4,910 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Selection Combining Over Correlated Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Constant Correlation Model for Desired Signal and Cochannel Interference

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    A very efficient technique that reduces fading and channel interference influence is selection diversity based on the signal to interference ratio (SIR). In this pa¬per, system performances of selection combiner (SC) over correlated Nakagami-m channels with constant correlation model are analyzed. Closed-form expressions are obtained for the output SIR probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) which is main contribution of this paper. Outage probability and the average error probability for coherent, noncoherent modulation are derived. Numerical results presented in this paper point out the effects of fading severity and cor¬relation on the system performances. The main contribu¬tion of this analysis for multibranch signal combiner is that it has been done for general case of correlated co-channel interference (CCI)

    Space-time autocoding

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    Prior treatments of space-time communications in Rayleigh flat fading generally assume that channel coding covers either one fading interval-in which case there is a nonzero “outage capacity”-or multiple fading intervals-in which case there is a nonzero Shannon capacity. However, we establish conditions under which channel codes span only one fading interval and yet are arbitrarily reliable. In short, space-time signals are their own channel codes. We call this phenomenon space-time autocoding, and the accompanying capacity the space-time autocapacity. Let an M-transmitter antenna, N-receiver antenna Rayleigh flat fading channel be characterized by an M×N matrix of independent propagation coefficients, distributed as zero-mean, unit-variance complex Gaussian random variables. This propagation matrix is unknown to the transmitter, it remains constant during a T-symbol coherence interval, and there is a fixed total transmit power. Let the coherence interval and number of transmitter antennas be related as T=βM for some constant β. A T×M matrix-valued signal, associated with R·T bits of information for some rate R is transmitted during the T-symbol coherence interval. Then there is a positive space-time autocapacity Ca such that for all R<Ca, the block probability of error goes to zero as the pair (T, M)→∞ such that T/M=β. The autocoding effect occurs whether or not the propagation matrix is known to the receiver, and Ca=Nlog(1+ρ) in either case, independently of β, where ρ is the expected signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receiver antenna. Lower bounds on the cutoff rate derived from random unitary space-time signals suggest that the autocoding effect manifests itself for relatively small values of T and M. For example, within a single coherence interval of duration T=16, for M=7 transmitter antennas and N=4 receiver antennas, and an 18-dB expected SNR, a total of 80 bits (corresponding to rate R=5) can theoretically be transmitted with a block probability of error less than 10^-9, all without any training or knowledge of the propagation matrix

    Impact of Channel Correlation on Different Performance Metrics of OSSK-Based FSO System

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    In this paper, we study the impact of correlation on the bit error rate (BER) and the channel capacity of a free-space optical (FSO) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system employing optical space shift keying (OSSK) over a fading channel. In order to study a practical correlated channel, we consider the effect of channel correlation due to both small-and large-scale eddies and show that the use of OSSK over correlated FSO channel can lead to an improved system performance with increasing correlation level of upto 0.9. In this work, we first develop an analytical framework for different performance metrics of the OSSK multiple-input single-output system with correlation and then extend our investigation by proposing an asymptotically accurate mathematical framework for MIMO. We also validate all the analytical results using MATLAB simulations. Finally, we develop an experimental setup of FSO with two correlated links to study the throughput and latency of the links at different turbulence levels

    EXIT chart analysis of iteratively detected and SVD-assisted broadband MIMO-BICM schemes

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    In this contribution the number of activated MIMO layers and the number of bits per symbol are jointly optimized under the constraint of a given fixed data throughput and integrity. In general, non-frequency selective MIMO links have attracted a lot of research and have reached a state of maturity. By contrast, frequency selective MIMO links require substantial further research, where spatio-temporal vector coding (STVC) introduced by Raleigh seems to be an appropriate candidate for broadband transmission channels. In analogy to bit-interleaved coded irregular modulation, a broadband MIMO-BICM scheme is introduced, where different signal constellations and mappings are used within a single codeword. Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts are used for analyzing and optimizing the convergence behaviour of the iterative demapping and decoding. Our results show that in order to achieve the best bit-error rate, not necessarily all MIMO layers have to be activated