7 research outputs found

    Optical tomography: Image improvement using mixed projection of parallel and fan beam modes

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    Mixed parallel and fan beam projection is a technique used to increase the quality images. This research focuses on enhancing the image quality in optical tomography. Image quality can be defined by measuring the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) parameters. The findings of this research prove that by combining parallel and fan beam projection, the image quality can be increased by more than 10%in terms of its PSNR value and more than 100% in terms of its NMSE value compared to a single parallel beam

    Automatically Learning User Needs from Online Reviews for New Product Design

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    The traditional product design process begins with the identification of user needs (Ulrich and Eppinger 2008). Traditional methods for needs identification include focus groups, surveys, interviews, and anthropological studies. In this paper, we propose to augment traditional methods for identifying user needs by automatically analyzing user-generated online product reviews. Specifically, we present a supervised, machine learning approach for sentential-level adaptive text extraction and mining. Based upon a set of 9700+ digital camera product reviews gathered in January 2008, we evaluate the approach in three ways. First, we report precision and recall using n-fold cross-validation on labeled data. Second, we compare the recall of automated learning with respect to traditional measures for identifying users and their respective needs. Third, we use multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) to visualize the competitive landscape by mapping existing products in terms of the user needs that they address

    Electronic word-of-mouth communities from the perspective of social network analysis

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    This paper is focused on the identification of influencers that can have an important impact over the decision-making of other users. For this purpose, a popular electronic word-of-mouth community like Ciao.com has been modelled as a social network. Using social network analysis techniques, the existence of influencers is justified by the power law distribution of user participation, and then they are identified using their topological features within the social network. The obtained results reveal that influencers are not determined by the number of performed reviews, but by the variety or scope of their performed reviews and their central position in the consumer network. The main contribution of this research is the identification of influencers based on the participation features of community users. As a difference to other studies, results are not based on surveys or opinions, but on the trace users leave when they post opinions, comments or scoresJunta de Andalucia. Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo P12-SEJ-328Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2013-43856-

    Translating online customer opinions into engineering characteristics in QFD: A probabilistic language analysis approach

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    Online opinions provide informative customer requirements for product designers. However, the increasing volume of opinions make them hard to be digested entirely. It is expected to translate online opinions for designers automatically when they are launching a new product. In this research, an exploratory study is conducted, in which customer requirements in online reviews are manually translated into engineering characteristics (ECs) for Quality function deployment (QFD). From the exploratory study, a simple mapping from keywords to ECs is observed not able to be built. It is also found that it will be a time-consuming task to translate a large number of reviews. Accordingly, a probabilistic language analysis approach is proposed, which translates reviews into ECs automatically. In particular, the statistic concurrence information between keywords and nearby words is analyzed. Based on the unigram model and the bigram model, an integrated impact learning algorithm is advised to estimate the impacts of keywords and nearby words respectively. The estimated impacts are utilized to infer which ECs are implied in a given context. Using four brands of printer reviews from Amazon.com, comparative experiments are conducted. Finally, an illustrative example is shown to clarify how this approach can be applied by designers in QFD