2 research outputs found

    Níveis de lisina para leitões na fase de creche alimentados com dietas contendo quirera de arroz

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    An experiment was made for evaluating the effect of lysine levels on the performance of piglets fed on pre-starter diets containing rice broken and different lysine levels. Eighty, 21-day-old mestizo pigs weighing 6.17 ± 1.02 kg were used; they were distributed using a randomised complete block experimental design, involving four treatments, five repetitions and four piglets per experimental unit. The trial was divided into two periods (I pre-initial and II initial), each lasting 21 days. The diets were supplemented with increasing levels of synthetic lysine for each period, resulting in treatments having 1.10%, 1.25%, 1.40% and 1.55% digestible lysine for the first pre-starter phase (6.0-13.0 kg) and 0.77%, 0.92%, 1.07% and 1.22% for the second one (13.0-28.0 kg). Digestible lysine levels for the pre-initial pre-starter period had no effect (p>0.05) on feed and energy consumption, or feed conversion ratio (FCR); lysine levels increased linearly (p0.05) dos níveis de lisina digestível sobre o consumo de ração e energia nem sobre a conversão alimentar; os níveis de lisina aumentaram de forma linear (P 0.05) de los niveles de lisina digestible sobre el consumo de alimento y de energía, ni sobre la conversión alimenticia; los niveles de lisina aumentaron linealmente (P <0.05) el consumo diario lisina digestible y en forma cuadrática la ganancia de peso. En el segundo período de preceba, hubo efecto lineal sobre el consumo de alimento, de lisina, de energía y la conversión alimenticia y efecto cuadrático sobre la ganancia diaria promedio. En conclusión, los niveles de lisina digestible para la máxima ganancia de peso se estimaron en 1.355 y 0.972% para cerdos en fase pre inicial e inicial de preceba y con peso de 6.0 a 13.0 y de 13.0 a 28.0 kg, respectivamente