6 research outputs found

    Resolution Lower Bounds for Refutation Statements

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    For any unsatisfiable CNF formula we give an exponential lower bound on the size of resolution refutations of a propositional statement that the formula has a resolution refutation. We describe three applications. (1) An open question in (Atserias, M\"uller 2019) asks whether a certain natural propositional encoding of the above statement is hard for Resolution. We answer by giving an exponential size lower bound. (2) We show exponential resolution size lower bounds for reflection principles, thereby improving a result in (Atserias, Bonet 2004). (3) We provide new examples of CNFs that exponentially separate Res(2) from Resolution (an exponential separation of these two proof systems was originally proved in (Segerlind, Buss, Impagliazzo 2004))

    NP search problems in low fragments of bounded arithmetic

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    We give combinatorial and computational characterizations of the NP search problems definable in the bounded arithmetic theories T 2 2 and T 3 2