4 research outputs found

    Classification of Multipartite Entanglement via Negativity Fonts

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    Partial transposition of state operator is a well known tool to detect quantum correlations between two parts of a composite system. In this letter, the global partial transpose (GPT) is linked to conceptually multipartite underlying structures in a state - the negativity fonts. If K-way negativity fonts with non zero determinants exist, then selective partial transposition of a pure state, involving K of the N qubits (K leq N) yields an operator with negative eigevalues, identifying K-body correlations in the state. Expansion of GPT interms of K-way partially transposed (KPT) operators reveals the nature of intricate intrinsic correlations in the state. Classification criteria for multipartite entangled states, based on underlying structure of global partial transpose of canonical state, are proposed. Number of N-partite entanglement types for an N qubit system is found to be 2^{N-1}-N+2, while the number of major entanglement classes is 2^{N-1}-1. Major classes for three and four qubit states are listed. Subclasses are determined by the number and type of negativity fonts in canonical state.Comment: 5 pages, No figures, Corrected typo

    Minimal Renyi-Ingarden-Urbanik entropy of multipartite quantum states

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    We study the entanglement of a pure state of a composite quantum system consisting of several subsystems with dd levels each. It can be described by the R\'enyi-Ingarden-Urbanik entropy SqS_q of a decomposition of the state in a product basis, minimized over all local unitary transformations. In the case q=0q=0 this quantity becomes a function of the rank of the tensor representing the state, while in the limit q→∞q \to \infty the entropy becomes related to the overlap with the closest separable state and the geometric measure of entanglement. For any bipartite system the entropy S1S_1 coincides with the standard entanglement entropy. We analyze the distribution of the minimal entropy for random states of three and four-qubit systems. In the former case the distributions of 33-tangle is studied and some of its moments are evaluated, while in the latter case we analyze the distribution of the hyperdeterminant. The behavior of the maximum overlap of a three-qudit system with the closest separable state is also investigated in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 19 page