16,491 research outputs found

    NFC - Near Field Communication

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    The factors that affect consumers intention to adopt near field communication mobile payment in supermarkets

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    The emergence of mobile technologies has changed the consumer’s life in many ways, especially the way they perform payment. This thesis examines the core drivers of using Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment in the supermarket industry from the consumer’s perspective. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), the author developed a sevenfactor model to reveal the determinants of consumers’ intention to use Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment. Relative advantage, speed of transaction, compatibility with consumers’ lifestyles, security and awareness were added to the two-factor TAM model (usefulness and ease of use). Author evaluated the proposed model empirically, applying survey data gathered from supermarket consumers respect to their perceptions on Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment. Six significant factors found in this research can serve as guideline to encourage consumer adoption of Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment in supermarkets. Among which most of the respondents reported that relative advantage was not their primary reason in their decision to adopt the system. More over ease of use was significantly influenced by awareness of consumers and perceived usefulness influenced by speed of transaction which can be best explained by the fact that consumers would find the system useful if it provides them means to avoid long checkout lanes. Based on the findings of this research, marketing of new technologies must focus on creating awareness and gaining consumers trust to enable consumers to be easily familiarized with the Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment system


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    Saat ini kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang pesat memberikan banyak kemudahan dan efisiensi dalam aktifitas manusia. Near Field Communication merupakan salah satu teknologi komunikasi jarak dekat terbaru yang ada pada smartphone untuk melakukan transfer data tanpa pairing. Teknologi Near Field Communication sampai sekarang semakin berkembang dengan teknologi yang dimiliki mampu menggantikan beberapa peran sistem yang sudah berjalan saat ini seperti pada sistem keamanan pada pintu dan ticketing. Dalam Tugas akhir ini akan dirancang dan diimplementasikan suatu perangkat NFC reader untuk melalukan sistem transaksi pembayaran. Sistem tersebut terdiri dari smartphone NFC dan NFC reader. NFC reader berfungsi untuk membaca UID NFC yang ada didalam smartphone. Pada saat melakukan transaksi alat yang akan terhubung melalui kabel UTP/LAN ke laptop yang didalamnya sudah terinstall aplikasi pembayaran sederhana. Lalu NFC reader akan melakukan proses tapping. Saat melakukan proses tapping NFC reader akan memperoleh berupa UID dari yang terdapat pada smartphone NFC yang kemudian dikirim ke server database. Kemudian proses transfer data UID ke aplikasi pembayaran akan dibaca oleh aplikasi pembayaran. Baru setelah ada proses selanjutnya dari user, data UID yang telah di baca oleh aplikasi payment akan diolah sesuai proses yang dieksekusi oleh user. Hasil pengujian pada alat pembaca NFC yang telah dibangun menunjukkan performansi yang relatif cukup baik pada semua parameter uji. Waktu rata-rata akses yang dihasilkan hingga transaksi berdasarkan jarak tapping sebesar 1.33s. Untuk rasio keberhasilan fungsi-fungsi yang terkait dengan pembaca NFC ini adalah 100%. Kata kunci: Near Field Communication, NFC reader, server database, smartphone, tapping, Aplikasi Payment

    Near-Field Communications: A Tutorial Review

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    Extremely large-scale antenna arrays, tremendously high frequencies, and new types of antennas are three clear trends in multi-antenna technology for supporting the sixth-generation (6G) networks. To properly account for the new characteristics introduced by these three trends in communication system design, the near-field spherical-wave propagation model needs to be used, which differs from the classical far-field planar-wave one. As such, near-field communication (NFC) will become essential in 6G networks. In this tutorial, we cover three key aspects of NFC. 1) Channel Modelling: We commence by reviewing near-field spherical-wave-based channel models for spatially-discrete (SPD) antennas. Then, uniform spherical wave (USW) and non-uniform spherical wave (NUSW) models are discussed. Subsequently, we introduce a general near-field channel model for SPD antennas and a Green's function-based channel model for continuous-aperture (CAP) antennas. 2) Beamfocusing and Antenna Architectures: We highlight the properties of near-field beamfocusing and discuss NFC antenna architectures for both SPD and CAP antennas. Moreover, the basic principles of near-field beam training are introduced. 3) Performance Analysis: Finally, we provide a comprehensive performance analysis framework for NFC. For near-field line-of-sight channels, the received signal-to-noise ratio and power-scaling law are derived. For statistical near-field multipath channels, a general analytical framework is proposed, based on which analytical expression for the outage probability, ergodic channel capacity, and ergodic mutual information are derived. Finally, for each aspect, the topics for future research are discussed.Comment: 45 pages, 35 figures; submitted to possible IEEE journa


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    Jika ingin mendapatkan layanan kesehatan pada sebuah puskesmas atau klinik, biasanya harus mengantri menunggu giliran untuk dilayani. Pada antrian dipuskesmas terdapat beberapa permasalahan. Permasalah pada puskesmas tentang pengelolaan data dan pada antrian pasien yang belum terorganisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran sebuah model antrian puskesmas menggunakan NFC (Near Field Communication), dengan melakukan sebuah implementasi terhadap antrian puskesmas dengan menggabungkan NFC (Near Field Communication). Kata kunci : NFC (Near Field Communication), antrian puskesma

    A Near Field Communication (NFC) – Enabled System in Smart Posters for University Application

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    This project involves the exploration and use of Near Field Communication (NFC) in the Education field. The goal is to design a new application for the use of NFC in the pretext of a university environment. This has been done by exploring the current application of NFC in the Education sector and looking into new possibilities for this upcoming technology. Upon research, the author is interested in the process of producing a tag that will contain URLs of references for smart posters. Through showing the capabilities of NFC in the form of a new application, this research proves the possibility of the expansion and successful application of NFC in the near future for the Education sector


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    Identification method using Near Field Communication (NFC) is rarely found in Indonesia. Although, there are many smartcard applications where data can be read by NFC devices. This article discusses card identification system based on NFC technology using Android smartphone. Several cards are able to be detected and read by NFC sensor within Android smartphone. Data retrieved using smartphone also stored in SQLite database in Android


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    Non-compliance from a patient is a serious problem, with a big consequence in case of health and costs. ECCT B.V. tries to develop some supporting devices expected to help patients to report their compliance. One of these supporting devices is a dispenser. These devices record data about time and other clinically relevant information. The electronic circuit also contains RFID technology, it is possible for Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled mobile telephone or a NFC reader to take the stored data. If we compare Bluetooth with NFC, Bluetooth has an advantage in range, Bluetooth has wider range than NFC. When the dispenser starts using BLE, there is no need for us to make the dispenser close to BLE enabled mobile phone or reader, we can separate it in some distance. The antenna design was done by using CST Microwave Studio 2009, provided by Fontys Hogescholen. In this project, author uses printed Inverted F Antenna as the antenna. Inverted F Antenna has some advantages and also fulfills the requirements for transmitting and receiving data. From the simulation we can find out there is 7 parameters affected on the antenna performance. Length is one of the parameters affected to the antenna resonant frequency. From the measurement result, Bluetooth Low Energy for “Firefly” can reach 10 meters range and can stand for 3 years using coin cell battery. In the future, the “Firefly” should be developed in thinner PCB, 0.5mm PCB thickness, because dispenser requires 0.5 mm PCB thickness for the perfect final product. Keywords: Near Field Communication, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Antenn
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