31 research outputs found

    Spatial Performance Analysis and Design Principles for Wireless Peer Discovery

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    In wireless peer-to-peer networks that serve various proximity-based applications, peer discovery is the key to identifying other peers with which a peer can communicate and an understanding of its performance is fundamental to the design of an efficient discovery operation. This paper analyzes the performance of wireless peer discovery through comprehensively considering the wireless channel, spatial distribution of peers, and discovery operation parameters. The average numbers of successfully discovered peers are expressed in closed forms for two widely used channel models, i.e., the interference limited Nakagami-m fading model and the Rayleigh fading model with nonzero noise, when peers are spatially distributed according to a homogeneous Poisson point process. These insightful expressions lead to the design principles for the key operation parameters including the transmission probability, required amount of wireless resources, level of modulation and coding scheme (MCS), and transmit power. Furthermore, the impact of shadowing on the spatial performance and suggested design principles is evaluated using mathematical analysis and simulations.Comment: 12 pages (double columns), 10 figures, 1 table, to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Stability Analysis of Frame Slotted Aloha Protocol

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    Frame Slotted Aloha (FSA) protocol has been widely applied in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems as the de facto standard in tag identification. However, very limited work has been done on the stability of FSA despite its fundamental importance both on the theoretical characterisation of FSA performance and its effective operation in practical systems. In order to bridge this gap, we devote this paper to investigating the stability properties of FSA by focusing on two physical layer models of practical importance, the models with single packet reception and multipacket reception capabilities. Technically, we model the FSA system backlog as a Markov chain with its states being backlog size at the beginning of each frame. The objective is to analyze the ergodicity of the Markov chain and demonstrate its properties in different regions, particularly the instability region. By employing drift analysis, we obtain the closed-form conditions for the stability of FSA and show that the stability region is maximised when the frame length equals the backlog size in the single packet reception model and when the ratio of the backlog size to frame length equals in order of magnitude the maximum multipacket reception capacity in the multipacket reception model. Furthermore, to characterise system behavior in the instability region, we mathematically demonstrate the existence of transience of the backlog Markov chain.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theor


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    In wsn Neighbor discovery is one of the first steps in configuring and managing a wireless network. Most existing studies on neighbor discovery assume a single-packet reception model where only a single packet can be received successfully at a receiver. Neighbor discovery in MPR networks is studied that allow packets from multiple simultaneous transmitters to be received successfully at a receiver. Starting with a clique of n nodes, a simple Aloha-like algorithm is analyzed and show that it takes time to discover all neighbors with high probability when allowing up to k simultaneous transmissions. Two adaptive neighbor discovery algorithms is designed that dynamically adjust the transmission probability for each node. The adaptive algorithms yield improvement over the Aloha-like scheme for a clique with n nodes and are thus order-optimal

    On the Stability of Random Multiple Access with Stochastic Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we consider the random access of nodes having energy harvesting capability and a battery to store the harvested energy. Each node attempts to transmit the head-of-line packet in the queue if its battery is nonempty. The packet and energy arrivals into the queue and the battery are all modeled as a discrete-time stochastic process. The main contribution of this paper is the exact characterization of the stability region of the packet queues given the energy harvesting rates when a pair of nodes are randomly accessing a common channel having multipacket reception (MPR) capability. The channel with MPR capability is a generalized form of the wireless channel modeling which allows probabilistic receptions of the simultaneously transmitted packets. The results obtained in this paper are fairly general as the cases with unlimited energy for transmissions both with the collision channel and the channel with MPR capability can be derived from ours as special cases. Furthermore, we study the impact of the finiteness of the batteries on the achievable stability region.Comment: The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 201

    Stability and Capacity of Regular Wireless Networks

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    Enabling Millimeter Wave Communication for 5G Cellular Networks: MAC-layer Perspective

