas de Automática

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