126,538 research outputs found

    Hybrid group recommendations for a travel service

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    Recommendation techniques have proven their usefulness as a tool to cope with the information overload problem in many classical domains such as movies, books, and music. Additional challenges for recommender systems emerge in the domain of tourism such as acquiring metadata and feedback, the sparsity of the rating matrix, user constraints, and the fact that traveling is often a group activity. This paper proposes a recommender system that offers personalized recommendations for travel destinations to individuals and groups. These recommendations are based on the users' rating profile, personal interests, and specific demands for their next destination. The recommendation algorithm is a hybrid approach combining a content-based, collaborative filtering, and knowledge-based solution. For groups of users, such as families or friends, individual recommendations are aggregated into group recommendations, with an additional opportunity for users to give feedback on these group recommendations. A group of test users evaluated the recommender system using a prototype web application. The results prove the usefulness of individual and group recommendations and show that users prefer the hybrid algorithm over each individual technique. This paper demonstrates the added value of various recommendation algorithms in terms of different quality aspects, compared to an unpersonalized list of the most-popular destinations

    Support the Underground: Characteristics of Beyond-Mainstream Music Listeners

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    Music recommender systems have become an integral part of music streaming services such as Spotify and Last.fm to assist users navigating the extensive music collections offered by them. However, while music listeners interested in mainstream music are traditionally served well by music recommender systems, users interested in music beyond the mainstream (i.e., non-popular music) rarely receive relevant recommendations. In this paper, we study the characteristics of beyond-mainstream music and music listeners and analyze to what extent these characteristics impact the quality of music recommendations provided. Therefore, we create a novel dataset consisting of Last.fm listening histories of several thousand beyond-mainstream music listeners, which we enrich with additional metadata describing music tracks and music listeners. Our analysis of this dataset shows four subgroups within the group of beyond-mainstream music listeners that differ not only with respect to their preferred music but also with their demographic characteristics. Furthermore, we evaluate the quality of music recommendations that these subgroups are provided with four different recommendation algorithms where we find significant differences between the groups. Specifically, our results show a positive correlation between a subgroup's openness towards music listened to by members of other subgroups and recommendation accuracy. We believe that our findings provide valuable insights for developing improved user models and recommendation approaches to better serve beyond-mainstream music listeners.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ Data Science - link to published version will be adde

    Advances in next-track music recommendation

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    Technological advances in the music industry have dramatically changed how people access and listen to music. Today, online music stores and streaming services offer easy and immediate means to buy or listen to a huge number of songs. One traditional way to find interesting items in such cases when a vast amount of choices are available is to ask others for recommendations. Music providers utilize correspondingly music recommender systems as a software solution to the problem of music overload to provide a better user experience for their customers. At the same time, an enhanced user experience can lead to higher customer retention and higher business value for music providers. Different types of music recommendations can be found on today's music platforms, such as Spotify or Deezer. Providing a list of currently trending music, finding similar tracks to the user's favorite ones, helping users discover new artists, or recommending curated playlists for a certain mood (e.g., romantic) or activity (e.g., driving) are examples of common music recommendation scenarios. "Next-track music recommendation" is a specific form of music recommendation that relies mainly on the user's recently played tracks to create a list of tracks to be played next. Next-track music recommendations are used, for instance, to support users during playlist creation or to provide personalized radio stations. A particular challenge in this context is that the recommended tracks should not only match the general taste of the listener but should also match the characteristics of the most recently played tracks. This thesis by publication focuses on the next-track music recommendation problem and explores some challenges and questions that have not been addressed in previous research. In the first part of this thesis, various next-track music recommendation algorithms as well as approaches to evaluate them from the research literature are reviewed. The recommendation techniques are categorized into the four groups of content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, co-occurrence-based, and sequence-aware algorithms. Moreover, a number of challenges, such as personalizing next-track music recommendations and generating recommendations that are coherent with the user's listening history are discussed. Furthermore, some common approaches in the literature to determine relevant quality criteria for next-track music recommendations and to evaluate the quality of such recommendations are presented. The second part of the thesis contains a selection of the author's publications on next- track music recommendation as follows. 1. The results of comprehensive analyses of the musical characteristics of manually created playlists for music recommendation; 2. the results of a multi-dimensional comparison of different academic and commercial next-track recommending techniques; 3. the results of a multi-faceted comparison of different session-based recommenders, among others, for the next-track music recommendation problem with respect to their accuracy, popularity bias, catalog coverage as well as computational complexity; 4. a two-phase approach to recommend accurate next-track recommendations that also match the characteristics of the most recent listening history; 5. a personalization approach based on multi-dimensional user models that are extracted from the users' long-term preferences; 6. a user study with the aim of determining the quality perception of next-track music recommendations generated by different algorithms