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    Data traffic among mobile devices increases dramatically with emerging high-speed multimedia applications such as uncompressed video streaming. Many new applications beyond personal communications involve tens or even hundreds of billions wireless devices, such as wireless watch, e-health sensors, and wireless glass. The number of wireless devices and the data rates will continue to grow exponentially. Quantitative evidences forecast that total data rate by 2020 will be 1000 times of current 4G data rate. Next generation wireless networks need fundamental changes to satisfy the overwhelming capacity demands. Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication with huge available bandwidth is a very promising solution for next generation wireless networks to overcome the global bandwidth shortage at saturated microwave spectrum. The large available bandwidth can be directly translated into high capacity. mmWave communication has several propagation characteristics including strong pathloss, atmospheric and rain absorption, low diffraction around obstacles and penetration through objects. These propagation characteristics create challenges for next generation wireless networks to support various kinds of emerging applications with different QoS requirements. Our research focuses on how to effectively and efficiently exploit the large available mmWave bandwidth to achieve high capacity demand while overcoming these challenges on QoS provisioning for various kinds of applications. This thesis focuses on MAC protocol design and analysis for mmWave communication to provide required capacity and QoS to support various kinds of applications in next generation wireless networks. Specifically, from the transmitter/receiver perspective, multi-user beamforming based on codebook is conducted to determine best transmission/reception beams to increase network capacity considering the mutual interferences among concurrent links. From the channel perspective, both interfering and non-interfering concurrent links are scheduled to operate simultaneously to exploit spatial reuse and improve network capacity. Link outage problem resulting from the limited diffraction capability and low penetration capability of mmWave band is addressed for quality provisioning by enabling multi-hop transmission to replace the link in outage (for low-mobility scenarios) and buffer design with dynamic bandwidth allocation among all the users in the whole coverage area (for high-mobility scenarios). From the system perspective, system structure, network architecture, and candidate MAC are investigated and novel backoff mechanism for CSMA/CA is proposed to give more transmission opportunity to faraway nodes than nearby nodes in order to achieve better fairness and higher network capacity. In this thesis, we formulate each problem mentioned above as an optimization problem with the proposed algorithms to solve it. Extensive analytical and simulation results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms in several aspects, such as network capacity, energy efficiency, link connectivity and so on


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    This dissertation deals with various newly emerging topics in the context of cooperative networking. The first part is about the cognitive radio. To guarantee the performance of high priority users, it is important to know the activity of the high priority communication system but the knowledge is usually imperfect due to randomness in the observed signal. In such a context, the stability property of cognitive radio systems in the presence of sensing errors is studied. General guidelines on controlling the operating point of the sensing device over its receiver operating characteristics are also given. We then consider the hybrid of different modes of operation for cognitive radio systems with time-varying connectivity. The random connectivity gives additional chances that can be utilized by the low priority communication system. The second part of this dissertation is about the random access. We are specifically interested in the scenario when the nodes are harvesting energy from the environment. For such a system, we accurately assess the effect of limited, but renewable, energy availability on the stability region. The effect of finite capacity batteries is also studied. We next consider the exploitation of diversity amongst users under random access framework. That is, each user adapts its transmission probability based on the local channel state information in a decentralized manner. The impact of imperfect channel state information on the stability region is investigated. Furthermore, it is compared to the class of stationary scheduling policies that make centralized decisions based on the channel state feedback. The backpressure policy for cross-layer control of wireless multi-hop networks is known to be throughput-optimal for i.i.d. arrivals. The third part of this dissertation is about the backpressure-based control for networks with time-correlated arrivals that may exhibit long-range dependency. It is shown that the original backpressure policy is still throughput-optimal but with increased average network delay. The case when the arrival rate vector is possibly outside the stability region is also studied by augmenting the backpressure policy with the flow control mechanism. Lastly, the problem of neighbor discovery in a wireless sensor network is dealt. We first introduce the realistic effect of physical layer considerations in the evaluation of the performance of logical discovery algorithms by incorporating physical layer parameters. Secondly, given the lack of knowledge of the number of neighbors along with the lack of knowledge of the individual signal parameters, we adopt the viewpoint of random set theory to the problem of detecting the transmitting neighbors. Random set theory is a generalization of standard probability theory by assigning sets, rather than values, to random outcomes and it has been applied to multi-user detection problem when the set of transmitters are unknown and dynamically changing

    On Heterogeneous Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Neighbor discovery plays a crucial role in the formation of wireless sensor networks and mobile networks where the power of sensors (or mobile devices) is constrained. Due to the difficulty of clock synchronization, many asynchronous protocols based on wake-up scheduling have been developed over the years in order to enable timely neighbor discovery between neighboring sensors while saving energy. However, existing protocols are not fine-grained enough to support all heterogeneous battery duty cycles, which can lead to a more rapid deterioration of long-term battery health for those without support. Existing research can be broadly divided into two categories according to their neighbor-discovery techniques---the quorum based protocols and the co-primality based protocols.In this paper, we propose two neighbor discovery protocols, called Hedis and Todis, that optimize the duty cycle granularity of quorum and co-primality based protocols respectively, by enabling the finest-grained control of heterogeneous duty cycles. We compare the two optimal protocols via analytical and simulation results, which show that although the optimal co-primality based protocol (Todis) is simpler in its design, the optimal quorum based protocol (Hedis) has a better performance since it has a lower relative error rate and smaller discovery delay, while still allowing the sensor nodes to wake up at a more infrequent rate.Comment: Accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 201