283 research outputs found

    A magic pyramid of supergravities

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    By formulating N = 1, 2, 4, 8, D = 3, Yang-Mills with a single Lagrangian and single set of transformation rules, but with fields valued respectively in R,C,H,O, it was recently shown that tensoring left and right multiplets yields a Freudenthal-Rosenfeld-Tits magic square of D = 3 supergravities. This was subsequently tied in with the more familiar R,C,H,O description of spacetime to give a unified division-algebraic description of extended super Yang-Mills in D = 3, 4, 6, 10. Here, these constructions are brought together resulting in a magic pyramid of supergravities. The base of the pyramid in D = 3 is the known 4x4 magic square, while the higher levels are comprised of a 3x3 square in D = 4, a 2x2 square in D = 6 and Type II supergravity at the apex in D = 10. The corresponding U-duality groups are given by a new algebraic structure, the magic pyramid formula, which may be regarded as being defined over three division algebras, one for spacetime and each of the left/right Yang-Mills multiplets. We also construct a conformal magic pyramid by tensoring conformal supermultiplets in D = 3, 4, 6. The missing entry in D = 10 is suggestive of an exotic theory with G/H duality structure F4(4)/Sp(3) x Sp(1).Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. Updated to match published version. References and comments adde

    Derived equivalences for Rational Cherednik algebras

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    Let W be a complex reflection group and H_c(W) the Rational Cherednik algebra for WW depending on a parameter c. One can consider the category O for H_c(W). We prove a conjecture of Rouquier that the categories O for H_c(W) and H_{c'}(W) are derived equivalent provided the parameters c,c' have integral difference. Two main ingredients of the proof are a connection between the Ringel duality and Harish-Chandra bimodules and an analog of a deformation technique developed by the author and Bezrukavnikov. We also show that some of the derived equivalences we construct are perverse.Comment: 32 pages, preliminary version; v2 33 pages some proofs rewritten; v3 32 pages, proofs of the main results substantially simplified, other minor changes; v4 some proofs were modified, other minor change

    An Eilenberg-like theorem for algebras on a monad

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    An Eilenberg–like theorem is shown for algebras on a given monad. The main idea is to explore the approach given by Bojan´czyk that defines, for a given monad T on a category D, pseudovarieties of T–algebras as classes of finite T–algebras closed under homomorphic images, subalgebras, and finite products. To define pseudovarieties of recognizable languages, which is the other main concept for an Eilenberg–like theorem, we use a category C that is dual to D and a recent duality result between Eilenberg–Moore categories of algebras and coalgebras by Salamanca, Bonsangue, and Rot. Using this duality we define the concept of a pseudovariety o

    On Affine Logic and {\L}ukasiewicz Logic

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    The multi-valued logic of {\L}ukasiewicz is a substructural logic that has been widely studied and has many interesting properties. It is classical, in the sense that it admits the axiom schema of double negation, [DNE]. However, our understanding of {\L}ukasiewicz logic can be improved by separating its classical and intuitionistic aspects. The intuitionistic aspect of {\L}ukasiewicz logic is captured in an axiom schema, [CWC], which asserts the commutativity of a weak form of conjunction. This is equivalent to a very restricted form of contraction. We show how {\L}ukasiewicz Logic can be viewed both as an extension of classical affine logic with [CWC], or as an extension of what we call \emph{intuitionistic} {\L}ukasiewicz logic with [DNE], intuitionistic {\L}ukasiewicz logic being the extension of intuitionistic affine logic by the schema [CWC]. At first glance, intuitionistic affine logic seems very weak, but, in fact, [CWC] is surprisingly powerful, implying results such as intuitionistic analogues of De Morgan's laws. However the proofs can be very intricate. We present these results using derived connectives to clarify and motivate the proofs and give several applications. We give an analysis of the applicability to these logics of the well-known methods that use negation to translate classical logic into intuitionistic logic. The usual proofs of correctness for these translations make much use of contraction. Nonetheless, we show that all the usual negative translations are already correct for intuitionistic {\L}ukasiewicz logic, where only the limited amount of contraction given by [CWC] is allowed. This is in contrast with affine logic for which we show, by appeal to results on semantics proved in a companion paper, that both the Gentzen and the Glivenko translations fail.Comment: 28 page
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