631 research outputs found

    Naval communications intelligent systems applications perspectives

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    At the present time a wide variety of challenges wield influence over Bulgarian Navy and of course over Communication and Information System. It is well known that Communication and Information System is a crucial factor in effective command and control and that is why the progress in military communications is so important to be examined.Properly organized communications service management offer significant advantages. Nowadays that kind of activities are more often provided by means of intelligent systems.In this article some aspects of the development of Bulgarian Naval Communication and Information System are overviewed especially those related to intelligent systems

    Naval communications systems

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    This paper attempts to determine the requirements of communication systems in general, and naval communications specifically. Unlike commercial communications, naval system design must solve the problem of extreme speed without the loss of reliability, and extreme flexibility without over complicating operation or increasing physical bulk. A comparison is drawn between present naval communication practice and system which are practically attainable if the potentialities of the communication art are fully exploited. Although the field selected for this paper is so broad that is is discussed, for the most part, in general terms, some phases are treated in detail affects overall systems design. The fundamental truths and relationships are emphasized, for they then serve as a point of departure, for they then serve as a point of departure into the more complicated relations of system details. Finally, the design requirements of a practical inter-ship naval communication system are discussed and a solution offered as a example of system design. The problem of communication security, is purposely not discussed.http://archive.org/details/navalcommunicati1094530401Lieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Design of a broadband HF antenna for multimode naval communications

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    This paper describes a multifunction HF-loaded antenna for broadband naval communications based on both groundwave and near vertical incidence skywaves. The antenna, denoted as bifolded monopole, is designed according to a new loading strategy which avoids the use of complicated external networks. Numerical simulations and measurements on a scaled prototype have shown that interesting capabilities are obtained by using just four or five loading circuits

    Apollo experience report: Communications used during recovery operations

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    Apollo program experience in recovery-support communications is reviewed, and the working relationships among NASA, the Department of Defense, and commercial communications facilities are discussed. The organization, facilities, philosophy, and funding of recovery-support communications are described. The relocation of two recovery control centers is discussed, as are the functions of primary and secondary recovery ships, aircraft, and relay satellities. The possibility of using ships of opportunity for recovery operations is considered. Finally, the means by which money, manpower, and resources have been saved and longlines leased are delineated

    The 1979 Southeastern Virginia Urban Plume Study (SEV-UPS): Surface and airborne studies

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    The operation of two surface monitoring stations (one in downtown Norfolk, Virginia, one south of the city near the Great Dismal Swamp) and the collection of 40 hours of airborne measurements is described. Surface site measurements of ozone, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, temperature, dew point, b sub seat, and condensation nuclei were made. Instrument calibrations, quality assurance audits, and preliminary data analysis in support of the Urban Plume Study were also made. The air pollution problems that were addressed are discussed. Data handling procedures followed for the surface stations are presented. The operation of the aircraft sampling platform is described. Aircraft sampling procedures are discussed. A preliminary descriptive analysis of the aircraft data is given along with data or plots for surface sites, airborne studies, hydrocarbon species, and instrument performance audits. Several of the aircraft flights clearly show the presence of an urban ozone plume downwind of Norfolk in the direction of the mean wind flow


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    The proliferation of electronic devices emitting radio waves has led to Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum congestion. This poses a significant threat to Department of Defense (DOD) environments, especially naval communications heavily reliant on satellite systems, which are susceptible to electromagnetic interference. The lack of sufficient interference identification and characterization capabilities further compounds the operational risks faced by naval units. This thesis investigates the utilization of machine learning (ML) techniques for interference detection in RF transmissions. With their advanced data analysis and pattern-recognition capabilities, ML algorithms can enhance interference detection and mitigation. Two architectures, a basic autoencoder and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) autoencoder, were evaluated for their ability to identify anomalous RF data within a dataset. The research methodology involved generating RF data with varying Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) levels in a basic transmission pathway. The ML models were trained using normal RF data and evaluated on their ability to detect and classify signals with and without interference. The results demonstrate that both the basic autoencoder and LSTM autoencoder models could effectively identify interference. The LSTM autoencoders achieved a success rate of about 99%, indicating their potential use as a solution to the capabilities gap for interference identification.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Lieutenant, United States Nav

    Historical sources for Pynchon's Peter Pinguid Society

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    This short piece provides the cumulative textual evidence that Pynchon consulted a single source, Golder, F.A., 1915. “The Russian Fleet and the Civil War”. The American Historical Review, 20(4), pp.801-812, to construct the historicity of the Peter Pinguid Society episode in The Crying of Lot 49, as opposed to consulting the original Arkhiv Morskogo Ministerstva, Dielo Kantseliarii Morskogo Ministerstva, no. 91, pt. III., pp. 102, 103

    In situ ozone data for evaluation of the laser absorption spectrometer ozone remote sensor: 1979 southeastern Virginia urban plume study summer field program

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    Ozone data from the 1979 Southeastern Virginia Urban Study (SEV-UPS) field program are presented. The SEV-UPS was conducted for evaluation of an ozone remote sensor, the Laser Absorption Spectrometer. During the measurement program, remote-sensor evaluation was in two areas; (1) determination of the remote sensor's accuracy, repeatability, and operational characteristics, and (2) demonstration of the application of remotely sensed ozone data in air-quality studies. Data from six experiments designed to provide in situ ozone data for evaluation of the sensor in area 1, above, are presented. Experiments consisted of overflights of a test area with the remote sensor aircraft while in situ measurements with a second aircraft and selected surface stations provided correlative ozone data within the viewing area of the remote sensor

    Source-Channel Coding for the Multiple-Access Relay Channel

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    This work considers reliable transmission of general correlated sources over the multiple-access relay channel (MARC) and the multiple-access broadcast relay channel (MABRC). In MARCs only the destination is interested in a reconstruction of the sources, while in MABRCs both the relay and the destination want to reconstruct the sources. We assume that both the relay and the destination have correlated side information. We find sufficient conditions for reliable communication based on operational separation, as well as necessary conditions on the achievable source-channel rate. For correlated sources transmitted over fading Gaussian MARCs and MABRCs we find conditions under which informational separation is optimal.Comment: Presented in ISWCS 2011, Aachen, German