11 research outputs found

    Constructions of Batch Codes via Finite Geometry

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    A primitive kk-batch code encodes a string xx of length nn into string yy of length NN, such that each multiset of kk symbols from xx has kk mutually disjoint recovering sets from yy. We develop new explicit and random coding constructions of linear primitive batch codes based on finite geometry. In some parameter regimes, our proposed codes have lower redundancy than previously known batch codes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Lifted Multiplicity Codes and the Disjoint Repair Group Property

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    Lifted Reed Solomon Codes (Guo, Kopparty, Sudan 2013) were introduced in the context of locally correctable and testable codes. They are multivariate polynomials whose restriction to any line is a codeword of a Reed-Solomon code. We consider a generalization of their construction, which we call lifted multiplicity codes. These are multivariate polynomial codes whose restriction to any line is a codeword of a multiplicity code (Kopparty, Saraf, Yekhanin 2014). We show that lifted multiplicity codes have a better trade-off between redundancy and a notion of locality called the t-disjoint-repair-group property than previously known constructions. More precisely, we show that, for t <=sqrt{N}, lifted multiplicity codes with length N and redundancy O(t^{0.585} sqrt{N}) have the property that any symbol of a codeword can be reconstructed in t different ways, each using a disjoint subset of the other coordinates. This gives the best known trade-off for this problem for any super-constant t < sqrt{N}. We also give an alternative analysis of lifted Reed Solomon codes using dual codes, which may be of independent interest

    Locality via Partially Lifted Codes

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    In error-correcting codes, locality refers to several different ways of quantifying how easily a small amount of information can be recovered from encoded data. In this work, we study a notion of locality called the s-Disjoint-Repair-Group Property (s-DRGP). This notion can interpolate between two very different settings in coding theory: that of Locally Correctable Codes (LCCs) when s is large - a very strong guarantee - and Locally Recoverable Codes (LRCs) when s is small - a relatively weaker guarantee. This motivates the study of the s-DRGP for intermediate s, which is the focus of our paper. We construct codes in this parameter regime which have a higher rate than previously known codes. Our construction is based on a novel variant of the lifted codes of Guo, Kopparty and Sudan. Beyond the results on the s-DRGP, we hope that our construction is of independent interest, and will find uses elsewhere

    PIR Array Codes with Optimal Virtual Server Rate

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    There has been much recent interest in Private information Retrieval (PIR) in models where a database is stored across several servers using coding techniques from distributed storage, rather than being simply replicated. In particular, a recent breakthrough result of Fazelli, Vardy and Yaakobi introduces the notion of a PIR code and a PIR array code, and uses this notion to produce efficient PIR protocols. In this paper we are interested in designing PIR array codes. We consider the case when we have mm servers, with each server storing a fraction (1/s)(1/s) of the bits of the database; here ss is a fixed rational number with s>1s > 1. A PIR array code with the kk-PIR property enables a kk-server PIR protocol (with k≤mk\leq m) to be emulated on mm servers, with the overall storage requirements of the protocol being reduced. The communication complexity of a PIR protocol reduces as kk grows, so the virtual server rate, defined to be k/mk/m, is an important parameter. We study the maximum virtual server rate of a PIR array code with the kk-PIR property. We present upper bounds on the achievable virtual server rate, some constructions, and ideas how to obtain PIR array codes with the highest possible virtual server rate. In particular, we present constructions that asymptotically meet our upper bounds, and the exact largest virtual server rate is obtained when 1<s≤21 < s \leq 2. A kk-PIR code (and similarly a kk-PIR array code) is also a locally repairable code with symbol availability k−1k-1. Such a code ensures kk parallel reads for each information symbol. So the virtual server rate is very closely related to the symbol availability of the code when used as a locally repairable code. The results of this paper are discussed also in this context, where subspace codes also have an important role

    Bounds and Constructions for Generalized Batch Codes

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    Private information retrieval (PIR) codes and batch codes are two important types of codes that are designed for coded distributed storage systems and private information retrieval protocols. These codes have been the focus of much attention in recent years, as they enable efficient and secure storage and retrieval of data in distributed systems. In this paper, we introduce a new class of codes called \emph{(s,t)(s,t)-batch codes}. These codes are a type of storage codes that can handle any multi-set of tt requests, comprised of ss distinct information symbols. Importantly, PIR codes and batch codes are special cases of (s,t)(s,t)-batch codes. The main goal of this paper is to explore the relationship between the number of redundancy symbols and the (s,t)(s,t)-batch code property. Specifically, we establish a lower bound on the number of redundancy symbols required and present several constructions of (s,t)(s,t)-batch codes. Furthermore, we extend this property to the case where each request is a linear combination of information symbols, which we refer to as \emph{functional (s,t)(s,t)-batch codes}. Specifically, we demonstrate that simplex codes are asymptotically optimal functional (s,t)(s,t)-batch codes, in terms of the number of redundancy symbols required, under certain parameter regime.Comment: 25 page