82,348 research outputs found

    Some Theorems for Feed Forward Neural Networks

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    In this paper we introduce a new method which employs the concept of "Orientation Vectors" to train a feed forward neural network and suitable for problems where large dimensions are involved and the clusters are characteristically sparse. The new method is not NP hard as the problem size increases. We `derive' the method by starting from Kolmogrov's method and then relax some of the stringent conditions. We show for most classification problems three layers are sufficient and the network size depends on the number of clusters. We prove as the number of clusters increase from N to N+dN the number of processing elements in the first layer only increases by d(logN), and are proportional to the number of classes, and the method is not NP hard. Many examples are solved to demonstrate that the method of Orientation Vectors requires much less computational effort than Radial Basis Function methods and other techniques wherein distance computations are required, in fact the present method increases logarithmically with problem size compared to the Radial Basis Function method and the other methods which depend on distance computations e.g statistical methods where probabilistic distances are calculated. A practical method of applying the concept of Occum's razor to choose between two architectures which solve the same classification problem has been described. The ramifications of the above findings on the field of Deep Learning have also been briefly investigated and we have found that it directly leads to the existence of certain types of NN architectures which can be used as a "mapping engine", which has the property of "invertibility", thus improving the prospect of their deployment for solving problems involving Deep Learning and hierarchical classification. The latter possibility has a lot of future scope in the areas of machine learning and cloud computing.Comment: 15 pages 13 figure

    From average case complexity to improper learning complexity

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    The basic problem in the PAC model of computational learning theory is to determine which hypothesis classes are efficiently learnable. There is presently a dearth of results showing hardness of learning problems. Moreover, the existing lower bounds fall short of the best known algorithms. The biggest challenge in proving complexity results is to establish hardness of {\em improper learning} (a.k.a. representation independent learning).The difficulty in proving lower bounds for improper learning is that the standard reductions from NP\mathbf{NP}-hard problems do not seem to apply in this context. There is essentially only one known approach to proving lower bounds on improper learning. It was initiated in (Kearns and Valiant 89) and relies on cryptographic assumptions. We introduce a new technique for proving hardness of improper learning, based on reductions from problems that are hard on average. We put forward a (fairly strong) generalization of Feige's assumption (Feige 02) about the complexity of refuting random constraint satisfaction problems. Combining this assumption with our new technique yields far reaching implications. In particular, 1. Learning DNF\mathrm{DNF}'s is hard. 2. Agnostically learning halfspaces with a constant approximation ratio is hard. 3. Learning an intersection of ω(1)\omega(1) halfspaces is hard.Comment: 34 page

    Minimal Synthesis of String To String Functions From Examples

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    We study the problem of synthesizing string to string transformations from a set of input/output examples. The transformations we consider are expressed using deterministic finite automata (DFA) that read pairs of letters, one letter from the input and one from the output. The DFA corresponding to these transformations have additional constraints, ensuring that each input string is mapped to exactly one output string. We suggest that, given a set of input/output examples, the smallest DFA consistent with the examples is a good candidate for the transformation the user was expecting. We therefore study the problem of, given a set of examples, finding a minimal DFA consistent with the examples and satisfying the functionality and totality constraints mentioned above. We prove that, in general, this problem (the corresponding decision problem) is NP-complete. This is unlike the standard DFA minimization problem which can be solved in polynomial time. We provide several NP-hardness proofs that show the hardness of multiple (independent) variants of the problem. Finally, we propose an algorithm for finding the minimal DFA consistent with input/output examples, that uses a reduction to SMT solvers. We implemented the algorithm, and used it to evaluate the likelihood that the minimal DFA indeed corresponds to the DFA expected by the user.Comment: SYNT 201

    Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity

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    One might think that, once we know something is computable, how efficiently it can be computed is a practical question with little further philosophical importance. In this essay, I offer a detailed case that one would be wrong. In particular, I argue that computational complexity theory---the field that studies the resources (such as time, space, and randomness) needed to solve computational problems---leads to new perspectives on the nature of mathematical knowledge, the strong AI debate, computationalism, the problem of logical omniscience, Hume's problem of induction, Goodman's grue riddle, the foundations of quantum mechanics, economic rationality, closed timelike curves, and several other topics of philosophical interest. I end by discussing aspects of complexity theory itself that could benefit from philosophical analysis.Comment: 58 pages, to appear in "Computability: G\"odel, Turing, Church, and beyond," MIT Press, 2012. Some minor clarifications and corrections; new references adde