    Making Music Social: Creating a Spotify-Based Social Media Platform

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    DKMS is a new type of social media platform for music lovers and groups of friends. It integrates tightly with Spotify, one of the largest music streaming services in the world. Users of DKMS can see what their friends are listening to, receive recommendations of new songs to listen to, and analyze their several key numerical metrics (happiness, danceability, loudness, and energy) of their top songs. DKMS was built as part of the year-long Capstone senior design course at the University of South Carolina. A deployed app is visible at https://dkms.vercel.app, and the open-source code is visible at https://github.com/SCCapstone/DKMS

    Advanced recommendations in a mobile tourist information system

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    An advanced tourist information provider system delivers information regarding sights and events on their users' travel route. In order to give sophisticated personalized information about tourist attractions to their users, the system is required to consider base data which are user preferences defined in their user profiles, user context, sights context, user travel history as well as their feedback given to the sighs they have visited. In addition to sights information, recommendation on sights to the user could also be provided. This project concentrates on combinations of knowledge on recommendation systems and base information given by the users to build a recommendation component in the Tourist Information Provider or TIP system. To accomplish our goal, we not only examine several tourist information systems but also conduct the investigation on recommendation systems. We propose a number of approaches for advanced recommendation models in a tourist information system and select a subset of these for implementation to prove the concept

    From Group Recommendations to Group Formation

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    There has been significant recent interest in the area of group recommendations, where, given groups of users of a recommender system, one wants to recommend top-k items to a group that maximize the satisfaction of the group members, according to a chosen semantics of group satisfaction. Examples semantics of satisfaction of a recommended itemset to a group include the so-called least misery (LM) and aggregate voting (AV). We consider the complementary problem of how to form groups such that the users in the formed groups are most satisfied with the suggested top-k recommendations. We assume that the recommendations will be generated according to one of the two group recommendation semantics - LM or AV. Rather than assuming groups are given, or rely on ad hoc group formation dynamics, our framework allows a strategic approach for forming groups of users in order to maximize satisfaction. We show that the problem is NP-hard to solve optimally under both semantics. Furthermore, we develop two efficient algorithms for group formation under LM and show that they achieve bounded absolute error. We develop efficient heuristic algorithms for group formation under AV. We validate our results and demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our group formation algorithms on two large real data sets.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figure

    Measuring the Eccentricity of Items

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    The long-tail phenomenon tells us that there are many items in the tail. However, not all tail items are the same. Each item acquires different kinds of users. Some items are loved by the general public, while some items are consumed by eccentric fans. In this paper, we propose a novel metric, item eccentricity, to incorporate this difference between consumers of the items. Eccentric items are defined as items that are consumed by eccentric users. We used this metric to analyze two real-world datasets of music and movies and observed the characteristics of items in terms of eccentricity. The results showed that our defined eccentricity of an item does not change much over time, and classified eccentric and noneccentric items present significantly distinct characteristics. The proposed metric effectively separates the eccentric and noneccentric items mixed in the tail, which could not be done with the previous measures, which only consider the popularity of items.Comment: Accepted at IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 201
