7 research outputs found

    Universal Communication, Universal Graphs, and Graph Labeling

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    We introduce a communication model called universal SMP, in which Alice and Bob receive a function f belonging to a family ?, and inputs x and y. Alice and Bob use shared randomness to send a message to a third party who cannot see f, x, y, or the shared randomness, and must decide f(x,y). Our main application of universal SMP is to relate communication complexity to graph labeling, where the goal is to give a short label to each vertex in a graph, so that adjacency or other functions of two vertices x and y can be determined from the labels ?(x), ?(y). We give a universal SMP protocol using O(k^2) bits of communication for deciding whether two vertices have distance at most k in distributive lattices (generalizing the k-Hamming Distance problem in communication complexity), and explain how this implies a O(k^2 log n) labeling scheme for deciding dist(x,y) ? k on distributive lattices with size n; in contrast, we show that a universal SMP protocol for determining dist(x,y) ? 2 in modular lattices (a superset of distributive lattices) has super-constant ?(n^{1/4}) communication cost. On the other hand, we demonstrate that many graph families known to have efficient adjacency labeling schemes, such as trees, low-arboricity graphs, and planar graphs, admit constant-cost communication protocols for adjacency. Trees also have an O(k) protocol for deciding dist(x,y) ? k and planar graphs have an O(1) protocol for dist(x,y) ? 2, which implies a new O(log n) labeling scheme for the same problem on planar graphs

    Almost Optimal Testers for Concise Representations

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    We give improved and almost optimal testers for several classes of Boolean functions on n variables that have concise representation in the uniform and distribution-free model. Classes, such as k-Junta, k-Linear, s-Term DNF, s-Term Monotone DNF, r-DNF, Decision List, r-Decision List, size-s Decision Tree, size-s Boolean Formula, size-s Branching Program, s-Sparse Polynomial over the binary field and functions with Fourier Degree at most d. The approach is new and combines ideas from Diakonikolas et al. [Ilias Diakonikolas et al., 2007], Bshouty [Nader H. Bshouty, 2018], Goldreich et al. [Oded Goldreich et al., 1998], and learning theory. The method can be extended to several other classes of functions over any domain that can be approximated by functions with a small number of relevant variables

    Junta Distance Approximation with Sub-Exponential Queries

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    Leveraging tools of De, Mossel, and Neeman [FOCS, 2019], we show two different results pertaining to the \emph{tolerant testing} of juntas. Given black-box access to a Boolean function f:{±1}n→{±1}f:\{\pm1\}^{n} \to \{\pm1\}, we give a poly(k,1ε)poly(k, \frac{1}{\varepsilon}) query algorithm that distinguishes between functions that are γ\gamma-close to kk-juntas and (γ+ε)(\gamma+\varepsilon)-far from k′k'-juntas, where k′=O(kε2)k' = O(\frac{k}{\varepsilon^2}). In the non-relaxed setting, we extend our ideas to give a 2O~(k/ε)2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{k/\varepsilon})} (adaptive) query algorithm that distinguishes between functions that are γ\gamma-close to kk-juntas and (γ+ε)(\gamma+\varepsilon)-far from kk-juntas. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first subexponential-in-kk query algorithm for approximating the distance of ff to being a kk-junta (previous results of Blais, Canonne, Eden, Levi, and Ron [SODA, 2018] and De, Mossel, and Neeman [FOCS, 2019] required exponentially many queries in kk). Our techniques are Fourier analytical and make use of the notion of "normalized influences" that was introduced by Talagrand [AoP, 1994].Comment: To appear in CCC 202